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Posts posted by RicePigeon

  1. Confirming Youmu as part of the initial roster


    Character Unique Skill Description
    Youmu Konpaku Insightful Sword Pressing Button-a causes Youmu to take a stance with her sword. If timed right, Youmu will parry the incoming attack, causing her to build both Power, Spirit, and her own Focus meter, as well as recovering almost instantly, allowing her to punish an incoming attack. However, Youmu cannot parry throws, nor can be parry in the air.


    Other changes to Youmu:

    • Spirit mechanic now known as the Focus mechanic, to avoid confusion with the game's new Spirit Meter mechanic
    • Insightful Sword: is now Youmu's Unique Skill. Now functions as a Parry instead of a Counter.
    • Slash of Life and Death: Command changed to QCB Button-xyz
    • New Special: Lotus Stance Cut ( QCF Button-xyz Proj )
    • New Spellcard: "Matsuyoi-Reflecting Satellite Slash" ( QCF QCF Button-b, Shinto Last Word)
    • Removed Specials: Netherworld Reflection Slash
    • Removed Spellcards: "Secret of Life and Death"
  2. MUGEN's Hitdef controller is officially broken

    Originally posted at http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/hitdef-multiple-attributes-179097.0.html


    Ever wondered if you could assign multiple properties to a hitdef, but didn't want multiple hitdefs conflicting with each other each tick? Thanks to a discovery by a friend of mine, you might not need to:



    DoomBowser: ...
    DoomBowser: Why the hell is it possibly to assign multiple attributions to a hitdef?
    DoomBowser: Elecbyte wtf
    Midori: WAIT WHAT
    Jenngra505: Does this mean we can make Command Normals by having it be both a Normal and a Special?
    DoomBowser: No
    DoomBowser: It means it's both a Normal and a Special
    DoomBowser: At the same time
    DoomBowser: I need to look further into this
    DoomBowser: Set a character's LP to be both NA and NP
    DoomBowser: The attack still interacts with counters that only counter melee attacks, but also interacts with things like Yukari's gap, which only absorbs projectiles
    DoomBowser: So it's both a melee attack and a projectile at the same time
    DoomBowser: But why is this possible, and for what reason?
    Midori: so you can type A,SA,SP?
    DoomBowser: Yes, and it would probably be both
    Midori: oh damn
    Midori: Question
    Midori: what happens if you put a hitdef that's NA,NT and there was a NotHitBy by NT
    DoomBowser: I need to double check that one
    DoomBowser: The opponent gets hit
    Midori: !!!!
    Jenngra505: Can you have an attack that's standing, crouching and aerial all at once?
    DoomBowser: By the looks of it, yes
    DoomBowser: SCA,NA,NP,NT,SA,SP,ST,HA,HP,HT is completely valid for a hitdef's attr parameter
    DoomBowser: What's odd is that this is an extension of what I found with that crappy Futo the other day where there's AA, AP and AT functions
    DoomBowser: S,AA = Standing Normal/Special/Hyper Attack
    DoomBowser: Then I just happen do find the multi-function parameter in Aperson's Robotnik
    DoomBowser: Robotnik's Pissed off slap worked both against Youmu's melee counter and Yukari's gap, because the hitdef attribution is S, SA,AP
    RicePigeon: can we get a gif of him using it on the gap just for lulz?
    DoomBowser: Sure
    DoomBowser: .eJwNzNERgyAMANBdGIBgxFx0jG5AEZGrEg_iV6-
    DoomBowser: It's a bit of a cheaply made gif, but you get the point
    RicePigeon: oh man thats fresh
    RicePigeon: lol
    RicePigeon: and its not even Yukari's fault this time :p
    RicePigeon: assuming Doom hasnt done it already, Im gonna go post that finding about the hitdef's attr parameter on guild
    RicePigeon: out of curiousity if you have an attack classed as S,SA,SP and the opponent has two different hitoverrides active, one for melee and the other for projectiles, which one takes precedence?
    DoomBowser: I haven't checked that one
    DoomBowser: Is there a character I can test this on? I'm not sure if I have a character like that on me
    RicePigeon: none that I know of, but I can probably whip up something real quick for testing purposes
    DoomBowser: Alrighty then
    RicePigeon: Okay so just tested it
    RicePigeon: it seems like the hitoverride with the lower slot number takes precedence
    RicePigeon: tested it first with the melee override in slot 0 and projectile in slot 1, the melee override took effect
    RicePigeon: reversed the slots and the projectile override occurred
    RicePigeon: Imagine what kind of broken shit you can do with this discovery


    The tested code in question:




    [Statedef -2]

    [State 0, HitOverride]

    type = HitOverride

    trigger1 = 1

    attr = SCA,AA

    slot = 1;0

    stateno = 1200 ;Melee counter state

    time = 1

    forceair = 0

    ignorehitpause = 1

    [State 0, HitOverride]

    type = HitOverride

    trigger1 = 1

    attr = SCA,AP

    slot = 0;1

    stateno = 1300 ;Projectile counter state

    time = 1

    forceair = 0

    ignorehitpause = 1



  3. .eJwFwcEOwiAMANB_4S5FWofsC_RqdvJGGDKSbV1eyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2Rpc2NvcmQuc3RvcmFneyJ1cmwiOiJodHRwczovL2Rpc2NvcmQuc3RvcmFn.eJwFwcEOwiAMANB_4S51tAHZF7h49eSNMGTEzS6


    Confirming Reisen, Aya, Rin, & Kokoro, bringing the initial roster size up to 11.


    Also something I wanted to go over in more detail: each character's Unique Skill. Those of you who played Street Fighter 5 or Blazblue might be familiar with those games' V-Skills and Drives, respectively. The Unique Skills are basically those; unique skills for each character.


    Character Unique Skill Description
    Reimu Hakurei Diffusion Barrier Pressing Button-a causes Reimu to create a barrier projectile that remains stationary immediately in front of her. If a Hakurei Amulet passes through this barrier, the amulet will split in two, with each one gaining slight homing properties.
    Marisa Kirisame Mini-Hakkero Enhancement Marisa can substitute any Button-xyz button in her Specials with Button-a to perform an EX variant of her Special move. EX Specials cost 500 Power, and gain a Power cost reduction during Shinto's Spellcard Declare Mode. Additionally, Button-a may be substituted for Button-xyz in the command for "Master Spark" in order to perform the more powerful "Dark Spark", at the cost of an additional 1000 Power.
    Yuuka Kazami Tangling Rosebush Holding Button-a grants Yuuka limited super armor. Yuuka can still move with Button-B and Button-F while Button-a is held, but her walking speed is drastically reduced. Releasing Button-a will cause Yuuka to perform an attack.
    Sakuya Izayoi Sakuya's Special Stopwatch Holding Button-a charges up Sakuya's stopwatch. Sakuya is completely immobile while charging the stopwatch, and being hit or releasing Button-a before the gauge is full will cause the gauge to reduce to 0 with no other effects. Once the stopwatch gauge is full, time will stop for about 2 seconds. Sakuya can move around while time is frozen, and is fully invincible, but is unable to attack.
    Reisen U. Inaba Optica Spectral Holding Button-a will cause the player to control an illusionary clone of Reisen. The clone can freely move around and is completely invulnerable, but cannot attack. The real Reisen, meanwhile, remains invisible and stationary in the same position where Reisen initially was when the clone was spawned, but is completely vulnerable to attack. Releasing Button-a, performing an attack, or getting hit by an opponent's attack will dispel the clone and reveal the real Reisen's position.
    Medicine Melancholy Melancholic Cyanide Pressing Button-a while Medicine's Poison gauge is full will surround Medicine with a cloud of toxic gas that slowly drains her Poison gauge and vanishes once the gauge is empty. This gauge slowly refills during the course of the match. Any opponent that comes into close range with Medicine while Melancholic Cyanide is active will receive passive damage.
    Aya Shameimaru Bunbunmaru Photoshoot Aya has a camera gauge that begins the match at 50% and regenerate over time. If Aya's camera gauge is at 100%, pressing and holding Button-a will cause Aya to strike a pose as crosshairs appear in front of her. The position of the crosshairs can be moved in any direction. Releasing Button-a will cause Aya to shoot a photograph, draining her camera gauge to 0 but erases any projectiles that are inside the crosshairs at the time Button-a was released. Erasing projectiles in this way will cause Aya to accumulate Power and a small amount of her camera gauge, depending on how many projectiles were in the photograph. Attempting to shoot a photograph of the opponent will place them in a dizzy state, but causes no damage.
    Sanae Kochiya Wind Summon Pressing 8way Button-a allows Sanae to summon a wind current in the specified direction, which depletes from her Wind gauge; this can be done at any time Sanae is not in hitstun, blockstun, or a knockdown. The direction of the summoned wind will affect Sanae's horizontal movement, as well as the trajectory of some of Sanae's attacks.
    Rin Kaenbyou Corpse Cat Cart As long as at least one player is Rin, a cadaver will appear on the stage in a random location every 15 seconds, up to a maximum of 3. Pressing Button-a while standing over a cadaver will cause Rin to pick it up, and can hold a maximum of 3. Each cadaver Rin possesses will provide her with various buffs, but will drop a cadaver each time she is knocked down:
    • 1 cadaver: the damage on Rin's Specials increase by 10%.
    • 2 cadavers: all damage taken by non-throw attacks is decreased by 25%
    • 3 cadavers: Power gain on all attacks is doubled + the above two buffs
    Byakuren Hijiri Skill Declare Holding Button-a will allow Byakuren to charge light orbs, up to a maximum of 5. Substituting Button-xyz with Button-a in any of Byakuren's Specials motions will cause Byakuren to perform an EX variant of that Special move, at the cost of 1 light orb. In the case of Hanuman's Dance, Byakuren will be able to deal up to 5 hits instead of the usual 3. "Master of Buddhist Cosmology" also gains an Button-a version that consumes all orbs on use, which proportionally increases its damage.
    Hata no Kokoro Masks of Emotion Pressing Button-a allows Kokoro to cycle between Shinto, Buddhism, and Taoism. Spirit meter is retained between alignment changes, but any bombs exceeding her new alignment's maximum capacity will be discarded. Additionally, Kokoro cannot change alignments if she is still under the effects of Shinto's Spellcard Declare Mode or Taoism's Tao Focus.


  4. Engine updated on 03/20/17 (changelog translation courtesy of Fclass):



    Ver 2017.03
    Fix not hit by priority of reversaldef
    Fixed the rotation reversed when angledraw is negative display scale
    Fixed that ctrl is forced to 0 when KO is done
    Fixed that command entry of keyctrl helper command is not independent
    Fix unhittable of superpause
    Corner push does not work unless it is perfect for the screen edge
    Fixed that bindtoroot etc. becomes invalid during hit pause


  5. Game updated to version The 2.2 update was also released during the forum's downtime so I'll post the patch notes for those as well;



    03/24/17 - Version
    Character updates:

    03/22/17 - Version 2.2
    Character updates:
    - All
    New Characters:
    - Ichirin Kumoi
    New Stages:
    - Palanquin Ship - Exterior
    Engine updates:
    - IKEMEN engine updated to 03/20/2017 version.
    Other stuff:
    - Added legal disclaimer on title screen. Sorry, but we have to.


  6. Ichirin updated


    • Unzan now vanishes when Ichirin is KOed.
    • Raging Running Fist (Unzan Inactive): Unzan now disappears if Ichirin is hit during startup.
    • Raging Running Fist: Fixed juggle flags.
    • Handful of Floating Cloud: Fixed bug with dust effects not showing.
    • Handful of Floating Cloud: Fixed scaling bugs with hand.
    • "Deadly Wind of Penitence": Fixed scaling error on Unzan.
    • "Thunderous Rage of an Angry Old Man": Fixed bug with dust effects not showing.
    • "Thunderous Rage of an Angry Old Man": Fixed scaling bugs with hand.
  7. @Weiss_Circal That being said, however, there were some issues with your posts as well, especially this one:


    16 hours ago, Weiss_Circal said:

    You're rage fuels me you know.


    There's no need to antagonize him further, this could be construed as baiting. I understand that there wasn't much feedback to say since the most glaring issues were already in the presentation video itself, but you could have elaborated further. Just try to keep that in mind for the future.

  8. Please don't abuse the report button just because you didn't like the feedback that was given to you.


    12 hours ago, Weiss_Circal said:

    Judging from some videos I've watch, he doesn't seem to be a quality character. 


    Weiss's personal opinions about the Minions/Despicable Me franchise aside, he has some valid points here: Infinite fireball spamming, Normals with practically zero reach, the vomit super dealing an obscene amount of damage for its level cost, lack of recovery lag on said attack and others, making them unpunishable, gaining power back from supers, misaligned hitsparks, misaligned effects, incorrect sprite effect alignment & priorities, sprites and animations of questionable quality, unnecessary ecchi touhou pics that have nothing to do with the character itself, poorly cleaned super portrait, and that's all just judging from the video alone without actually touching the character in MUGEN. From my experience, this is usually a big indicator of even more problems in the underlying character code.


    12 hours ago, This Account Is Dead said:



    Shut Up.


    This is not productive to discussion or an appropriate response to character feedback. Don't post like this.

  9. Descending Inferno Bonus Stage released (03/15/17) [1.1 Only]



    Link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/i5rim29w4glc958/InfernoBonus-2017-03-16.zip


    Originally a project I was working on circa 2010, but lost all the files in a harddrive crash around that time, so I gave up. Fortunately, one of my beta testers at the time (Orochigill) still had a beta version that I sent him all those years back. With these workfiles back in my possession, I updated the bonus game for 1.1

  10. Eight Touhou characters updated


    • Fixed issue with anim 5160.
    • Fixed issue with anim 5160.
    • Icicle Shot [X/Y versions]: Startup increased by 2f.
    • Frozen Technique: Projectile hitbox size increased.
    • Fixed issue with anim 5160.
    • 2z: Hurtbox extended.
    • Witch Leyline [X, Y, & Z versions]: Hurtbox extended.
    • Fixed issue with anim 5160.
    • Fixed issue with anim 5160.
    • "X-Wave": Z version now turns Reisen invisible on hit instead of producing a clone.
    • Fixed issue with anim 5160.
    • Sense of Thrown Edge: Now causes techable knockdown.
    • Cross-up Magic: Now causes techable knockdown.
    • Time Paradox: Now causes techable knockdown.
    • Fixed issue with anim 5160.
    • Omikuji Bomb: Now has a higher chance of Good & Great Luck if Sanae is at low health.
    • Fixed issue with anim 5160.
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