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Posts posted by RicePigeon

  1. @RobotMonkeyHæd If I might throw in my 2 cents here, I can understand the two social media positions & collections curator, but I don't feel that the global moderator position is something we should be handing out freely. Imo, it should be an internal position amongst existing staff, as not only do they have moderator experience from being a local mod first, but that they've shown themselves capable of handling the position of global moderator. Global mods are a pretty high position with a lot of power and responsibility associated with it, and not something I would just hand out unless I knew the person I was giving it to proven themselves to be capable of the position. I'd suggest opening a position for local mod first and then promote to global mod as needed, it would be more effective in the long run.

  2. Alright so did some testing, and I'm going to assume you're trying to emulate the style of my characters, so I'll be writing this feedback with that in mind.


    • First off, in her cns file, you're going to want to change these values:

      fall.defence_up = 50

      liedown.time = 60

      Fall.defence_up should be set to 0, otherwise OTG combos and combos done on opponents bouncing off the ground apply an additional 66% damage proration, which shouldn't happen. Liedown.time should be set to 11, as 60 keeps them grounded for way too long and from my own testing, 11 is the minimum value accepted before you start running into issues with unwanted hardcoded invincibility, which shouldn't happen either.

    • Crouching HP is typically reserved for the character's tripping attack, of which Sumireko has none

    • Like the above, most of my characters (save for Yuuka) typically have a universal overhead command move, usually either F+MP or F+HP depending on the character, with some exceptions.

    • Sumireko's width and hitbox size tend to be inconsistent, especially during her walk back animation, which can cause P2 to "snap back" when making contact with her.

    • I'm noticing a lack of a damage dampener/proration values on her attacks.

    • The juggle system still uses Mugen's default, rather than setting flags for each attack to ensure it can only be used once per juggle.

    • The frame advantages on hit and block on some of her attacks feel off. For instance, s.LP is +2 on hit, but a whopping -10 on block. Likewise, c.MP I've seen do up to +13 on hit and +5 on block at close range, which can easily be abused for a corner infinite if timed right.

    • Her trajectories on her airdashes feel off. Typically the character should go in an upwards arc before sinking due to gravity, but here, Sumireko starts falling the moment she starts an air dash.

    • Speaking of dashes, forward ground dashes are supposed to give a boost in velocity for the first two ticks, then slow down to its usual speed. Sumireko doesn't do that.

    • s.HP's projectile is classed as a melee attack, which causes all sorts of fun with certain character's counter moves (by fun I mean cloning issues).

    • Misaligned hitsparks on j.MP and j.HP, which also have the same issue as s.HP I mentioned above.

    • Urban Psychokinesis doesn't seem to have any discernable differences between the LP, MP, and HP variants

    • All of her projectiles don't have any hurtboxes, so they can't properly interact with other projectiles such as beams.

    • Sumireko's throws don't have any throw escapes coded into them.

    • Lack of negative edge detection on Special & Super commands

    • Since you're trying to emulate my style, know that grounded Normals (and grounded attacks in general) cannot be airblocked, while aerial attacks cannot be blocked while crouching. Projectiles have no blocking restrictions.


    Will post more as I find them

  3. The posts I was trying to delete were the duplicate ones, which most certainly weren't the top posts. Trying to move posts in bulk would result in giving me an error message, but would still move the posts, albeit only move one at a time.


    EDIT: Seems like everything is working normal now.


    EDIT 2: Seems a few posts are still affected, namely the second post in this thread:


  4. Confirming Iku and Mamizou as part of the roster. Only 1 slot left.


    Character Unique Skill Description
    Iku Nagae Oarfish's Cloud-slicing Swim Pressing and holding Button-a will cause Iku to float in midair for as long as Button-a is held or until after a certain amount of time has passed. Iku's horizontal movement can be controlled using Button-B and Button-F, and Iku can use any of her aerial Normals, Specials, Spellcards, and Last Words in this state.
    Mamizou Futatsuiwa Tanuki Imposter Transformation Pressing Button-a causes Mamizou to summon one of her tanuki subordinates disguised as her opponent. The attack used by the clone will be one of the opponent's predetermined Special attacks, the properties of which vary depending on Mamizou's opponent. If either Mamizou or the clone is hit by an attack, Mamizou will lose a leaf. Cannot be used if Mamizou has no leaves available.


  5. Yuyuko rebalancing update


    • j.5y: Power gains adjusted.
    • j.5z: Power gains adjusted.
    • j.2z: P2 power gain decreased.
    • Throw: fixed bug where power gains were not being applied.
    • Light of the Undead: P2 power gains decreased.
    • Butterfly Dream Dance: Power gains adjusted.
    • Butterfly Dream Dance [Z version]: Yuyuko now goes into active frames immediately after phasing through an opponent.
    • Reverse Screens: Power gains adjusted.
    • Ghost Butterfly: P2 power gains increased.
    • "Ticket to the Netherworld": Explosion is now unblockable.
  6. ^ this




    22 hours ago, OxyontheWolf said:

    will all these characters be compatible with your other ones? because I would love that


    Compatible as in "Will I be able to export them to regular Mugen?" This is a bit tricky; unlike Gensokyo Reloaded, where the characters were originally made to be standalone and then later adapted and modified to fit a fullgame environment, Incident Zero's development is using the reverse process: make the characters specifically for a closed environment. While I can promise that the game won't be moleboxed, the characters probably won't be released as standalone for quite some time, and if anyone attempts to extract the characters from the game before an "official" release, I can't guarantee that the characters will work properly without some heavy modifications.


    I may end up doing one or two standalone releases as a demo of sorts, just so people can get a feel for the new mechanics, but more than likely it'll just be a beta build of the game with a very limited roster.

  7. That could work, I suppose, but it would feel more like a situational gimmick in that case.


    In other words, since we won't be getting any Taoism reps into the game, it doesn't make much sense to keep the religious affiliations intact. Thus, the following changes were made:


    • Shinto is now known as Type-A
    • Buddism is now known as Type-B
    • Taoism is now known as Type-C, Tao Focus has been renamed to Speed Focus
    • Alice confirmed as part of the initial roster.
    Character Unique Skill Description
    Alice Margatroid Doll Set Pressing Button-a sets a doll in front of Alice, while 8way Button-a sets a doll in a position relative to Alice depending on the directional input. These dolls stay on screen and can be activated with certain special moves. Alice can have up to 3 dolls on screen at any time.


    Other changes to Alice will been made that focus more on her Uskill:

    • Doll Activation: Command changed to QCF Button-a
    • Maximum number of set dolls increased from 2->3.
    • Curse Sign "Shanghai Doll" gains a Button-a version that activates all set dolls.
    • New Specials: Seeker Wire; creates a projectile that follows the path of all dolls placed on screen, in order of first to last.
    • New Last Words: "The Grimoire of Alice" (Last Word Type-A), "Phantom of the Grand Guignol" (Last Word Type-B)
    • Removed Last Words: Testing "Goliath Doll MkII", "Lemmings Parade"
  8. We already organized the forum's april fools prank amongst the rest of the staff. If the duplicate posts was part of that, myself and the other staff would have known about it, unless RMH or another admin (which I can already tell you Alexei wanted no part in this year's April Fools) did it without our knowledge and never told us.

  9. Alright so decided to revise Kokoro's US a bit based on Darkflare's suggestion and input from others:


    Unlike other characters, Kokoro cannot choose a religious alignment and instead begins every match in her exclusive Neutral alignment. Pressing Button-a allows Kokoro to cycle between three different masks of Sadness (Shinto), Anger (Buddhism), and Joy (Taoism); pressing QCB Button-a will cause Kokoro to don the chosen mask, which grants her the mask's associated religious alignment for 16 seconds. Once time runs out, Kokoro returns to Neutral alignment and the mask cannot be activated again for 10 seconds. Each religious alignment will also buff the damage of some of Kokoro's Special moves, which is dependent on the alignment she is currently under. Kokoro can also switch to another mask while already in a religious alignment, but causes her previous mask to enter cooldown. Kokoro cannot change alignments if she is still under the effects of Shinto's Spellcard Declare Mode or Taoism's Tao Focus.

  10. The idea was more or less to give Kokoro something akin to an EX Groove, but with the drawbacks of having limited access to one set of skills at a time along with reduced health to compensate for this (she'd basically have access to Roman Cancels, Alpha Counters, and Bursts all at the same time, which no other character can do). Your suggestion, however, seems more in-line with how the religion system worked in Hopeless Masquerade (essentially buffing/nerfing certain attacks) so I won't rule out that possibility.


    EDIT: turns out she has exactly 6 specials in source, each one aligned to one of the three religions in HM. Maybe a damage buff to those specials when shes in a particular alignment?

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