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Posts posted by RicePigeon

  1. Six characters updated


    • Fixed issue with anim 5160.
    • Fixed bug where Taunt was not working.
    • Fixed airhittime values on some attacks.
    • Fixed issue with anim 5160.
    • Fixed issue with anim 5160.
    • Fixed bug where Taunt was not working.
    • Fixed issue with anim 5160.
    • Fixed issue with anim 5160.
    • Fixed IKEMEN specific issues in spellcards.
    • "Millenium Vampire": Minimum power cost increased (1000->1500).
    • Fixed issue with anim 5160.
    • Fixed IKEMEN specific issues in spellcards.
  2. You weren't banned for trying to answer my question. You were banned because you accumulated 3 infraction points in a short period of time as a result of your previous thread being locked, which results in an automatic 2 week ban as per our forum rules & guidelines. This was not an instance of abuse of power and me going rogue, the decision to give you the infraction points came not only from myself, but from other mods as well. If my fellow mods & admins willing to permit me to, I will be more than happy to publicly provide the staff logs discussing the remedial actions taken against you, up to and including your ban.


    2 hours ago, Jirobou said:

    And what he does? he bans me, for answering his question, you got to be kidding me

    And not only that, I clearly posted a proof that all of the world specialists say adfly is clean : adfly clean scan

    and what he says? "What security specialists? "

    you got to be kidding me, there is a link right here where all of the world specialists say "clean site" the whole fucking security industry, and this ricepigeon dude asks "what specialists?" what the hell is going on here


    All you provided was a virustotal scan of a specific adfly page, which many people have said in the past cannot detect viruses or malware contained in adfly's ads due to their dynamic nature. The only thing you provided was a scan result, so I'll ask you again; what security specialists?




    In fact I think I know what's going on, this ricepigeon must be part of these guild fanatics and he could not stand that I posted a direct proof proving his sect beliefs wrong


    then he ends the thread asking me another question in a closed thread, only way for me to reply his question is to make another thread so he can ban me again, obvious bait


    please @RobotMonkeyHæd look into this mod as him to leave aside his personal guild bias in the moderation of mffa

    don't let him turn mffa into a guild lackey, please pretty please with sugar on top

    mffa should be a decent site different from that ass old guild and its community of little punks



    Now we're just pushing conspiracy theories. I have never denied being an active member on guild, of which I was a member of for almost 10 years, but my membership status on guild has no bearing on my judgment as a mod on MFFA because, whether you realize it or not, a large majority of users on MFFA, both staff and regular users, also happen to have accounts on MFG. Does that automatically make them lackeys, too? You're not being very reasonable here, as your accusations of me being a "guild lackey" seem to stem from nothing but "guilt by association". The fact that you decided to take the opportunity at the end of your post to bash another mugen forum YET AGAIN isn't helping your case either.

  3. February's usage stats are out. Because of the 3-month cycle for rises/drops, the high and low cutoff will be 3.41% usage.



    Groudon-Primal    68.64%    66.84%    67.55%    67.5075%
    Xerneas    47.33%    45.50%    46.33%    46.2656%
    Yveltal    34.64%    34.82%    32.31%    32.7248%
    Arceus-Normal    23.83%    25.20%    25.01%    24.9823%
    Salamence-Mega    23.10%    21.73%    19.50%    19.9286%
    Kyogre-Primal    17.51%    18.88%    19.00%    18.9192%
    Lunala    23.93%    20.08%    18.36%    18.8093%
    Deoxys-A    16.43%    14.89%    15.69%    15.6169%
    Lucario-Mega    13.33%    13.67%    15.52%    15.1968%
    Gengar-Mega    14.07%    14.65%    13.93%    14.0256%
    Solgaleo    19.43%    15.43%    13.39%    13.8932%
    Giratina-O    11.50%    12.35%    12.96%    12.8201%
    Ho-oh    10.14%    11.03%    12.93%    12.5730%
    Lugia    9.61%    9.85%    11.24%    11.0028%
    Rayquaza    7.75%    9.58%    11.38%    11.0023%
    Arceus-Ground    7.57%    7.92%    10.29%    9.8821%
    Arceus-Water    13.08%    11.04%    8.95%    9.3866%
    Zygarde-50%    15.73%    11.31%    8.45%    9.1084%
    Arceus-Ghost    7.14%    6.29%    8.95%    8.5424%
    Aegislash    7.19%    7.44%    7.82%    7.7457%
    Magearna    6.93%    9.63%    7.22%    7.5129%
    Deoxys-S    7.74%    6.83%    7.59%    7.5035%
    Mewtwo    5.23%    5.89%    6.82%    6.6388%
    Kyurem-White    5.51%    6.42%    6.52%    6.4682%
    Kangaskhan-Mega    5.94%    5.84%    5.78%    5.7902%
    Dialga    4.07%    4.06%    6.05%    5.7150%
    Ferrothorn    4.68%    5.53%    5.74%    5.6714%
    Darkrai    5.26%    4.50%    5.50%    5.3660%
    Blaziken    3.68%    4.01%    5.17%    4.9621%
    Genesect    1.96%    3.09%    5.03%    4.6620%
    Shaymin-Sky    3.88%    4.86%    4.42%    4.4526%
    Tapu Lele    5.62%    5.64%    4.14%    4.3905%
    Arceus-Dark    4.51%    4.19%    4.25%    4.2557%
    Ditto    4.03%    4.14%    4.09%    4.0912%
    Giratina-A    2.87%    3.96%    4.10%    4.0294%
    Smeargle    4.12%    4.74%    3.73%    3.8694%
    Excadrill    2.69%    3.27%    3.93%    3.7929%
    Arceus-Fairy    4.89%    4.15%    3.44%    3.5859%
    Arceus-Steel    2.50%    4.15%    3.47%    3.5164%
    ;--------------------High/Low Cutoff---------------
    Chansey    2.77%    3.07%    3.24%    3.2007%



    The Following Pokemon are now Banned from UnderUbers

    Arceus-Fairy, Blaziken, Darkrai, Dialga, Ditto, Excadrill, Giratina-Altered


    The Following Pokemon are now Allowed in UnderUbers:

    Arceus-Rock, Chansey, Eevee, Greninja-Ash, Palkia, Pheromosa, Toxapex


    EDIT: On the issue of the recently released Mega Stones, Mewtwonite X and Mewtwonite Y are banned on account of Mewtwo being banned, whilst Mawilite ad Beedrillite are allowed.

  4. Source:





    Cloudflare revealed a serious bug in its software today that caused sensitive data like passwords, cookies, authentication tokens to spill in plaintext from its customers’ websites. The announcement is a major blow for the content delivery network, which offers enhanced security and performance for more than 5 million websites.

    This could have allowed anyone who noticed the error to collect a variety of very personal information that is typically encrypted or obscured.

    Remediation was complicated by an additional wrinkle. Some of that data was automatically cached by search engines, making it particularly difficult to clean up the aftermath as Cloudflare had to approach Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines and ask them to manually scrub the data.

    The leak may have been active as early as Sept. 22, 2016, almost five months before a security researcher at Google’s Project Zero discovered it and reported it to Cloudflare.

    However, the most severe leakage occurred between Feb. 13 and Feb. 18, when around 1 in every 3,300,000 HTTP requests to Cloudflare sites would have caused data to be exposed. Attackers could have accessed the data in real-time, or later through search engine caches.

    The bug occurred in an HTML parser that Cloudflare uses to increase website performance — it preps sites for distribution in Google’s publishing platform AMP and upgrades HTTP links to HTTPS. Three of Cloudflare’s features (email obfuscation, Server-side Excludes and Automatic HTTPS Rewrites) were not properly implemented with the parser, causing random chunks of data to become exposed.


    List of affected websites:

  5. Even though the thread is locked, I'm posting this here so people don't fall for Jirobou's fearmongering conspiracy theories about guild and the zionist illuminati or whatever nonsense I just read.


    10 hours ago, Jirobou said:


    Alright you want a proof, I'll give you a proof, right ! now !


    RIGHT HERE a guy got banned on the guild for pointing an adfly clean scan

    he got banned for, I quote : " denying the objective reality of it all "



    Way to take what Jmorphman said out of context. Jason Bourne was banned for constantly bringing up the exact same issue over and over and over again, kind of like what you're doing right now. In fact, I'm pretty confident that the two of you might even be the same person, judging by your shared similarity in both post structure and content.


    10 hours ago, Jirobou said:

    so on one hand you have all of the security specialists, the whole fucking security industry that says "adfly is clean site"



    What security specialists? You haven't posted any proof of this.


    10 hours ago, Jirobou said:

    on the other hand a guild mod says " you dare deny the guild truth, I'll show you "

    how is it fucking possible? there IS only one explanation !!! guild people are a bunch of FANATICS who got BRAINWASHED by power hungry guild ops


    dude, it is too late, this war is fucking over, archive won, by a landslide

    when all of this started guild was still the most visited site and by far, and now archive leads by 15 THOUSANDS ranks, and the gap keeps increasing by the days


    if you wanted to stop this stupid war you should have done something earlier, not that it would have mattered imo, some people have tried to point out how much this war was a nonsense, and guess what? they got banned, power hungry guild ops wouldn't listen and all mattered to them is "crush other sites", and now you know the result my friend, guild got totally REKT & SHREKT , in fact they just fucked themselves in their blind lust for power



    What war? There was never a war. If there was, I'm pretty certain there would be someone else supporting that claim but there isn't.

    Also there's that forum bashing again. Didn't we warn you about that before? I'm pretty sure we have. Enjoy your infraction point.


    EDIT: Just realized that this is your 3rd infraction over a short period of time. See you in 2 weeks.

  6. 3 hours ago, Jirobou said:

    mffa is a decent site, while guild is an old horse that need to be put out of his misery, they used to be an okay site but they grew into a bunch of bitter old men and fanatical dictator arseholes who brainwash their users with their opinions and lies, all they care about now is power and control, they are totally corrupt scum, and their community members are the absolute worst, those darkflare & walrus guys are perfect examples of brainwashed guild punks who will immediately resort to personal insults whenever they read anything against the official guild "truth"


    If you're going to make claims like this, any reasonable person is going to expect to see some kind of evidence to back it up. Otherwise, this thread will be two steps away from being shitcanned as well. Keep it civil, this goes for everyone.

  7. It has nothing to do us being a "lackey", as you put it. The thread was closed because it essentially devolved into a platform for starting to stir up trouble with MFG.


    I can also assure you that we have, in the past, taken similar action against people also speaking ill of other places including MMV, MA, IMT, and even Mugen Database iirc, so there's no bias afaik.


    EDIT: I just want to reiterate that discussion and/or criticism of MA was never prohibited, the only thing prohibited were download links given the site's current issue regarding malware-infested ad referral links.

  8. On 2/17/2017 at 0:48 PM, jenngra505 said:

    Your coding is around Wlan's level of coding ability so it's no surprise he is going to like it. (Yes, I am implying Wlan's code is lackluster)


    Its comments like these that can easily be taken out of context and quickly derail the thread.


    I shouldn't have to remind everyone but stay on the topic of the character itself, and don't use this as an opportunity to bash on another creator or as a platform to advertise your own characters (especially the latter, that's quite rude and disrespectful to the OP, Wlan)

  9. Perhaps I should have been a bit more clear in my original idea. The idea was that Shinto bombs would give about 250-500 Power, rather than a full power stock. Since I was unaware that missed adding this, I was under the impression that the value I had in mind was still too much judging by your response, so I figured 0 would be a better value. I blame myself on that.


    The idea of having Custom Combos & SCD activated with QC motions was to condense everything into the 6-button gameplay and also for consistency (ie: bomb related commands would utilize the B button as well) although looking at it now, I do suppose the C button would make more sense since those two actions don't actually use bombs. As far as the commands go, what exactly did you have in mind?

  10. @Darkflare Alright, so taking your suggestions into account, I've decided to go with the following changes to the alignment system;



    • Maximum number of bombs decreased to 2.
    • Bombs no longer grant Power.
    • SCD mode can now only be used once per match (as opposed to once per round).
    • Spellcards now only cost 1/4 of their Power requirement during SCD mode, as opposed to free (thus subtracting from SCD mode's timer).


    • Now gains access to a Focus Attack with B.
    • Just Defends now grant a small amount of Life back.


    • Maximum number of bombs increased to 3.
    • Gains access to a Custom Combo mode with 2000 Power & QCB+C.


    EDIT: Instead of a Custom Combo mode, I do have one other idea for Taoist;

    Taoist aligned characters will have access to a Graze Dash performed with QCF+B. Graze Dashes cost 1 bomb and will target the opponent's position, as well as granting the user with projectile invincibility during the dash. These dashes can be acted out of like any normal dash. Moves can be cancelled into a Graze Dash at the cost of 2 bombs instead of 1.

  11. On 2/14/2017 at 10:59 AM, Jessica Smoke said:

    and again tanicfan..fucking idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!


    Remember how in my earlier post I mentioned not turning this thread into a bashfest? This crosses that line. Don't do this again please. Character quality (or lack thereof) does not give you a license to call the creator a "fucking idiot" or any other insult.


    EDIT: After consulting with the rest of the staff, we decided that if another instance of this occurs within this thread, it will be locked. Doesn't matter who does it, you've all been warned.

  12. In case anyone wants a sneak peek at some of the planned changes the THRP characters will undergo in IZ;



    • Buddhist Bomb Counter: Ascension Kick
    • Pressing A causes Reimu to create a barrier projectile that remains stationary. If a Hakurei Amulet passes through this barrier, the amulet will split in two, with each one gaining slight homing properties.
    • Dimensional Rift: Usable only under Shinto or Taoist alignments. Replaced with Instant Dimensional Rift while under Buddhist-alignment.
    • Gains ability to wall teleport with B,B in the corner while under Taoist-alignment, similar to Yukari.
    • Divine Spirit "Fantasy Seal": Usable only under Shinto or Buddhist alignments. Replaced with Holy Relic "Yin-Yang Sanctifier Orb" while under Taoist-alignment.
    • "Fantasy Heaven": removed
    • "Fantasy Nature": Now divided into "Fantasy Nature -Shinto Type-" and "Fantasy Nature -Buddhist Type-". Shinto Type works identical to THRP, while Buddhist Type works as a counterattack identical to Hopeless Masquerade.


    • Buddhist Bomb Counter: Miasma Sweep
    • Three-tier Embellishment Magic mechanic removed. All Specials now have an A version that requires 500 Power, which can be used free of cost during Spellcard Declaration mode in Shinto-alignment.
    • "Sungrazer": removed
    • "Final Spark": renamed "Sure-Fire Master Spark", can now only be used during Shinto-alignment.
    • New Last Word: "Final Spark", usable only during Buddhist-alignment (functionally identical to SWR's Final Spark).


    • Buddhist Bomb Counter: Flowers in the Wind
    • Holding A now grants Yuuka limited super armor while button is held, but drastically reduces walking speed. Releasing causes Yuuka to perform an attack.
    • "Original Master Spark": renamed "True Master Spark", usable only during Shinto-alignment.
    • "Dual Spark": usable only during Buddhist-alignment.


    • Buddhist Bomb Counter: Wind Goddess ~ Thrust (does not put Kanako on cooldown when used as a bomb).
    • Wind is now directed using A + direction.
    • "Moses's Miracle: usable only during Shinto-alignment.
    • "Night of the Supernova Storm": removed.
    • New Last Word: "Nine-Syllable Stabs", usable only during Buddhist-alignment.


    • Buddhist Bomb Counter: Virupaksa's Eye
    • Byakuren now charges orbs with A.
    • All Specials now have an A version that consumes orbs. X, Y, and Z versions of Specials no longer require orbs.
    • "Master of Buddhist Cosmology": Now has an A version that consumes all orbs on use, which buffs damage. X, Y, and Z versions now have startup invincibility.
    • "Angira's Vedas": Usable only during Shinto-alignment.
    • Superhuman "Byakuren Hijiri": Now a Level 1 Spellcard. Duration is now dependent on number of light orb charges Byakuren has when activated.
    • New Last Word: "Five-Element Mountain of Shakyamuni", usable only during Buddhist-alignment.
  13. The focus will primarily be on characters that aren't playable in THRP. Though I can probably give a good guess as to who may end up being the reps for the remaining games. Don't count any of these as official though;


    MS - Alice, though there is someone else I had in mind

    EoSD- Most likely Sakuya, though I'm not against the idea of someone else

    PCB - Youmu

    SA - Either Utsuho or Koishi, unless someone else gets in?

    TD - The only one with workable sprites is Mamizou, afaik...

  14. Touhou: Incident Zero - idea engineering thread

    So after working on THRP for a while, I decided now was a good opportunity to expand my horizons with gameplay and create a spinoff/reboot. Some mechanics are borrowed, but others are drastically different;



    Incidents are nothing new in Gensokyo; in fact, one might even say that the occurrence of incidents are Gensokyo's way of life. Incidents generally follow a simple formula: youkai cause an incident while humans attempt to resolve them. In this way, the conflict between humans and youkai, with the spellcard rules governing the ensuing battles, ensure the youkai's continued existence and the balance of Gensokyo. Although rare, it is possible for an incident to threaten the entire existence of Gensokyo; in these cases, it is not unheard of for even the most youkai-like youkai to become involved in resolving these situations.


    Lately, however, residents of Gensokyo have begun to act strangely; youkai who are normally docile suddenly becoming aggressive, and fairies exhibiting power beyond their natural limits. At first this seemed to be a repeat of the Miracle Mallet and Four Seasons incidents, but soon, new aggressive youkai never before seen in Gensokyo began to appear. After such youkai were exterminated, all that was left were mysterious black fragments; those who have found them describe experiencing certain changes to themselves, exhibiting powers that they normally wouldn't be capable of, with different fragments bestowing different abilities. To the humans whose jobs was to exterminate youkai, these newfound powers had their advantages. But these same fragments had the power to alter their surroundings, even bringing people and youkai claiming to be from Gensokyo who had never been seen before, telling stories of incidents that had never happened. If these fragments have the ability to change Gensokyo's history, and even its inhabitants, could these fragments be part of something even bigger, an incident to cause even an even bigger incident? For the shrine maiden, Reimu Hakurei, perhaps gathering these fragments together would provide an answer to this "Incident Zero".


    X, Y, and Z for attacks.


    A is now used for player-specific actions, and will differ by player. For instance, Marisa will use this to execute her EX Specials, while Sanae will this to control her wind gusts.


    B is now used for the new Bomb mechanic, as well as Last Words. See Alignment System for more details.


    Combos and Chaining
    All characters follow a simple cancelling method for attacks:

    Normals -> Command Normals -> Specials -> Spellcards/Last Words


    Damage Proration
    All attacks apply a proration value, which reduces the damage of the next attack in a combo by a scalar amount. All attacks, whether they be Normals, Specials, and Spellcards have a 10% minimum scale. Cancelling any attack into a Spellcard or Last Word will automatically apply a 92.5% proration during the attack's startup. Unlike that of Touhou RP: Gensokyo Reloaded, Last Words are now affected by proration and always have a minimum scale of 30%.


    Spellcards and Last Words
    Spellcards in Incident Zero are functionally identical to Supers from traditional fighting games; they can be executed only with a certain amount of power. Each character has two levels of power meter (2000 power total), with each Spellcard consuming one level. Although rare, certain characters may also possess a Spellcard that requires two levels of meter (2000 power).


    Last Words are higher level Spellcards; each character, with the exception of Marisa, has exactly one Last Word. The conditions for using a Last Word is directly tied to which alignment the player chooses. Type-C characters do not have access to Last Words. It should be noted that Shinki has an additional requirement of unlocking all six seals on her inscribed pentagram before her Last Word can be used.


    All Spellcards and Last Words that deal damage will cause untechable Knockdowns and have no juggle restrictions.


    Spirit Meter & Bombs
    Each player has access to a spirit meter. Once the spirit meter is full, it will reset to 0 and the player will gain a bomb. The method of gaining spirit, the method & effects of using bombs, and the maximum number of bombs the player can hold are all dictated by which alignment the player chooses at the beginning of the round.


    Alignment System
    Similar to the Faith system of Hopeless Masquerade, Incident Zero allows each character to utilize different alignments: Type-A, Type-B, or Type-C. Similar to grooves in other fighting games, each alignment bestows upon the character certain perks and changes to their gameplay, with each alignment consisting of their own pros & cons. Each alignment also dictates how bombs are obtained and used, as well as which Last Word the character gains access to when choosing Type-A or Type-B.


    Type-A is a primarily offense-oriented alignment. Spirit meter will only increase as the player deals damage to an opponent. A bomb will cost 100% of the Spirit Meter and can be used by pressing Button-b; bombs deal no damage, but will inflict Hard Knockdown on hit, grants the user with startup invincibility, and gives the user 1000 Power and 25% Spirit Meter on hit. Bombs can only be used when the player is in a grounded idle state, and cannot be cancelled. Once the player has reached 2000 Power, they can enter Spellcard Declaration Mode with Button-xyz3; this a time limited mode whose duration is inversely dependent on the player's life, with the duration lasting longer the lower the player's Life is. During Spellcard Declaration Mode, the player's Power bar will begin to gradually decrease; during this time, all of the player's Spellcards will cost 250 power, but will have a slight damage decrease. Spellcard Declaration Mode is also the only time a player can activate their Last Word A once they have reached 100% Spirit Meter, which ends Spellcard Declaration Mode on use. Spellcard Declaration Mode can only be used once per match.


    Type-B is a primarily defense-oriented alignment. Type-B characters fill their spirit meter as they take damage, and using a bomb costs 25% of the Spirit Meter. The player can execute a charged attack with Button-b, which has lengthy startup depending on how long Button-b is held for, and becomes unblockable at full charge; during this time, the player will have one hit of Armor. Bombs can be used during blockstun by inputting RQCB Button-b, which will cause the character to execute one of their Special moves as a counterattack, similar to an Alpha Counter. Spirit meter can also be gained through the use of a Just Defense, which will negate all damage and gain a small bit of Life back, as well as adding a greater amount of spirit than simply blocking. Type-B characters can activate their Last Word B once they have reached at least 50% Spirit Meter and 1000 Power, and will consume all available Spirit Meter on use, with the additional Spirit consumed either increasing the Last Word's damage or duration, depending on the Last Word. Shinki is the only except to this rule, as her Last Word requires 100% Spirit Meter when in Type-B.


    Type-C is a primarily speed-oriented alignment. Type-C characters gain Spirit Meter by performing offensive actions, such as hitting an opponent, and can use Bombs at the cost of 33% of the Spirit Meter. Bombs can be used during any action by pressing Button-b, which will cancel the character's current action, including Spellcards. Bombs can also be utilized to perform a Graze Dash with QCFButton-b; a Graze Dash differs from a regular dash in that it both causes the user to home in on the opponent, as well as granting them projectile invincibility. A Graze Dash can be cancelled into any attack just like a normal dash. Additionally, any action may be cancelled into a Graze Dash at the cost 66% Spirit Meter. Skillful use of Type-C bombs can effectively extend combos and allow for cancels that are not normally possible, such as a Spellcard into a Special or another Spellcard. Type-C characters do not gain access to any of their Last Words; instead, they have access to Speed Focus, activated at 2000 Power with Button-xyz3, which will allow them to Jump Cancel some of their attacks, while ignoring juggle flag limitations.


    Incident Zero's roster comes in at 21 characters, with 12 characters returning from Gensokyo Reloaded along with 9 new characters. The confirmed roster is as follows (names in italic denote new characters);


    Character Game Representation
    Reimu Hakurei Higly Responsive to Prayers
    Marisa Kirisame Story of Eastern Wonderland
    Yuuka Kazami Lotus Land Story
    Alice Margatroid
    Mystic Square
    Hong Meiling
    Sakuya Izayoi
    Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
    Youmu Konpaku
    Yukari Yakumo
    Perfect Cherry Blossom
    Reisen Udongein Inaba Imperishable Night
    Aya Shameimaru Phantasmagoria of Flower View / Shoot the Bullet
    Momiji Inubashiri
    Sanae Kochiya
    Mountain of Faith
    Iku Nagae Scarlet Weather Rhapsody
    Satori Komeiji Subterranean Animism
    Byakuren Hijiri Undefined Fantastic Object
    Mamizou Futatsuiwa Ten Desires
    Hata no Kokoro Hopeless Masquerade
    Sekibanki Double Dealing Character
    Kasen Ibaraki Wild and Horned Hermit / Urban Legend in Limbo
    Nameless Original / Touhou: Incident Zero



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