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Posts posted by RicePigeon

  1. Six characters updated.



    Fixed getup from liedown animation issues.




    Maximum Life reduced: 1000 -> 900
    Fixed getup from liedown animation issues.
    Hollow Giant Woo: 2nd & 3rd hits no longer autocorrect.
    Phoenix Rebirth: Automatic life drain speed increased by 50%.




    Fixed getup from liedown animation issues.
    Fixed velocity issues from recovery teching.
    Fixed improper color separation in sprites.




    Fixed velocity behavior in ground teching.
    Fixed issue with liedowntime value.




    Fixed velocity issue in ground tech.
    Fixed getup from liedown animation issues.
    Grab startup time increased by 1f.
    Chargeable specials can now be dash cancelled during charge.
    Flare Up: Projectiles no longer cast a shadow on certain stages.




    New select portrait.
    Fixed palette bug during select screen.
    Fixed velocity issue with ground tech.
    Fixed getup from liedown animation issues.
    Power gains on normal attacks adjusted.
    Wind on the Last Journey: Hitvels adjusted.


  2. I remember this author's name from years back when he/she made that extremely broken Cid Highwind char based on an FF7 fanfic they made, so I'm not surprised that this JG has an infinite + lagging flashy FX. Based on that I'm starting to wonder if there's more up with this character, which I'll take a look at later and post my findings.

  3. Yukari updated


    09/18/16 - Version 2016.09.18

    Changes from Version 2016.05.29

    - Adjusted Wallbounce behaviors.
    - j.2y: Velocity increased.
    - j.2y: Hitstun & Blockstun decreased by 5f.
    - Illusion Rift [X Version]: Now performs Wallbounce on Counterhit.
    - Illusion Rift [Z Version]: Now performs Groundbounce on Counterhit.
    - "Danmaku Bounded Field": Command changed to D,DB,B,D,DB,B, x+y+z
    - "Danmaku Bounded Field": Active frames increased by 3f.



  4. THRP is about to reach its 1 year anniversary since my involvement, so I figured what better way to celebrate than with a netplay tournament?


    For those of you who don't know what THRP is, please check this thread


    • Tournament will be 8-person Double Elimination, and may be expanded to 12 or 16 man if more people are interested.
    • All matches will be done using the netplay compatability of version 1.27 of the game.
    • Deadline for sign-ups will be September 30th
    • Replays will be required for each round, which usually lasts about a week. If you are unable to complete your matches before the round deadlines, you must notify your opponent as well as myself. Inactivity may result in disqualification.
    • This sign up thread will be posted at other forums/places besides here, in case you see a name you do not recognize.


    Registration: http://challonge.com/tournaments/signup/MHjP0TXvTz

  5. Mokou updated




    08/25/16 - Version 2016.08.25

    Changes from Version 2016.06.04


    - Walk and Dash speeds increased.
    - Fixed Head & Mid positions.
    - Adjusted horizontal movement during ground tech recovery.
    - 5x, 2x, and j.5x no longer drain Mokou's health.
    - Flame Punch: Distance travelled increased. Recovery time increased by 1f.
    - Resurrection Pillar: Vertical hit velocity increased.
    - "Immortality's Reckless Sacrifice": Fixed attack glitch when Mokou is hit during startup.
    - "Phoenix Rebirth": No longer limits Mokou's maximum life to 800.
    - "Phoenix Rebirth": Music now properly stops when Mokou is KOed.



  6. As many of you are already aware, for the past month or so, MFFA has been experiencing technical difficulties which prevented many, including myself, from being able to properly access the forum. Unfortunately, this also involved a forum rollback in an attempt to correct these problems, which affected two CotM threads (one was rolled all the way back to the nomination phase while another was lost entirely). It would neither be fair nor accurate to anyone who already voted to redo these two CotM threads, so unfortunately MFFA's CotM is hereby discontinued. That being said, a few of us mods have been toying with the idea of a permanent replacement for CotM. While I can't go into specific details at this time, it was my hopes that CotM would be able to continue until such a plan could be finalized and implemented. Sadly, the given circumstances have prevented this from happening.


  7. Alice updated again




    Version 2016.08.13

    Changes from Version 2016.08.10:


    - 2y: Recovery reduced by 3f.
    - Fixed issues with Ground teching.
    - Fixed bug where specials would cause Hard Knockdown.
    - Doll Set: Fixed bug where dolls would return to Alice if previous doll was destroyed.
    - Volatile Doll: Vertical hit velocity decreased.
    - Thousand Spear Dolls [X Version]: Hit velocity of first three hits decreased.
    - "Return Inanimate": Is now properly absorbed by Yukari Yakumo's "Ride the Waves".



  8. Yuyuko updated




    08/12/15 - Version 2016.08.12

    Changes from Version 2016.06.06


    - BUGFIX: Corrected behaviors with Soft Knockdowns and resets.
    - Fixed Fall tech behavior.
    - j.2z: Added 10f recovery lag upon landing.
    - j.2z: Hitstun reduced by 1f.
    - Light of the Undead: fixed bug with hitspark positioning.
    - Light of the Undead: Now causes Soft Knockdown



  9. Alice updated




    Version 2016.08.10

    Changes from Version 2016.04.30:


    - Fixed control bug during spellcard selection.
    - Throw/Back Throw: Hitbox size increased. Opponent now bounces off the ground.
    - Doll Arrangement: Removed. Replaced with Thousand Spear Dolls (B,D,DB + X/Y/Z).
    - Doll Set: Can now be hit by an opponent's non-throw attacks.
    - Doll Set: Number of dolls Alice can have onscreen increased to 2.
    - Doll Activation: Doll velocity increased.
    - "Goliath Doll MkII": Fixed lag glitch in IKEMEN.



  10. Hong Meiling updated




    08/08/16 - Version 2016.08.08

    Changes from Version 2016.01.07


    - Fixed control issues during palette selection.
    - Revised hitboxes on many animations.
    - Resolved issues with Fall teching.
    - 5x: Startup decreased by 1f.
    - 2y: Opponent now recovers at peak of launch.
    - New Command Normal: 4y & j.4y.
    - 5z: Startup decreased by 1f.
    - 2z: Fixed issue with applying additional proration on hit.
    - 3z: Startup on non-Tiger version decreased by 1f.
    - 6z: Startup decreased by 1f.
    - Throw/Backthrow: Startup decreased by 1f.
    - Fixed issues with certain Specials causing Hard Knockdown instead of Soft Knockdown, except for Scarlet Cannon [Tiger Strength].
    - Fixed inability to cancel dashes into specials and supers.
    - Scarlet Cannon [X Version]: Now has startup invincibility.
    - Scarlet Cannon [Y Version]: Now has upper body invincibility.
    - Cyclone Light Step: Startup on all non-Fierce Tiger versions decreased by 1f.
    - Descending Flower Slam: Damage on all versions increased (X/Y: 80 -> 100, Z: 100 -> 120)



  11. Patchouli updated


    08/07/16 - Version 2016.08.07

    Changes from Version 2016.01.06


    - Corrected control bug in palette selection.
    - Life increased (850 -> 900).
    - Walk speed slightly increased.
    - Jumping gravity increased.
    - 5y: Damage per hit increased (30 -> 35).
    - Throw/Back Throw: Opponent now bounces off the ground.
    - Throw/Back Throw: Startup decreased by 1f.
    - Spring Wind: Startup time on all versions decreased by 2f. Startup invincibility decreased by 2f.
    - Spring Wind [Z Version]: Now has additional 16f of Projectile invincibility at startup.
    - Dew Spear: Now causes Groundbounce.
    - Winter Element: Vertical size increased on both normal and Philosopher's Stone versions.



  12. Byakuren updated. Rebalances and retweaks her stock mechanic somewhat.




    08/06/16 - Version 2016.08.06

    Changes from Version 2016.05.28


    - Byakuren can now store partial charges. Visible gauge added showing both charge progress and
      time remaining for 'Superhuman "Byakuren Hijiri"'.
    - Skill Declare: command changed to X+Y+Z.
    - Skill Declare: Animation time drastically changed. Minimum total animation time reduced to 17f.
    - Skill Declare: Normals can now be cancelled into Skill Declare.
    - Skill Declare: Gains slight boost to charge speed when cancelled into from normals.
    - Durga's Soul: Startup time reduced to 33f.
    - Durga's Soul: Effects changed.
    - Durga's Soul: Hitbox size increased.
    - Dance of Hanuman: Forward velocity & hit velocity increased.
    - Dance of Hanuman: Horizontal hitbox size on all versions increased.
    - Dance of Hanuman: Sword effect size increased. Sounds renewed.
    - Virupaska's Eye: Startup invincibility time increased by 3f on all versions.



  13. Sanae and Lie Meiling updated:


    Sanae changes:



    07/07/16 - Version 2016.07.07

    Changes from Version 2016.07.06


    - Wind Goddess ~ Thrust: Corrected air version's inability to cause Soft Knockdowns.




    Lie Meiling changes:



    07/07/16 - Version 2016.07.07

    Changes from Version 2016.05.19


    - Throw: Corrected forward throw's inability to KO opponent.
    - 5z: Startup decreased by 1f.
    - Air 2y: Hitstun decreased by 2f, blockstun reduced by 4f.
    - Ultraviolet Flip ~ Divekick: Hitstun decreased by 2f, blockstun reduced by 4f.
    - Ultraviolet Flip ~ Divekick: Corrected bug where Lie Meiling regains control early upon landing.
    - Descending Dragon Slam: Z version startup decreased by 1f.
    - Piercing Heaven "Youkai Armageddon": Now costs 3000 power. Command changed to U,U,x+y+z
    - Piercing Heaven "Youkai Armageddon": Minimum damage scaling increased to 100%
    - Piercing Heaven "Youkai Armageddon": Damage increased (355 -> 420)
    - Piercing Heaven "Youkai Armageddon": Startup decreased by 1f.
    - "Descent of the Black Dragon": Damage increased (420 -> 430)



  14. Sanae updated, some balance tweaks and bugfixes ahoy




    07/06/16 - Version 2016.07.06


    Changes from Version 2016.07.04.01

    - Wind Gauge regeneration speed increased.
    - Wind Gauge no longer recharges while Sanae is airborne.
    - Corrected animation error when Sanae gets up from knockdown.
    - Wind Goddess ~ Thrust: No longer preserves Sanae's vertical momentum at beginning of dash.
    - Wind Goddess ~ Thrust: Now causes Soft Knockdown.
    - Wind Call: Now causes Soft Knockdown.
    - Omikuji Bomb (Bad Luck): Corrected glitch in projectile homing.
    - Esoterica "Forgotten Ritual": Corrected misplaced effects.



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