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Posts posted by RicePigeon

  1. This isn't about trying to censor mugen content or cut off Mugen Archive's source of income to keep their servers up. This is about protecting the MFFA userbase from major security risks. Had Mugen Archive simply placed regular ads on their site or used a much safer alternative like Google Adsense, we wouldn't have had to implement this policy in the first place.

  2. Milotic and Meowstic learn Disarming Voice as well but you dont see them being retyped to Fairy


    Also disappointed to hear that Battle Royal (Free For All) ends the moment one person loses all their Pokemon, rather than it being last man standing. Kinda defeats the purpose.


    Also the effects of the new abilities leaked;


    Stakeout's effect: This Ability means that the Pokémon’s moves can deal twice the normal damage to any Pokémon that switches in or enters the field mid-battle.

    Soul Heart's effect: This Ability raises Magearna’s Special Attack by 1 each time another Pokémon in the arena faints.


    So Analytic 2.0 and special-based Moxie?

  3. Eirin updated




    06/09/16 - Version 2016.06.09

    Changes from Version 2016.04.28:


    - Revamped juggle system.
    - Fixed control bug in palette & spellcard selection.
    - Burst Shot: Air version startup increased by 3f.
    - Omoikane's Brain: Is no longer absorbed by Yukari's Ride the Waves.
    - "Apollo 13": Now applies 92.5% proration when comboed into.
    - "Genealogy of the Skyborn": Removed. Replaced with Genius Sign "Lunar Weapon -Brahmastra-"



  4. Komachi updated




    06/08/16 - Version 2016.06.08

    Changes from Version 2016.05.17


    - Spirits of the Firm: Is now properly absorbed by Yukari's Ride the Waves.
    - The Endless Way: Is no longer absorbed by Yukari's Ride the Waves.
    - "Scythe of Final Judgement": Damage increased (380 -> 400).
    - "Scythe of Final Judgement": Is no longer absorbed by Yukari's Ride the Waves.
    - "Short Life Expectancy": Startup reduced by 3f.
    - "Short Life Expectancy": Now deals an additional static 50 damage in addition to its normal damage.



  5. Reimu and Yuyuko updated

    Reimu changes:



    06/04/16 - Version 2016.06.06

    Changes from Version 2016.06.04:


    - Corrected awkward AI behavior when blocking.
    - Rain Dance: Corrected bug in air version where Reimu could fall through the ground.




    Yuyuko changes:



    06/06/15 - Version 2016.06.06

    Changes from Version 2016.06.05


    - Light of the Undead: Fixed interactivity with Yukari's Ride the Waves.
    - Light of the Undead: Fixed issue where lasers would duplicate when landing from air version.
    - Ghost Butterfly: Fixed issue where butterflies would duplicate when landing from air version.




  6. Yuyuko updated:


    06/05/15 - Version 2016.06.05

    Changes from Version 2015.12.16


    - Fixed control bug during palette & spellcard selection.
    - Light of the Undead: No longer blocked by Yukari's Ride the Waves.
    - Ghostly Butterfly: Animation no longer cancelled if Yuyuko lands prematurely.
    - Death Sign "Ghastly Dream": No longer blocked by Yukari's Ride the Waves.
    - Butterfly Sign "Death Lance": Lasers are now aimed at opponent.
    - Butterfly Sign "Death Lance": Damage per hit decreased (60 -> 55).



  7. Mokou updated




    06/04/16 - Version 2016.06.04

    Changes from Version 2016.02.17


    - Fixed control issues with spellcard & palette selection.
    - Flame Talismans: Improved interaction with Yukari's Ride the Waves.
    - Mt. Fuji Eruption: Is now classed as a melee attack.
    - "Phoenix Rebirth": Last Word BGM added.



  8. 16 hours ago, Sir Ghostler said:

    Along side the issues already pointed out with COTM, another one is self-nominations. I don't think anyone should have the privilege to do this as it is unfair for the other participants. If self-nomination isn't prohibited, it needs to be limited somehow. Being able to self-nominate 4 creations every single month is downright outrageous, especially when it can lead to the person in question's creations becoming 50% of the voting candidates. Yes, this has happened before. If the option to self-nomination really has to stay, only one per month should be allowed, at the very most. Otherwise, remove it entirely.


    Just my two cents.


    Abolishing self-nominations entirely feels a bit too restrictive if you ask me, and would only further limit the number of nominations and, as a result, the number of candidates. If something really wasn't worth CotM it would most likely never get past the nomination phase anyway.


    That being said, I do like the idea of limiting self-nominations to only one per person. Although because this month's CotM has already started, I'm all in favor of experimenting with this restriction in next month's CotM, just to see how it goes.



    16 hours ago, AxSeeker said:


    Another problem that just came to me is that some creators in the past have made extra phoney accounts to up-vote their own characters in the past. I remember someone mentioning this on another forum a few years ago. Apparently all voting users had the same I.P. address :P


    Now with proxy servers this kind of thing will be impossible to detect.




    Even mugen voting can't be totally legit nowadays XD Just like real voting :P


    Though we can still hope everyone is playing fair but no one will know for sure.


    Most of people who participate in MFFA's CotM are forum regulars. If any of them were sockpuppet accounts, we would have found out by now. Luckily this hasn't happened yet over here.

  9. Reimu updated




    06/04/16 - Version 2016.06.04

    Changes from Version 2016.02.15:


    - Fix Control issue on Spellcard & Palette selection.
    - 10 new palettes.
    - Corrected liedown.time value.
    - Fixed incorrect velocity bug on most attacks.
    - Divine Spirit "Fantasy Seal": No longer bypasses Yukari's Ride the Waves.
    - Divine Arts "Omnidirectional Demon Binding Circle": Can no longer link into itself.
    - "Fantasy Heaven": Is no longer blocked by Yukari's Ride the Waves.
    - "Fantasy Nature": Fixed certain debug errors.
    - "Fantasy Nature": New Last Word BGM.



  10. Utsuho updated




    06/02/16 - Version 2016.06.02

    Changes from Version 2016.05.24


    - Control Rod: Fixed interaction with Yukari's Ride the Waves.
    - Explosion Sign "Giga Flare": Fixed interaction with Yukari's Ride the Waves.
    - Flare Up: Fixed interaction with Yukari's Ride the Waves.
    - Hell Geyser: Fixed interaction with Yukari's Ride the Waves.
    - Rocket Dive: Can now be used in air.



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