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Posts posted by RicePigeon

  1. So the end of March is here and UnderUbers quickrise/drops to the tier will be occuring. Based on the use statistics so far, the following tier shifts will occur next month (note: this is NOT yet official):


    257-m.png : UnderUbers -> Ubers

    227.png : "Ubers" -> UnderUbers


    The tier will essentially be losing Mega Blaziken, a powerful wallbreaker/sweeper/cleaner, and getting Skarmory unbanned in exchange. Skarmory reentering the tier will provide with a good hazard setter for both balance and defense teams alike. Its role as a Defogger is mostly usurped by the Arceus formes, but the option is there if need be. Amidst all this, normal Blaziken will remain untouched, which is still quite capable of pulling off what its Mega Evolution can. How will this tier be affected by these upcoming shifts?

  2. I want to bring up discussion on a Pokemon that's been getting alot of attention lately in the competitive OU scene;




    For those who haven't been following the Singles OU scene lately, Hoopa-Unbound has just been brought up for a suspect test. This forme of Hoopa has been OU since it was first released, but only now are people realizing the sheer power of its Choice Specs set, which severely restricts teambuilding as not only does it have no safe switch-ins, but any team that isn't Hyper Offense is now forced to run a Pursuit user just to revenge kill it, and even then it's not guaranteed. Those who want the full information on Hoopa-Unbound's possible ban from OU can read about it here. But that's OU, and this is UnderUbers.


    Hoopa-U predominantly runs four different sets; Choice Band, Choice Specs, Choice Scarf, and Mixed Life Orb. Its dual 160/170 offenses allow it to hit hard on both sides of the offensive spectrum. While it has a pitiful base 80 speed, this can be compensated for with a Choice Scarf, which allows Hoopa-U to outspeed everything except Deoxys-N, Mega Sceptile, Mega Aerodactyl, Mega Beedrill, and priority users. Just to see where this thing fares in the UnderUbers, let's look at the matchups. I'll only be covering the Pokemon in UnderUbers that are not allowed in OU as whatever applies to the OU mons also apply here.;


    Incarnate Forme : Band HF or Specs Dark Pulse easily nets OHKO, but Landorus can only 2HKO in return.

    383.png : Offensive Groudon sets outspeed and OHKO, but cannot safely switch in in fear of being 2HKOed, especially from the specs set.

    484.png : Palkia beats Specs sets, but Banded and Life Orb HF both OHKO after rocks and prior damage, while Palkia can only 2HKO at best.

    303-m.png : The first actual thing Hoopa-U has some difficulty with. All of Mega Mawile's attacks OHKO, while avoiding a 2HKO from every move except Banded Fire Punch, which 2HKOs.

    [IMG](Dragon) : Outrage OHKOs. Banded HF/Specs Dark Pulse both 2HKO.

    257-m.png257.png : You wont be seeing the Blazikens on anything other than Hyper Offense as they both get OHKOed, but after a speed boost, they get the KO on Hoopa-U

    386.png : Life Orb Superpower does the job, and can RK a weakened Hoopa-U with Extremespeed, but obviously does not want to take a hit. Sash sets, although they dont get the OHKO, can still beat it 1vs1.

    [IMG](Psychic): lol

    [IMG](Steel): Can cripple physical sets with Will-o-Wisp, but is decimated by Specs set.

    386d.png : Just barely lives any of Hoopa-U's moves, but can't do much except set up. Obviously does not want to switch in, especially if rocks are up, as thats a potential OHKO.

    643.png : Can actually OHKO Hoopa-U if rocks are up, but gets OHKOed by Psyshock if rocks are up on its side


    As you can see, Hoopa-U can still put a massive dent in even some of the bulkier threats in UnderUbers, acting as an effective wallbreaker.


    As far as a preliminary ranking, A+ should be fine for it. This is subject to change as time progresses.

  3. 8 hours ago, Galvatron said:

    Get raped by metal and ground types. hell even Garchomp knowing 'Iron-head' can kill it.. :-P


    252 Atk Garchomp Earthquake vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Diancie: 194-230 (63.8 - 75.6%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery
    252 Atk Garchomp Iron Head vs. 252 HP / 252 Def Diancie: 208-248 (68.4 - 81.5%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Stealth Rock and Leftovers recovery

    Hardly much of a difference. Really the only thing normal Diancie could do is set up Trick Room, but thats not a very viable playstyle in Singles and theres other Pokemon that can do that, unless you REALLY want something that has access to both Stealth Rock and Trick Room for role compression.


    EDIT: After delving deeper, it does beat non-Swords Dance variants of Mega Blaziken, Mega Charizard X, & non-Earth Power Reshiram 1-on-1, as well as act as a one-time check to Terrakion but other than that it's really niche. I'll be fair and add it to D instead.

  4. Some viability changes;


    http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-xy/icon/376-m.png : A -> B+

    • While Mega Metagross definitely sports a combination of power, speed, and bulk, it has a hard time against many of the S and A rank Pokemon. Just to give examples;

      http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-xy/icon/006-mx.png : Gets OHKOed +1 Flare Blitz. Loss
      Incarnate Forme : OHKOs Landorus-I with Ice Punch. Win
      383.png : Fails to OHKO with even Grass Knot, while Precipice Blades OHKOs. Loss
      484.png : Gets OHKOed by Fire Blast. Loss
      [IMG] : Outspeeds Metagross and either cripples with Will-o-Wisp, or OHKOs with +2 Earthquake/+1 Fire Blast. Loss
      184.png : Beats Azumarill 1-on-1, but cannot safely switch in. Win
      257-m.png257.png : Gets OHKOed by unboosted Flare Blitz. Loss x2
      386.png : OHKOs and/or revenge kills with Bullet Punch. Win
      303-m.png : Sucker Punch forces Metagross into 50/50s, most of which are in Mega Mawile's favor. Loss
      [IMG] : Cripples Metagross with Will-o-Wisp, outspeeds and can play war of attrition with Earthquake/Fire Blast. Loss
      386d.png : Physically defensive builds can try to stall out PP but can't do much in return, especially if Metagross gets +1 from Meteor Mash. Win
      Therian Forme : Intimidate + OHKO with Earthquake. Loss
      643.png : Gets OHKOed by Blue Flare. Cannot safely switch in to Metagross. Loss
      http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-xy/icon/212-m.png : Gets 2HKOed by +2 Knock Off/Bug Bite, Metagross 3HKOs at best. Loss
      [IMG] : Easy win in Metagross's favor. Win
      642.png : Cripples with Thunder Wave, outspeeds and OHKOs with +2 Thunderbolt. Loss

      As you can see, Mega Metagross has a good matchup against only 5 of the 17 Pokemon in the S and A ranks. It requires more support to take out these checks and counters, which is more fitting of B+.

    235.png : Added to C

    • Make no mistake, Smeargle is frail as hell. But since the Baton Pass clause doesn't apply to UUbers, it can run on a full Baton Pass team, or act as a nasty lead with Spore/Dark Void and hazards, though is generally outclassed as a lead.

    545.png : Added to B

    • Two flavors of support; hazard lead or Baton Pass.

    [IMG](Psychic) : Added to A

    • Arceus-Psychic is essentially a slightly weaker, slightly slower Mewtwo with better bulk. Can act as an offensive support Pokemon with three attacks + Will-o-Wisp, Thunder Wave, Toxic, Defog, Recover, or Stealth Rock in the last slot. Can even run Calm Mind if you wanted to. Pretty flexible.

    719.png : Unranked

    • Without its Mega stone, what does this even do? lol

    196.png : Added to D

    • There's only one reason you would ever want to use Espeon and that's on Baton Pass teams. Its simply way to frail, and 110 base speed can only get it so far.
  5. Yuuka updated.


    03/23/16 - Version 2016.03.23

    Changes from Version 2016.01.13:

    - Walk speed slightly increased.
    - 5z: Hitbox vertical range increased. Reduced priority on first active frame.
    - Thorny Rose: Hitbox range increased.
    - Thorny Rose: Corrected issue of not being able to destroy projectiles.
    - Flowers in the Wind: Command input made more strict.
    - New Special: Creeping Thyme (HCB + x/y/z)
    - Fantasy "The Beauty of Nature": Blockstun on first 4 hits increased, now a true blockstring.

  6. 1 hour ago, ShinzakiK said:

    Not everyone shares the same religion as you, so is it really worth getting worked up over?


    Pretty much this. MFFA neither supports nor condemns any particular religion, and doing so would only be seen as bias, which opens up a huge cans of worms. I think you'll find that MFFA isn't the only place that does this, either.


    That being said, hate speech is NOT tolerated. IF you feel that someone is spouting hate speech, provide a screenshot to the staff as Shinzaki said and we'll look into it. After all,


    1 hour ago, Dumanios said:

    The burden of providing proof lays on the person making the accusation. Saying "look at the chat logs" is not evidence.


    Especially considering that only admins have access to the chat logs.

  7. More Viability changes:


    Sky Forme: Added to B+
    [IMG]: B+ -> C

    • There's a reason why I grouped these two together. Sky Shaymin may not have the raw Sp.Atk or Speed stats of Mega Sceptile, but there are several advantages as to why I believe this thing deserves to be higher. For starters, both pretty much have similar roles on offense teams, but Sky Shaymin puts in more work due to Serene Grace Seed Flare, which actually forces switches and helps it break past defensive Pokemon. Mega Sceptile, on the other hand, has to rely either on the Giga Drain or Leaf Storm, both of which neuter Mega Sceptile's offensive ability. Sky Shaymin also has the freedom to run an item, which not only frees up your Mega slot, but to put things into perspective, Life Orb Seed Flare actually deals more raw damage than Mega Sceptile's Leaf Storm. Sky Shaymin also has additional coverage options that Mega Sceptile only wishes that it had (Earth Power vs Hidden Power Ground), as well as more utility (Healing Wish, Tailwind). Finally, the only relevant Pokemon that Mega Sceptile outspeeds that Sky Shaymin can't (assuming Sky Shaymin isn't running Choice Scarf or under Tailwind) are Choice Scarf Landorus-T, Mega Lopunny, and Neutral nature Deoxys-N. Even then, Choice Scarf Shaymin can outspeed more relevant threats than Mega Sceptile can, while still posing an offensive presence due to 80% Sp.Def drops and 60% flinch chance.

    649.png: Added to B+

    • Nice Scarf revenge killer whose coverage can be tailored to suit the team's needs. Download boosts are always helpful. Placed in B+ since it really only fits on offense and still struggles to KO some of the bulker threats in the tier.

    http://www.serebii.net/pokedex-xy/icon/015-m.png: D -> Unranked
    448.png: D -> Unranked

    • Outclassed by Arceus-Bug/Poison and Arceus-Steel, respectively.

    205.png: Added to B+

    • Versatile hazard stacker that can fit on both Defense and Offense teams. Also a viable user of Rapid Spin should the team need to free up a space on their Arceus forme. Custap suicide lead with double hazards + Rapid Spin + Explosion makes for a nice lead on Hyper Offense that allows it to go toe-to-toe with other hazard leads or cockblock opposing Defog attempts with Explosion.

    257-m.png: A -> A+

    • See my above post on Mega Blaziken. Usually when I'm teambuilding and I add Blaziken, I usually end up using the Mega anyway. This isn't to say that normal Blaziken is bad, far from it actually, but Mega Blaziken is generally more threatening.



    Any nominations anyone wants to bring up, feel free to do so.




  8. Sakuya updated


    03/17/16 - Version 2016.03.17

    Changes from Version 2016.01.07

    - Walk & Dash speed increased.
    - Chip damage increased.
    - 4y: Damage on 2nd hit increased (41 -> 51)
    - 4y: Hitbox size on 2nd hit increased.
    - 5z: Damage per hit increased (45 -> 47)
    - Sense of Thrown Edge: Damage per hit increased (8 -> 9)
    - Sense of Thrown Edge: Damage per hit during Sakuya's World increased (11 -> 12)
    - Sense of Thrown Edge: Proration per hit during Sakuya's World increased: 99% -> 99.5%
    - Bounce/No-Bounce: Damage per hit increased (10 -> 11)
    - Bounce/No-Bounce: Damage per hit during Sakuya's World increased (13 -> 14)
    - Bounce/No-Bounce: Proration per hit during Sakuya's World increased: 99% -> 99.5%
    - Time Paradox: Melee hit from Sakuya now hits overhead.
    - Wound Sign "Inscribe Red Soul": Can no longer be airblocked.

  9. 21 hours ago, Weiss_Circal said:


    -Not a excuse. just fix the infinite.



    Might wanna tone it down a bit, that seemed way too demanding.


    That being said, you can fix the infinite problem by either reducing the hittimes and/or increasing the animation's recovery time. I suggest using Training by stupa, as this will show you your moves frame advantages so you can easily adjust them for balance purposes.

  10. Some viability changes;


    080.pnghttp://www.serebii.net/pokedex-xy/icon/080-m.png: Added to B+

    • Adding both Slowbros to the same rank for now, but may subject to change in the future. Both provide a decent bulky water for Balance & Stall teams (Azumarill and Palkia fit more on Offense & Bulky Offense) as well as decently check (Mega) Blaziken by both resisting its dual STABs and crippling it with Thunder Wave. Mega Slowbro also provides a win condition for Stall with Calm Mind and handles Mega Mawile better. Spreading Scald burns is also a good way to annoy Groudon, Azumarill, Arceus-Dragon, among others. It can boost alongside Calm Mind Arceus-formes and still hit hard with Psyshock.

    [IMG](Steel): B+ -> A

    • The more I use Arceus-Steel, the more I realize just how much support this thing brings. It's probably the best Defog user in the tier for anything that isn't Hyper Offense, and is just incredibly bulky, not to mention it outspeeds Groudon, cripples it with burn, and avoids the 2HKO from Precipice Blades. Mono-Steel type coverage sucks for the support set, but it can always run coverage in Fire Blast, Ice Beam, Thunderbolt, Earthquake, whatever the team needs. I haven't even tried the Swords Dance or Calm Mind sets yet but the versatility should be enough to push it to A.

    113.png: Added to B

    • Its passiveness kills it and it only really fits on Stall, but this thing is pretty much a staple of Stall teams.

    242.png: B - > C

    • Admit it, Chansey is just better.

    448.png: Added to D

    • I just haven't found a real use for Lucario in this meta. If anything, it's outclassed by Arceus-Steel's Swords Dance set, as not only does it sport similar offenses and much better speed but also infinitely better bulk. Not to mention it also gets access to Extreme Speed. True that Lucario has a pretty hard hitting Close Combat, which may be the only thing separating it from Arceus-Steel, but when you're frail as all hell AND speed tie with Groudon, Lucario just feels severely outclassed in general. May end up unranking it entirely, it has no real niche.


    Some nominations to discuss:

    [IMG](Dragon): A+ -> S: Arceus-Dragon feels to me like the most threatening sweeper in the meta right now, moreso than Mega Zard X. It can pretty much pick and choose what beats it by selecting its coverage move, which can be tailored depending on the team.

    448.png: D -> Unranked: See above on why Lucario was added to D.

    649.png: Add to B/B+: Feels like a good offensive pivot with its Scarf set, I think B/B+ is a good starting place for it

    257-m.png: A -> A+: While both are viable, I do feel that Mega Blaziken should be at least one subrank above its base forme. When building a team, I often have to go over it again when I realize that I don't have an answer to Blaziken, as this thing (along with the base forme) can pretty much rip through any Stall team that isn't running Slowbro. Not to mention Speed Boost makes it hard to stop once it gets going, and doesn't have to deal with Life Orb shortening its lifespan even further unlike

    the base forme.


  11. Went ahead and split off the off-topic posts. We don't care if you think Chuchoryu's characters are absolute shit or if you honestly like the characters he makes, if you have nothing to say about the character itself that hasn't been said already, then don't post. If you're going to tell us you like/don't like the character without justifying that with actual feedback, then don't post. If you're going to hound on Chuchoryu because he ignored your feedback for the past 4 years then don't post. If you're going to argue with someone else on whether Chuchoryu is the antichrist or the second coming of Jesus (yes, this argument actually did happen), then don't post. We've all seen this same song & dance before in all of Chuchoryu's threads, both here and on other forums, and frankly we don't need to see it anymore. We get it, but his release threads are NOT the place to be discussing this.


    I'm going to start handing out infractions next time.

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