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Posts posted by RicePigeon

  1. Taking GM's feedback into account...


    I'm pretty sure the Doritos on his shirt are just a shirt pattern, and not actual Doritos protruding from his body as the lighting suggests.

    Oh and that solid black outline on everything is just really awkward, especially when the edges of each outline makes the sprite look super pixelated. Anti-aliasing would dramatically improve the presentation.

  2. TBH, this version still feels like an alpha

    • 4tlFqbX.png
      Infinite with standing medium, which is +35 on both hit and block. standing & crouching light are in a similar boat with +21 on hit/block each.
    • b69Vk9M.png
      Most, if not all, of her specials cause this to happen. Then again, she has no special or super anims to begin with, only her normals and throw.
    • Some CLSN boxes look like AutoCLSN was use, some of them disjointed (walk back anim, for instance, has no hitbox on her torso, only head and the waist down. Many of her gethit anims has similar issues as well)


    Guess we'll have to wait a bit longer for proto-Sakuya to be complete.

  3. February Tier shifts are here, and with it come a few changes to the way the banlist is decided;

    • Tier shifts will now occur every 3 months as opposed to every 2 months, just like every other tier.
    • Pokemon listed as D-rank in Smogon's Single Ubers Viability ranking thread at the time of a tier shift update are not banned, regardless of their usage, unless that Pokemon has explicitly been banned from the UUbers tier (Kyogre).


    That being said, the following three month usage stats are as follows:

    Name    November    December    January    TOTAL
    Groudon-Primal    80.04%    79.39%    82.62%    82.11%
    Xerneas    55.10%    53.38%    52.03%    52.33%
    Arceus-Normal    43.66%    42.32%    42.50%    42.53%
    Yveltal    27.72%    24.09%    27.81%    27.34%
    Salamence-Mega    27.01%    25.69%    24.68%    24.91%
    Darkrai    22.60%    24.96%    22.54%    22.85%
    Ho-oh    22.34%    20.14%    18.86%    19.16%
    Gengar-Mega    13.72%    13.53%    16.68%    16.16%
    Kyogre-Primal    15.42%    17.58%    15.94%    16.13%
    Rayquaza    10.13%    13.64%    16.28%    15.70%
    Deoxys-A    13.83%    11.61%    15.34%    14.81%
    Lugia    13.78%    14.38%    13.68%    13.77%
    Giratina-O    8.72%    11.52%    11.97%    11.78%
    Arceus-Ghost    9.98%    11.67%    11.36%    11.34%
    Klefki    10.89%    11.59%    11.24%    11.27%
    Deoxys-S    13.54%    11.64%    8.78%    9.34%
    Arceus-Water    8.98%    9.75%    8.57%    8.74%
    Kangaskhan-Mega    8.65%    8.73%    8.56%    8.58%
    Latios    5.66%    7.81%    8.51%    8.31%
    Arceus-Ground    8.91%    6.69%    8.35%    8.16%
    Mewtwo-MegaY    6.52%    9.08%    7.66%    7.79%
    Excadrill    4.55%    3.03%    7.92%    7.16%
    Aegislash    6.86%    7.52%    6.94%    7.01%
    Latias    7.83%    8.38%    6.34%    6.66%
    Arceus-Rock    5.67%    6.50%    6.72%    6.65%
    Sableye-Mega    7.32%    6.15%    6.64%    6.61%
    Ferrothorn    7.78%    5.78%    6.54%    6.50%
    Diancie-Mega    7.00%    6.35%    6.12%    6.19%
    Ditto    6.53%    6.11%    6.06%    6.08%
    Dialga    5.31%    6.35%    5.83%    5.87%
    White Kyurem    3.88%    5.77%    5.24%    5.25%
    Genesect    5.78%    6.17%    4.37%    4.65%
    Lucario-Mega    3.88%    4.34%    4.40%    4.37%
    Mewtwo    5.03%    5.27%    4.07%    4.26%
    Mewtwo-MegaX    3.87%    3.62%    4.12%    4.05%
    Arceus-Fairy    3.36%    2.90%    4.19%    3.99%
    Zekrom    3.35%    3.86%    3.71%    3.71%
    Skarmory    5.12%    3.41%    3.65%    3.68%
    Giratina-A    3.88%    3.64%    3.47%    3.51%
    Shaymin-Sky    4.19%    3.80%    3.29%    3.39%


    The following Pokemon are no longer banned from UUbers:

    113.png649.png658.pngSky Forme


    The following Pokemon are now banned from UUbers:



    The following items are now banned from UUbers:

    • Pixie Plate


    With these changes I want to bring up some points for discussion:

    649.png: Add to A

    Anyone whos played with Genesect prior to its ban from OU knows what this thing is capable of. Even in Ubers, its main set is its Choice Scarf U-turn set, and while this set ultimately became its only (unviable) niche, its vast amount of coverage moves made it a threat in OU. How will Genesect fare in UUbers? Frail as it may be, will it be able to hit hard enough to make a good momentum grabber as it was always known for?

    658.png: Add to A

    Back when Greninja was allowed in UUbers, and even in Ubers, Greninja has always had fierce competition with the Deoxys forms as a hazard setter. However, several new threats have been allowed since then, and its ability to 2HKO even specially defensive Groudon with STAB Ice Beam should not be understated. However, Deoxys-N isn't the only threat to outspeed it now, as Shaymin-Sky and Scarf Genesect now share that role.



  4. Source: http://www.extremetech.com/computing/222326-look-out-microsoft-shifts-windows-10-to-recommended-update-automatic-download


    Microsoft has been increasingly aggressive in its attempts to push consumers to download Windows 10. Starting today, the company is upping the ante once again. As of now, Windows 10 is now classified as a “Recommended” update, which means many Windows 7 and 8.1 users will download and begin the installation automatically.


    By default, Windows 7, 8, and 8.1 shipped with updates enabled and a second box — “Give me Recommended updates the same way I receive important updates” checked as well. Plenty of users have changed these settings, but you can bet millions of people haven’t.


    “As we shared in late October on the Windows Blog, we are committed to making it easy for our Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 customers to upgrade to Windows 10. We updated the upgrade experience today to help our customers, who previously reserved their upgrade, schedule a time for their upgrade to take place,” a company spokesperson told ZDNet.


    There are several issues to be aware of here. First, users on metered connections must either turn off recommended updates or disable automatic updates altogether if you don’t want the 6GB download to count against your monthly limit. Simply deleting the file isn’t sufficient, your OS will download it again. Microsoft doesn’t recommend disabling automatic update, but the company has no solution for users who can’t spare the bandwidth to download the OS, but don’t want the update.

  5. Something that this guide never addresses is that using random in your AI triggers is bad coding practice. The reason for this for two reasons;

    1. Mugen processes states in top-down order, including the negative states (-3, -2, and -1)
    2. Random returns a different value every time it is called

    Take the following code into consideration:

    [State -1, Shoryuken]

    type = changestate

    trigger1 = AILevel

    trigger1 = ctrl

    trigger1 = random<300


    [State -1, Tatsumaki]

    type = changestate

    trigger1 = AILevel

    trigger1 = ctrl

    trigger1 = random<300


    Looking at each AI changestate at face value, you would think that each one has a 30% chance at activating (random<300 roughly equates to 30% chance). However, because mugen processes states in top-down order, if the first changestate occurs, the second changestate will never process. Thus, the second changestate in actuality only has a 21% chance of occuring (70% chance of the 1st changestate not occuring, plus the 30% chance that the 2nd changestate will occur). When you have multiple AI changestates with similar or identical trigger conditions, you will need to account for this. A common way to do this (and much better practice) is to instead store the result of random into a variable, and compare the variable to different ranges of values in order to determine which changestate should occur.

  6. Its time for another CotM. There are a few changes to make note of this time around:


    • Character of the Period has been abolished. Instead, all winners of CotM will be lumped together in CotY.
    • In the event of a tie, voting will be extended by 1 week. If the tie is not broken by then, there will be no Silver winners for that month.
    • Counter-Nominations no longer count toward your limit of 4 nominations per month, but you are still limited to only one per month.


    Nominations & Voting Rules

    • You may nominate up to 4 characters per month.
    • You may only nominate a character that was released and/or updated during the given month.
    • You cannot nominate characters that have previously won Gold or Silver in any previous Character of the Month.
    • Be specific as to which character you are nominating; include both the name and the author name and, if applicable, the release thread of the character.
    • To make things easier, we suggest that you append the number of nominations that the character has, including your own, when you make your nominations.
    • Characters that have been nominated by at least 3 different people will become candidates for voting. Candidates for voting cannot be nominated any more (as there is no real purpose to this)
    • Voting begins 15 days after the nomination period began, or once 20 characters have been nominated as candidates.
    • The Nomination period will end on the 16th of every month, while the Voting period will end on the 1st of the following month, with a 1 week extension given in the event of a tie. The winner will be announced at the end of this period.
    • At the end of each month, the top 2 voted characters will be declared the Gold and Silver winners, respectively. In the event of a tie, voting will be extended by 1 week. If the tie is not broken by then, there will be no Silver winners for that month.
    • During this time, you will be permitted to vote for one character for CotM. So please choose wisely
    • You may choose to do a Counter-Nomination. Counter-Nominations can only be done on characters that have obtained at least 3 nominations for CotM. When doing a Counter-Nomination, you MUST list the reason(s) why you believe that the character should not be in the list of candidates. Note that if we, the staff of MFFA, feel that your reason for candidacy rejection is not adequate enough, we have the right to reject your Counter-Nomination. At least three (3) valid Counter-Nominations are required for a character to be removed from the list of candidates. You can only make one Counter-Nomination per month, which does not count towards your 4 nomination limit.
    • No collusion of any kind. If we find out that anyone has conspired with other users to nominate characters for the sole purpose of preventing another character from being nominated as a candidate by flooding the list of candidates until it reaches maximum capacity, those nominations will be null and void and all parties involved will be banned from participating in future CotM.


    That being said, January 2016 Nominations will end on February 15th, 2016.

  7. 2015 may be over, and we have selected the best characters of each month, but which of them is the best of all? Now's your chance to decide!


    Voting will end on February 15th, 2016




    May 2015 Winners:

    June 2015 Winners:

    • Gold Winner: M. Bison by Omegapsycho - 7
    • Silver Winner: Yang by YamoriX - 0

    July 2015 Winners:

    August 2015 Winners:

    September 2015

    October 2015

    • Gold Winner: Pope Benedict (The Magic Toaster) - 0
    • Silver Winner: Asuna (Sennou-Room) - 1

    November 2015

    December 2015

    • Gold Winner: Retro Suika (RoySquadRocks) - 3
    • Silver Winner: Frank West (Kamekaze) - 5
  8. Another viability update.


    115.png: Added to F (Unranked)

    • No niche in the UUbers meta without its Mega Evolution

    373.png: Added to F (Unranked)

    • Like Kangaskhan, no niche in the meta without its Mega Evolution. Offensively its outclassed by other notable dragons (Mega Charizard X, Palkia, Reshiram, Arceus-Dragon)

    [IMG](Electric): Added to B

    • Adding it here for now. Has boltbeam coverage in Ice Beam + STAB Judgement (Electric), so it can take out a myriad of threats with its neutral coverage and base 120 speed. While it loses to Groudon 1v1, it gives it a hard time switching in due to Ice Beam 2HKOing the beast. Calm Mind + Recover lets it easily 2HKO Assault Vest Palkia. Obviously needs some support before it can pull off a Calm Mind sweep, hence why it goes into B for the time being.

    [IMG](Fire): Added to C

    • Faces competition from other Fire type Pokemon such as the Mega Charizards, Reshiram, the Blazikens, and Heatran, all of which sport useful secondary typings that give them an advantage, either offensively or defensively. However, it does have wide coverage that allows it to take out certain key threats; STAB Overheat OHKOs Groudon in the sun and  Ice Beam for the Landorus formes, for example.

    [IMG](Bug): Added to D

    • Temporary until unranked, unless someone can prove its effectiveness, but bug simply doesn't seem like a very strong typing in the current metagame.
  9. There's plenty of legitimate ways to make money, but doing it off of a copyrighted character is not one of them.


    And quite frankly, just because a forum doesn't allow adfly links is not a good reason to keep characters private. If money is your sole motivation for this character then you might want to rethink your priorities. Trust me, we're not the first mugen forum to disallow ad referral links and we certainly won't be the last.

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