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  1. Like
    N_N got a reaction from ・yoonybin・ in Most_Mysterious's Characters   
    NOTE: This collection does not contain characters by Most_Mysterious's newer alias The_None, as all of the characters under that alias can easily be found here.
    This collection also does not include the 2017 updates, as they can all be found on the same site.
    Click on the images to download!


    Dink Smallwood
    Dooby Dummy
    Evil Kung Fu Man
    Kung Fu Bender (with Junior Chillage)
    Kung Fu Fiunn
    Omega Tiger Woods
    Patriot (with Smogon)
    Rox Howard Clones
  2. Upvote
    N_N got a reaction from Dan in [640x480] (1.0/1.1) eNergy Screenpack   
    This is a screenpack heavily based off the ever so glossy Frutiger Aero aesthetic.
    Comes with two versions, "systemA.def" which holds 159 characters, and "systemB.def" which holds 759.
    Doesn't come with any lifebars

    Get it here: https://www.mediafire.com/file/nxju0iajae6y4y8/eNergy_091521.rar/file
  3. Like
    N_N reacted to DarkBlueLightning4952 in SpongeBob SquarePants   
    Theres some more spongebob and his friends edits but their private on mugen archive and some are on onedrive, but I found them on mediafire and I also made some and, 
    TheObjectsticDude505, PawPawsFan8UTTP, GamerJason74, SSMAN & Dempsey Made some as well. 
    GamerJason74's Edits of SpongeBob & Ki SpongeBob:
    GamerJason74's 3rd edit of Retarded Kinoshita SpongeBob https://www.mediafire.com/file/iuulusco0c79hk7/Retarded_Ki_Spongebob.rar/file
    Retarded Shitty Kinoshita SpongeBob https://www.mediafire.com/file/kospr87yo3a7l92/Retarded_Shitty_Kinoshita_Spongebob_%28Beta%29.rar/file
    Blue ONI Dark SpongeBob https://www.mediafire.com/file/ewadedgz840z70u/Blue_ONI-Dark_Spongebob.rar/file
    Dark Blue ONI Dark SpongeBob https://www.mediafire.com/file/ffwhj3wvytida5t/Dark_Blue_ONI-Dark_Spongebob.rar/file
    Dark Red ONI Dark Spongebob https://www.mediafire.com/file/ygla72pkujzg58f/Dark_Red_ONI-Dark_Spongebob.rar/file, 
    Blue Killer SpongeBob https://www.mediafire.com/file/8e279fzf0sogbr2/Blue_Killer_Spongebob_%28unfinished%29.rar/file
    Dark Patrick https://www.mediafire.com/file/tm1olwy5kopkfyn/darkpatrickremastered.rar/file
    ONI-Dark SpongeBob http://www.mediafire.com/file/eovxvrt8920vgs1/ONI-Dark_Spongebob.rar/file
    Squidward Helicopter Attack https://<BLACKLISTED URL>/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=160529-squidward-attack-helicopter-tugunaizei-dr-sus
    Dark SpongeBob 2.0 https://www.mediafire.com/file/5bhb9rsnktub3nc/Dark_Spongebob_2_0_.zip/file
    Lord SpongeBob https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AHbHy9aQToLKGXY&cid=4FE334FA93A06B3C&id=4FE334FA93A06B3C!17790&parId=4FE334FA93A06B3C!5197&o=OneUp 
    Cheap Squidward SSMan https://onedrive.live.com/?authkey=!AHbHy9aQToLKGXY&cid=4FE334FA93A06B3C&id=4FE334FA93A06B3C!20298&parId=4FE334FA93A06B3C!5197&o=OneUp
    Sponge Monger https://www.mediafire.com/file/jkua2stcy7kgpoy/spongemonge.zip/file 
    Majin Starfish https://www.mediafire.com/file/mfol8gwj32zj173/Majin_Starfish.rar/file 
    Sadist SpongeBob https://www.mediafire.com/file/5aslb70rx27pke8/Sadist_Spongebob.zip/file But a Spriteswap of Sadist Donald 
    SpoongeBawb the F**Sucker https://www.mediafire.com/file/z2i00isd8xdz3w9/SbobThiFag.rar/file 
    Not Jellypuss https://www.mediafire.com/file/golh6n6dzzenpnx/NotJellypus.rar/file 
    PLANIT EATING STARFISH https://mega.nz/file/jfQQwAJJ#DEIPDpzn8Di2yq6ayKMJpcFoWPby55y1ZWKKWXSfwu8
    Patrick Star (DDR Style) https://www.mediafire.com/file/1l83ojfdj2wguv6/patrick_DDR.zip/file
    Dark SpongeBob 3.1 https://www.mediafire.com/file/a4k35bkb5eetoy3/Dark_Spongebob_3_01.zip/file 
    SpingeBill https://www.mediafire.com/file/qs7qzjtnxaugi7i/Spingebill.rar/file 
    Evil Squidward https://www.mediafire.com/file/488ltxba8qujj5a/Evil_Squidward.zip/file  
    Apocalyptic SpongeBob https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ZgHdlRTXfZq27GJKXuX3V-EvzVBMn3fz/view 
    Moar Krabs By XXMarioLover64 https://<BLACKLISTED URL>/forums/downloads.php?do=file&id=105377-moar-krabs-warioman-z-xxmariolover64brxx
    Custom Cheap SpongeBob By Dempsey Junique HD https://www.mediafire.com/file/xx7kxppfb2gysol/Custom_Cheap_Spongebob.rar/file.
    SpongeBob JUS https://mega.nz/file/3XhlCaQS#36bZYVTrFG3m5OGwRHEeGLiuhoSdteIS89WmXUVgEEY
    Evil GOD SpongeBob https://drive.google.com/file/d/11oqn4jAA1KK7Gvq1tnec_qRTAXv5ED8d/view
    PawPawsFan8UTTP's Edit of SpongeBob and Patrick and He did made:
    Super Dark SpongeBob 2.0 https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmE2QWxvUTVjZ013czZFek1LY3JWUEt3M2dKd3xBQ3Jtc0tsakhUQmN3UjVfMjU5SGRRZXFFeEs2bFR4bFRaUUI0Y0w4Y3RDRzB5eldkM21veVRnRG1JamNJVGlERGhyOEVCbUxHUk5kT3MtQlZMaWpmQ1NjZXl3VGI5MzJhYjNOeDJYUmNoUEVzVWZHRTh1UU8wQQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2Ffile%2Fn2h9214kz1hoahg%2FSuper%2BDark_Spongebob.zip%2Ffile
    SpongeBob Zaia https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbDJ2ZXppNjR4WEFrVHI0OXZKbVppNzZrQ2wzQXxBQ3Jtc0ttenA4aUlDWkl3ZFktZGRiaGtsdmY4ZlhqUWhWQXVBMEI2NVFHMm9vU19YS0NMZm9vSWlYeEo3SG05cnMtcFRSd3R6Yk5SYUhYOGFfdDNabHlQNGRyNEFxcGxiVE1DYUkwYlRoVHpsQUdiVnRlY0Ywdw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2Ffile%2Fn1wltlxudf6ft03%2FSpongeBob_Zaia.zip%2Ffile 
    SpongeBob Nanotech https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbGRjbGFCbzVKU0NNOFFVNlhMMUdOeDRjbUY0UXxBQ3Jtc0trN2tGZFhCLUFCcnA5eTFRclUzUWRRTGV4Wm5NTTgtVGtwdEJIdngyWjNSUG9kTXR3eS1HYjI0T21WaGZCeDNfbHNONjBYTlZBSld0ZU9FeGhmVndhWHpVWVp2aW5SYzZ2V2pZcnpISTV5X1FnaTMyNA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2Ffile%2Fvp0jpypuypn1bwk%2FSpongeBob_Nanotech.zip%2Ffile 
    SpongeBob MetsubouJinrai https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbnpCaEdHMWhJMHlnRTRQRE9wbXhJa2YyemZBd3xBQ3Jtc0tuSV9iajdZc0hpRFVTVE5tMFBmVFRqRGNXRzdRWFZZZTczTDFkRWlGWkNJOXlKM2drWGt1b0xEUlJjU0QtM01JWXd6TEtnNjV6YkFZWXRiWEJ3ZFJZRUFpTDJYVnIwRHVTVmtIbnFYaGE1dm0tQTBKaw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2Ffile%2F4dch51cs6zne6yg%2FSpongeBob%2BMetsubouJinrai.zip%2Ffile
    SpongeBob Grimoire https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUlISThSOEkzVjF1SFZTM3JERVo2elBaNzFNd3xBQ3Jtc0trdE1taU8zVDZCUGJ4NDJEcEVMc25SVW1jYjJaeUg0MkpwdGVfRmFnTHNRRTRvbDBMTFRUSjJTRWRVWXFaVWlkZTlXUlg5d0VVam51U1VMLWhGV2lhU1V3dHB3MjdLbUp4eWdDYTV0a19jc05QNVI0RQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2Ffile%2Fwf0b076l7wsavsk%2FSpongeBob%2BGrimoire.zip%2Ffile
    SpongeBob Covid-19 https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqa05SbDg3TXZDZmtySTNmd1ZlWk9XSXhlcXV2d3xBQ3Jtc0tsdVYzNXpVS0lRNEQxQXdTcGE2T2NSeUpWRkNPMWV1bVlIWFNKLVdqbDNCSkQ3WktGcXJQbjBFVG1LUWNTc29IazlIcWNhY2NXUlM0UmIwelgwa3UzSTFFeHBsbVJBTXlmWlZwSmMtVmpmTHFjN1NNVQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2Ffile%2Feqrt3wvpxzoxcrw%2FSpongeBob%2BCovid-19.zip%2Ffile
    Fake Dark God SpongeBob https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmgzMjAwZ2phQkZjS01XZ3hRRnpmUUxWVEpwZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsSTlxRkxvMUl6dXhSOWgxR0YyXzRQdzdobjg3anZYaVZkVll5RW5paXZMbFNJV1E4c3FDTnc1aEttdDVvRC1mX3RxUTR3U21mRk1ZblpsekN4dng4MkNQQzFaWmRDVlRUVmpub3hISlNwRl81aUpiOA&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2Ffile%2F12n05z5idce2u4q%2FDark%2BGod%2BSpongebob.zip%2Ffile
    PPF8UTTP's Evil SpongeBob https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmtBSEtlTENqR3VwZUwtLVZ1dzZWZHY2bkRNUXxBQ3Jtc0ttQXRPN1lCUTYzaW5HcGh6dWJGSUFNTkUzdnZPbmtoYkpjTWpyRnVDdGdFcmVieGlFczFxLU9Ha3BVOHJORk5SN1ZOSFpMLVFKZVdUQVJnSlgwWUM0T25nek5zUWVUX0dZdUJrTWpoVWI5TXRIQThCTQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2Ffile%2Fopkkotwbhofpa1d%2FEvil%2BSpongebob.zip%2Ffile
    Apocalypyic Patrick https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbWwxY21LSmJ0Ukw1QWtnNHJHeFlaVFJ6ZWxmZ3xBQ3Jtc0tscllhS19yZHh6NUJCM3RlYmp3blA3LS1JM3ZCakI0SVBFWEMtQUN3NGxtNG1Kd1VFNE9pdi1QdnVRM1E1UHpnNHVRYXhUTzlET3RjaWJuS25JU25EOTJOajRqVHFIZmRoU2ZXZnFwcUlFWHVEQ2E3WQ&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2Ffile%2Fonz91ylt4h7qfwj%2FApocalyptic%2BPatrick.zip%2Ffile
    Symbiote Patrick https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbHNfZWc1WmJudUhXZDFFM213ZmhyanljVDdkUXxBQ3Jtc0trWU0tMy1OUUhhbG5DWGhObTMtR2x4RFZjaVh4UHd4UmVuTmlLdERzTnRsV0tUM2pFUEtZNExpUmFsZ19BQ3ZxamZpNVRUWkFPNWVjYmMxUEp0Ui1WcTZKRnM0TkR5c3pQSVBKakR1ZGhTN0I5M1pVYw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2Ffile%2Fud0yo1wxl1h2kke%2FSymbiote%2Bpatrick.zip%2Ffile
    Super Patrick https://www.youtube.com/redirect?event=video_description&redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUJBbm5CNFVrRWEtTVducHMtRmR2V2FkcV9qUXxBQ3Jtc0tueUhZZGxJZnVTYlV0T29uc1pkbFp3VjBNRTM1Z1FrNldGUnIwbnhhbzV0QlRURWdoSElsUkJieXRKMy1ZQjJxdC1NbFRpN0xEOE81bkJPZVVNaGVVRUxtUURTb0FlRjJZT0dPMzR3MlpQWE5VWmJucw&q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.mediafire.com%2Ffile%2Fgkbazum7ehd41ip%2FSuperPatrick.zip%2Ffile
    TheObjectsticDude505's Edit of Super Dark SpongeBob https://www.mediafire.com/file/vou22hc1e4pdc2c/Super+Dark+Spongebob.zip/file
    My Edits Of SpongeBob :
    Custom Cheap SpongeBob 2.0 https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5ozykhya5ch5t/Custom+Cheap+SpongeBob+2.0
    My Version of Evil SpongeBob https://www.mediafire.com/folder/5ixxvbg3uqlbj/EvilSbobTheSnge
    Green ONI Dark SpongeBob https://www.mediafire.com/folder/xuhqhqb4ifc90/Green+ONI-Dark_Spongebob
    Yellow ONI Dark SpongeBob https://www.mediafire.com/folder/fru4gbamcrkr3/Yellow+ONI-Dark_Spongebob
  4. Like
    N_N reacted to Celestial-Len in SpongeBob SquarePants   
    A SpongeBob by "Sanchez" that's a spriteswap of Barney.
    Also my Reef Rumble pack got updated:
  5. Upvote
    N_N got a reaction from karlsup in Let's go! DaBaby drives a convertible into MUGEN!   
    - There's a file called "AI.def" that actually appears to be a .def for OHMSBY's Es. How'd that get there?
    - Misaligned head.pos and mid.pos. Combined with how some of his hurt sprites are misaligned, this makes him suspectible to looking awkward during throws. Refer to http://www.elecbyte.com/mugendocs-11b1/spr.html for how the hurt sprites should be aligned. Meanwhile, you can always use Stupa's Training to check the former.
    - His life is inexplicably 50% higher than what the average character has.
    - Misaligned hitsparks on lots of moves - check your sparkxys
    - Both standing punches are easy infinites, same with crouching hard punch
    - Both standing and jumping kicks have the exact same startup and cooldown, which in both cases makes the light kick a little useless
    - Both crouching kicks don't have any cooldown
    - The cap throw does only 10 damage, while the gunshot, which shoots out a much more faster projectile that can't be as easily punished, does 43. In any case the gunshot should be nerfed and the cap throw buffed.
    - Gunshot misses at point blank
    - The slap is too safe, comes out at roughly the same time of the standing light punch yet does 120 damage, and is a borderline infinite when blocked.
    - 150 damage for a special like Spam Mail is excessive
    - Debug flood whenever a hyper is activated; "expression truncated to integer"
    - Let's Go DaBaby makes it very easy for the player to drain the opponent's entire lifebar, provided that they attack along with the clones
    - The opponent can't hit DaBaby for the entirety of the convertible and revenge death ball hypers. I would suggest adding some hitboxes especially because they're both long-ranged.
    - The "Basara KO" text on "DaBaby shows you the truth" is misaligned
    - The background that appears whenever you kill the opponent with a hyper is also misaligned
    - DaBaby doesn't have a state 5150 in his common1.cns which causes a debug error whenever he dies.
    While you've definitely improved from your earlier creations, there is also definitely room for more improvement. If I were you, I'd start studying fighting games. Look for inspirations that you could use - ask yourself questions like "how does that move work", "why does that move work" - and put that knowledge to good use when creating characters.
    That being said, DaBaby is also decently clever designed. I like the ideas in his moveset in particular. I would say that creativity is one of your strong suits, which is why it's important that you start taking notes from fighting games. A solid foundation topped off with creative ideas would be most ideal. You just need to work on the foundation.
  6. Thank You
    N_N reacted to tako in Super Mario Bros.   
    This thread is a remake of Moltarn's Super Mario Bros.
    RED denotes an offline / missing character
    Click on the author names to download.
    ShinRyoga & NeOaNkH / SM853's Edit / Orochihomer's Edit / Moonchaser122 : Old - New / Alexander Cooper 17 & BestGamerReview's Edit / MASA's Edit / SteelKomodo's Edit / Tanicfan22's Edit / JoshGunner's Edit / Mario11766's Edit / YochiThMaster333's Edit / FirenLF2's Edit / Unknown Creator's Edit / golarrapad's Edit / Shiruzato's Edit / ReuelBelo123 & ValleryTheNepGamer96's Edit / TylorTheHedgehog / TylortheHedgehog & GoldeBriggs / Milt Jr's Edit / Wallamoose's Edit || AxKing / Pizzasause / VictorKiller999? / Pingurules & awesometuh's Edit / TWK&LTM : Old - New / Pizzasause2000's Edit / Game collector 65 yt's Edit || Warner
    Hsiehtm / YUTO (MarioMarioMario) || mituba || KingPepe || Basara-kun || Alexander Williams Mugen || TheMockery || Gemeos dos Jogos || MLGPoliwhirl /  || Leo-22-M
    Hanyou / Stickman14's Edit / Yensi's Edit || Tanicfan22 || Alexander Williams Mugen || TOMMY Attacks! || Dingybird2012 || Duck@ss || Jermboy27 || Tako&Higure(Jinsei) || tako || Alexander Williams Mugen || Alexander Williams Mugen
    xXPGlitz236 || GooGoo64 || Pizzasause || Mugendd2007 / Pulento69 || Dr. M || Pizzasause / mugenx || Tanicfan22 || babymario2301 (Baby Mario)
    YochiThMaster333 (Fire Mario) || Rapthemonkey9 (shadow mario) || Tanicfan22 || Tako || Diamonswag 12 Old -  New / DS12 || Dark Chaos || Newbiefan2020 / Ravenboy9 || Yochi || Thunderbert || mariotime || l-jumanji || Pedro Henrique || Tanicfan22 || Plom-1-5-100 || WeberViorel || k6666orochi
    Pizzasause : Version 1 -  Version 2 - Version 3 / Warioman's Edit / Mugenguy4164 || YochiThMaster333 / Ermac Won / Pizzasauce / Starplatnum4658 || Pizzasauce || 70 || SuperMario193281 || SC1614 / 119way : Old - New / Duracelleur / Tigregoods / SephirothX2004 / Quimeravirus || xXPGlitz236 || DJ HANNIBALROYCE / TheTrueAnalysis's Edit / Garjian's Edit
    karter / N-Mario & TMasta & Soliduma || karter || Kusamochi || YochiThMaster333 || Txpot || Txpot / jor8a's Edit || Moldredd
    antonio / Iverv12 || This Boy || SeanAltly || Antonio & pvzFan92 || Michael J || syu takazaki || AngryBirdCooler & FourthRhyme || Quazag11 || Dwantara Ganesha || JoshGunner
    Planeptune || playawey80
    Shazzo (Paper Mario) / YochiThMaster333's Edit || Ermac Won : Winmugen Version / Mugen 1.0 version / Chubby's Edit || jakobthecool867 || xXPGlitz236 || AngryBirdCooler
    MUGENWORLD : Old - New || NESMario aka NESMario123 aka RANK7YGO (Toy Mario)
    YochiThMaster333|| VGFanatic64 || HCL || Klingofthecastle || YochiThMaster333 || Ali || S.Nara
    Hotel Mario : Gruntzilla94 || Smealgol14 / Tanicfan22's Edit || SuperMario69 / 2010lifegame || Pizzasause2000 || VictorEVERMEHREN1011
    MyYouTube Rocks & Sebastian Ridings || N64Mario || Nodog || Malleo : SC1614 || Nextphext
    Duck@ss & DJ HANNIBALROYCE || Kart Fighter : Exclamation_Question / NESMario / Tanicfan22 / Alexander Williams Mugen || World Heroes 2 NES : KingPepe / Jango / YochithMaster333 || Alexander Williams Mugen
    arcadboy (Fortran) || TheBrainJemin(Grand Dad) || TheBrainJemin || Ninjakick || Pizzasause || ThatGuySebi and OliverTeenage13
    Thomas Hisei (Cat Mario) || Sebastian Ridings || Sebastian Ridings || Zennon Pivot || KoopaKingdom.com || SauRou (Punching Bag)
    OTHER : YUTO (Madness Mario) / YUTO (New Madness Mario) || Alexander Williams Mugen (SOMARI) || wara (Muscle Mario) || {_Natan Alberto Souza Dos Santos_} (MechaMario) || This Boy (Mecha Mario) || BlueYoshi19830 (Glitch Mario) || Yochithmaster333 (Luigi aka Green Mario) || Weegeesquare (Myrio) || logic (Maryu)
    Rafael Espinheiro (Mario Plush HD) || AngryBirdCooler (Kung Fu Mari) || AngryBirdCooler (Borio) || Not picture : Wichael111EVILY (f*GG*T mario)
    Ivan Luiz / XTails225X : Old - 1.1 - New / EmmanuelMugen1331 || Camren Springer / 70 - Remaster || YochiThMaster333 / JoshyTehMasturd9019's Edit || YochiThMaster333 || MarioPingasRobotnik || Pingurules || S666
    joan quines || Plom-1-5-100 || N64Mario & TMasta / kwysocki243 || CZ Mugen || Txpot || Kouzyoutyou2621 || ShinRyoga & NeOaNkH || Pizzasause & Warner & N64Mario & TMasta || Alexander Williams Mugen (Kart Fighter) || YochiThMaster333
    ShinRyoga & NeoAnkh / SM853's Edit / TylorTheHedgehog's Edit / ValleryTheNepGamer96's Edit / ReuelBelo123 & ValleryTheNepGamer96 's Edit / Orochihomer's Edit / Milt Jr.'s Edit || nothing || Warner / DarkLuigi's Edit / Pingurules's Edit / TheFclass97 / Aperson98 / SC1614's Edit / Creamy Goodness's Edit / Pingurules & awesometuh's Edit / Garjian's Edit (Luigi wins by doing absolutely nothing) / Game collector 65 yt's Edit || Warner
    Unknown Creator || Alexander Williams Mugen || Alexander Williams Mugen || LuigizTheBoss || Tanicfan22 || A.T. || Pizzasause || Dr. Your Mom & YochiThMaster333 || SC1614& Yagoshi / xXPGlitz236 || Yochi || Tanicfan22 || Unknown Creator (FattyLuigi) / Unknown Creator - 2.5 || Unknown (LugiOGM) || YochiThMaster333 || babymario2301 (Baby Luigi)
    Shazzo / Stickman14's Edit / Mariotime's Edit / Tanicfan22's Edit / Dark Chaos' Edit / Camillo / Sumin2393 || Plom-1-5-100 / Yochi's Edit || Okfr78 & ds12 || Diamondswag 12 : Old - New || k6666orochi / Tanicfan22 || Exclamation_Question
    xXP236GlitzXx || Kusamochi || SC1614 / 119way & GMSpectre & Winodds & Mengbin9 / kater15 || p00008874 || N64Mario & TMasta / karter || Yochi || Pizzasause / Mario11766 / Warioman / Mugenguy4164 || Starplatnum4658 || Yochithmaster333 || Mr. L : J.NEWMAN || Pizzasauce : Old - New || Warioman's Edit || Alexander Williams Mugen (Kart Fighter)
    Dark Chaos || This Boy || JoshGunner || MUGENWORLD : Old - New || thebootlegs170 || NESMario aka NESMario123 aka RANK7YGO (Toy Luigi) || Awaken (Dr. Luigi)
    Pizzasauce || Pizzasauce : Old - New || Shazzo / YochiThMaster333 || xXPGlitz236
    YochiThMaster333 || VGFanatic64 || SNS : Version 1 / Version 2 || Klingofthecastle || S.Nara || by KoopaKingdom.com : Version 1 / Version 2 || Metal luigi : KoopaKingdom.com || Pizzasauce
    Weegee : Fighaus / Freddery II || Freddery II || aznperson569M || Soul Taker (Fire Luigi) || Luigifan1 || Jedipolice || GTFoxN6Y || Mama luigi : SC1614 || Gayluigi : Yagoshi / Warner & N64Mario & TMasta || GamerRandom2015XD || Gruntzilla94

    OTHER : logic (Luigi Kusanagi)
    Eugene Q / Jstudios2K's Edit / The 14th Doctor's Edit || Nexus Gaming - New || YochiThMaster333 || Alexander Williams Mugen || syu takazaki || Diogo M soulfire / Inferno

    Big Eli King / Macaulyn97's Edit / Rapthemonkey9 / Exclamation_Question / || S.Nara

    OTHER : TheTrueAnalysis (SSJ Blue Princess Peach) || logic (Peach Yagami)
    MISSING : nega peach by dark mario
    Shazzo || bowseryi2 || Karter / K.Y-Shanxi || Mariotime
    Storm0062 / fhqwhgads7 || J.NEWMAN / Diogo M Soulfire || k6666orochi || EasyChar & Shazzo (Giga Bowser) || Rodita (Dry Bowser) || Unknown Creator (Dark Bowser)
    ArchaicGamer || YUTO || Alexander Williams Mugen || jhfer / Exclamation_Question || MugenX || xXPGlitz236 || xXPGlitz236
    Teixeira's Mugen || AngryBirdsCooler || syu takazaki || S.Nara || OHMSBY - 1.0

    xXPGlitz236 (Paper Bowser)
    DS12 || DS12 / Baconator2558 || Baconator2558 || Pizzasause || KoopaKingdom.com
    TylorTheHedgehog || Mike / MysteryVore88's Edit / YochiThMaster333's Edit || YUTO || SNS / HCL || Earthwormjim4 || BIRD || DemonicDrPhil || mugenx
     DS12 || This Boy || Tanicfan2 || Sonic99swell
    Drede17XI ||  Kart Fighter : Rolento || yoshikf / .\ /. / Tylorthehedgehog / Exclamation_Question
    KoopaKingdom.com || KoopaKingdom.com || Tanicfan22 || Yochi || Yoshithemaster333|| ROMASAGA EX
    OTHER : CyberLizard & Yagoshi (Super Mecha Yoshi) || HedgehogMac (MegaYoshi) || HM Hibiki (Mac Yoshi) || Tylor the Hedgehog (Akumo)
    Warner / _Data_Drain_'s Edit / Adrian's Edit / JtheSaltyy's Edit - Old || jakobthecool867 || Pizzasauce / Yochithmaster333 / Mario11766 / Mario11766 & Pizzasauce / Starplatnum4658 || J.NEWMAN / xXP236GlitzXx || Mariotime || This Boy || Duckerman12 || GooGoo64 || VGFanatic64
    AngryBirdsCooler || SNS || VGFanatic64 || KoopaKingdom.com || SC1614 || reiga || Mamaluigi339 || Alexander Williams Mugen (Kart Fighter) || VGFanatic64 || sspanzerdivision262 (Wario Man) 
    AxKing / RobotMonkeyHead's edit || Mugendude26 || Arcadboy (Omega Wario)
    MISSING : Wario (Golf) by Mugendude26
    Warioman / Zobbes' Edit / MGSSJ2 / Warioman / Mugenguy4164 / Mr Seek 2.0 || Starplatnum4658 / 70 || Camren Springer || walnew || Ivan Luiz / Unknown Creator || Bigshowofall || ThomasMarioFan48 || Viniciuspikachu1 / Pizzasauce / Webkinzspongebob || xXP236GlitzXx || Alexander Williams Mugen (Kart Fighter) || VGFanatic64
    Ernesto Perez || Nexus Games || Ernesto G. Perez || Dawn de Era - New / This Boy || Alexander Williams Mugen (Kart Fighter)
    Thepyrohero || Stable-Tec || YochiThMaster333 || YochiThmaster333 || Bill_Space 609 || Alexander Williams Mugen || Rodita || Endercreeper9999

    SauRou (Punching Bag)
    Random Ninja (Kart Fighter) || NS / SansTheSkeletonMugen || S.SADA || xXP236GlitzXx || Evilasio De Paz || Starplatinum4658 || SNS || Alexander Williams Mugen || 

    OTHER : GS (Below273's AI patch ) (kinoppi) || logic (K'toad)
    Alexander Williams Mugen (Kart Fighter) || xXP236GlitzXx || KinopicoKirby || Hugespongebob98 : Version 1 / Version 2
    Alexander Williams Mugen || gba64 / Mugendude26 || RAIKOU || Alexander Williams Mugen (Kart Fighter)
    YUTO || Monkeyx5 / CoffeeFlavoredMilk || SC1614 || Tuki || KoopaKingdom.com || Monkeyx5 || GodzillaFightn
    KoopaKingdom.com / Tanicfan22 || Pizzasauce || Pizzasauce || tilin / Mario11766's Edit / Exclamation_Question || LegatoB & Titiln / CalliouStrawberry & TheBestmlTBM || Duck@ss || DJHANNIBALROYCE || Karter || SansTheSkeleton
    Mugendude26 (Eskimo Koopa) / Mugendude26 (Greek Koopa)
    KingPepe || KoopaKingdom.com || Pizzasauce || Pizzasauce || Alexander Williams Mugen (Kart Fighter) || Mugendude26
    Neo-Kamek || ROMASAGA EX || KoopaKingdom.com / Mario11766
    Mugendude26 || Jermboy27 || MiketheMUGENGuy || OHMSBY
    KoopaKingdom.com / Black g y || 339 || DarkSpinDoctor || Below273 / Buti || Camren Springer || satanchu
    Dry Bones
    KoopaKingdom.com / xxjumpscarezxx the fox || alerkina4 || Bigshowofall || Alexander Williams Mugen (Kart Fighter) || VGFanatic64 & Exclamamation_Question &nbsp;(Kart Fighter) / VGFanatic64
    fighter_fly : diegoabdiel  Autobomb : KoopaKingdom.com Robirdo : KoopaKingdom.com / gba64 Boo : KoopaKingdom.com / DS12 Big Boo : KoopaKingdom.com / tako
    Ninji : KoopaKingdom.com (Classic) - KoopaKingdom.com / xxjumpscarezxx the fox Dark Bones : KoopaKingdom.com vomer : KoopaKingdom.com Koopatrol : KoopaKingdom.com || Joey Faust Dark_Koopatrol : KoopaKingdom.com
    Doopliss : KoopaKingdom.com || Oliver As Latias Fawful : KoopaKingdom.com || {_Natan Alberto Souza Dos Santos_} Mask Gate : KoopaKingdom.com Shadoo : KoopaKingdom.com (Mario) - KoopaKingdom.com (Luigi)
    Snifit : KoopaKingdom.com Midbus : Monkeyx5  Cheep Cheep : Mugendude26 Cheep Chomp : N64Mario Chomper : N64Mario
    Petey Piranha : CyberLizard Gulpit : Joey Faust Bzzap : Joey Faust Lakitu : Phantom.of.the.Server nyololin : Mature4evr / HelloMyNameIsAAA Clubba : Joey Faust
    Crazee Dayzee : Joey Faust Cloudy : Joey Faust Boomboxer : SummitIsCool2000 Dark Boomboxer : SummitIsCool2000 Yaridovich : Kozeni Limbo Bros : HANBAHAN
    Wiggler : GooGoo64 Thwomp : RGM Snailicorn : alerkina4 Reznor : MabsKMK Cackletta : SansTheSkeleton
    Wart : Mugendude26 / Monkeyx5 Spiny : fhqwhgads7 Mimi : Bec Noir || Bec Noir
    Super Dimentio : Bec Noir Kammy Koopa : Pizzasause || xXPGlitz236 Mouser : Alexander Williams Mugen Mack : syu takazaki
    Ashley : DS12 Mona : AwesomeBlue Kat : Daigoro Ana : Daigoro Fronk : Camren Springer 9volt : Camren Springer Orbulon : Camren Springer Dr.Crygor : Camren Springer Penny Crygor : 9-VoltTheGamer
    1-Up Mushroom : MatsudaSpecial boshi : Zobbes Wanda : RoySquadRocks Ella : TheTrueAnalysis Neil : Sebastian Ridings (Neil and Ella)The Master : Kouzyoutyou2621 Mecha Birdo : fhqwhgads7
    Bombette : Joey Faust Sushie : Joey Faust Lady Bow : Joey Faust Parakarry : Joey Faust Kooper : Joey Faust
    Mallow : Takazaki || Camren Springer || Tachi / Superteletubbies64's Edit || Geno : Tachi / Camren Springer / Superteletubbies64's Edit / Evilasio Da Paz, Jr. || MYTHOS / Teixera's Mugen Popple & Rookie : SansTheSkeleton Nintenman : Kozeni Tippi : Alphys & Romjan49 Rescue Squad Toad : Yochithmaster333 Yoshi Egg : Idiot Princess Shokora : Unknown || StarPlatnum4658
    Red Bomb-Omb : xxjumpscarezxx the fox || Mountain : g-r:


     jor8a || Cobee || MrPr1993
    The wario appartion : GTFoxN6Y dark mario : AlejandroDSZ Negative Mario : xxjumpscarezxx the fox Negative Luigi : xxjumpscarezxx the fox Mario.exe : Yochithmaster333 || Red_plember2 || 9-VoltTheGamer (Punchbag) Luigi.exe : Unknown Creator / Luigi1276's Edit Yoshi.exe : Pizzasauce Hotel Mario.exe : LuigiFan1
    Mario Popsicle : CWSKB Speedrunner Mario : GTFoxN6Y : 1.0 - 1.1 || Meet : Lillie's 音MADs
    Something that is based on a Mario character, but is not a Mario character.
    Yosh : Yosh Dinosaur / Yosh Dinosaur SMG3 : xXPGlitz236 SMG4 : xXPGlitz236 / Freddy16 || Monkeyx5 : Beta - Update
    || SuperWilliam / stephan1234 : Old - New || mukesh flores angulo || WeberViorel || Farel Ayel || Shyrx / Adiee5's Edit
    Yagoshi : neofiresonic DemonJr : EKZoroWarner Deepercutt : Ermac Won & HNWF SuperRhys217 : Shyrx jakobthecool867 : jakobthecool867

    Super Mario Bros.: World 1-1 Bonus Game by Bane84

    Super Mario Land: World 1-1 Bonus Game by Bane84

    Super Mario World - Castle Calamity by N64Mario

    Super Mario World -Bala Gigante by Potro

    Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Lifebars by Luneth
    Alexander Williams Mugen : Kart Fighter Remake DEMO
  7. Like
    N_N reacted to CWSKB in SpongeBob SquarePants   
    I Fixed the Download link for Moar Spongebob
  8. Like
    N_N reacted to karlsup in Homestar Runner   
    It's times like these that make you wish you could edit other people's posts....
  9. Like
    N_N reacted to GreenShieldy in Homestar Runner   
    Dear Strong Bad, how come you haven't updated your collection in years?
     - Crapfully crap Sincerely yours, G. Shieldy
    Homestar Runner by AwesomeBlue: https://www.dropbox.com/s/rsd80u5lsiduqjl/HomestarRunner_AwesomeBlue.zip
    Strong Bad by AwesomeBlue: https://www.dropbox.com/s/unkivo67240t26g/StrongBad_AwesomeBlue.zip
    Strong Bad (Sumin Imitation) by Camren Springer: https://sites.google.com/view/camrenssuminimitationwebsite/characters/characters-animecartoon/others
    Walfas Strong Bad: http://www.mediafire.com/file/s34e2bj3sa4l9yq/SB.rar/file (Don't be fooled by the link, that's not Weegee's)
    Strong Bad MK2: http://www.mediafire.com/file/wacui7ruc3w0o82/Strong_Bad_MK2.zip/file
    Coach Z by Gorfield Slikk: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1KbBCP0A3GIB19vitNEapNWYfka_J1Fv0/view
  10. Upvote
    N_N got a reaction from ValgarYK in SpongeBob SquarePants   
    Red indicates a dead link. This is a recreation of Moltar's old collection--thanks to him for providing a good base. Let me know if I missed anything; with there being over a decade's worth of SpongeBob creations, I'm bound to have forgotten about something.
    SpongeBob SquarePants
    Patrick Star
    Squidward Tentacles
    Mr. Krabs
    Sandy Cheeks
    Gary the Snail
    Mermaid Man
    Larry the Lobster
    Miscellaneous Characters
    Bikini Bottom - Xedarts / ExShadow / Mugen Mario || SpongeBob's House - SpongebobFanguy6660 Inc. || Patrick's House - Rowser64 || Sandy's Dome - Rowser64 || Goo Lagoon - Rowser64 || 
    Krusty Krab - AkiraIce / TheSlkMugen / Nour Atef / Xxthathedgehogxx / N_N / Shimmering Brony || 
    Chum Bucket -  MugenJF / Alessiofuffa3 / Knuckles999 / Infantry00 / Mugen Gamer || Jellyfish Fields - MugenJF - N_N's edit ("Jellyfish Fields - Night") / AngryNoahs / MyYoutube Rocks || 
    Flying Dutchman's Ship - Rowser64 || Weenie Hut Juniors - MugenJF || DoodleBob's House - AngryNoahs / Alessiofuffa3 || Doodle Dimension - xXPGlitz236 || Nowhere - ToonAlexSora007 ||
    The Wash! - Infantry00 || Krabby Pizza - Derpy Sponge || Gary Come Home - Alexander Uone Green Cook Guy Hecht The World || The Poop Deck - SpongebobFanguy6660 Inc. ||
    Krusty Towers - Sanic1234 || Combat Arena - xXPGlitz236 || SURE - FlamingRedHead || Pin Head - Ivan Luiz || Squidward House - Sanic1234 || Squidward Chat - Rapthemonkey9 ||
    Demolition Sponge - MyYoutube Rocks || Starfishman Rescue - Versionmock5
    Gruntzilla34's AI patch for Gruntzilla34's Moar Krabs
    N_N's "silly soundpack" for Felixmario2011's second SpongeBob
    Fried Chili Cheese Dogs soundpack for FelixMario2011's second SpongeBob, author unknown
    DaMarioMemer's AI patch for Infantry00's first DoodleBob
  11. Upvote
    N_N got a reaction from HappyDappy666 in Homestar Runner   
    Homestar Runner

    TheNoahGuy1 || AwesomeBlue
    Strong Bad

    Weegeeisgoingtokillm - Pgrs111MAGEN's first edit ("Weak Good") / Pgrs111MAGEN's second edit ("Strong Bad MK2") / Pgrs111MAGEN's third edit / AwesomeBlue / Camren Springer
    Coach Z

    Gorfield Slikk

    GaryCXJk - First version / Second version

    Main Page 13, Math Kickers, Strong Badia, and Sweet Cuppin' Cakes by GaryCXJk || The Field and Old-Timey The Field by Tanicfan22 || 20X6 The Field by Acey || Bubs' Concession Stand by yoyoyo3311
  12. Upvote
    N_N reacted to GarfieldfanMUGEN in Newgrounds   
    Everything, By Everyone.
    Newgrounds is a site originally created in 1995 (under the old names New Ground Remix and New Ground Atomix) by Tom Fulp. The site allows users to submit movies, art, music and games (most which originally used Flash, some as of January 2021 now use Ruffle). There is also a rating system for everything, and entries can either pass judgement or get Blammed. A special site-wide celebration known as Pico Day (named after one of Fulp's character and old NG mascot) happens every April 30th, celebrating Fulp's birthday.
    Please note this collection is still a work-in-progress, there may be major revisions or series added.
    Italics mean a character is offline
    Purple text means a character is cheap
    Brown text means a character is for collection purposes only


    shanetheninjaboy [JoeytheMarillFan's edit: V1, V1.1, V2, V3 (recent), n00b12's edit] - Camren Springer

    Camren Springer

    Alien Hominid

    Paul Centola - kidthomas

    Sgt. John Captain


    Henry Stickmin

    Shazam7121 [DaMarioMemer's edit, NNinja1255's edit]
    Charles Calvin

    Isaias22Benjamin - DaMarioMemer [NNinja1255's edit]
    Ellie Rose


    (versions will not contain NSFW material unless stated)



    IgnitionGrimmy (V1) [Isaias22Benjamin's edit] - IgnitionGrimmy (V2) [AlexanderCooper19's edit] - EmmanuelMugen1331 [NNinja1255's edit] - pvzfan92

    Unknown Author
    Not Pictured:
    "Lemon Demon" by Enzo el glitch (spriteswap of GiovaniRol98's Crewmate)
    Newgrounds City by ScepterDPinoy
    Newgrounds Rumble - Tankmen Stage by JoeytheMarillFan
    Completing the Mission - Toppat Train by JoeytheMarillFan
    Infiltrating the Airship - Toppat Airship by EmmanuelMugen1331
    Friday Night Funkin' - Pico by Gokurus (1.0 patch)
    Friday Night Funkin' - Mommy Must Murder by Gokurus (1.0 patch)
    Friday Night Funkin' - Hating Simulator by Gokurus (1.0 version)
  13. Like
    N_N reacted to CWSKB in SpongeBob SquarePants   
    Sandy Cheeks by JoshGunner (spriteswap)

  14. Like
    N_N reacted to CWSKB in SpongeBob SquarePants   
    Patrick is Finished & i also made SpongeBob's Update

    https://www.dropbox.com/s/95b641v2a7u3ij2/Patrick Star.rar?dl=0 https://www.dropbox.com/s/4jer12t3stn1d0v/Spongebob Squarepants (Updated).rar?dl=0
  15. Like
    N_N reacted to GreenShieldy in SpongeBob SquarePants   
    Continuing on the SpongeBob edits, I found some more:
    Retarded edits for Kinoshita SpongeBob:
    Fried Chili Cheese Dogs soundpack for FelixMario2011's SpongeBob:
  16. Like
    N_N reacted to GreenShieldy in SpongeBob SquarePants   
    Three SpongeBob edits and one Patrick edit here: https://www.mediafire.com/folder/970976z0bh3xk/My_Character_Edits
    This folder was linked on Dark Blue Lightning 4952 Official's channel
  17. Like
    N_N reacted to CWSKB in SpongeBob SquarePants   
    Patrick by JoshGunner (Spriteswap)

  18. Upvote
    N_N got a reaction from HappyDappy666 in lost characters   
    Ghost Goddess Haruhi: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1kv6474ud36fndq/Ghost_Goddess_Haruhi_%28choiya%29.rar/file
  19. Upvote
    N_N got a reaction from CoolAnimeHustler in lost characters   
    Ghost Goddess Haruhi: https://www.mediafire.com/file/1kv6474ud36fndq/Ghost_Goddess_Haruhi_%28choiya%29.rar/file
  20. Like
    N_N reacted to GreenShieldy in SpongeBob SquarePants   
    this is some green shield guy reminding you to add the “SpongePuppets” still-image characters also
    anyways, here is a character
    Super SpongeBob Kart by jeo vasquez: https://www.mediafire.com/file/9sybpzjohh4i5kc/SuperSpongebobKart.rar/file
  21. Like
    N_N reacted to GarfieldfanMUGEN in SpongeBob SquarePants   
    It's been a while since this was updated and I bring you Abrasive SpongeBob by Emmanuel Yabut.
  22. Upvote
    N_N got a reaction from kevave in SpongeBob SquarePants   
    Red indicates a dead link. This is a recreation of Moltar's old collection--thanks to him for providing a good base. Let me know if I missed anything; with there being over a decade's worth of SpongeBob creations, I'm bound to have forgotten about something.
    SpongeBob SquarePants
    Patrick Star
    Squidward Tentacles
    Mr. Krabs
    Sandy Cheeks
    Gary the Snail
    Mermaid Man
    Larry the Lobster
    Miscellaneous Characters
    Bikini Bottom - Xedarts / ExShadow / Mugen Mario || SpongeBob's House - SpongebobFanguy6660 Inc. || Patrick's House - Rowser64 || Sandy's Dome - Rowser64 || Goo Lagoon - Rowser64 || 
    Krusty Krab - AkiraIce / TheSlkMugen / Nour Atef / Xxthathedgehogxx / N_N / Shimmering Brony || 
    Chum Bucket -  MugenJF / Alessiofuffa3 / Knuckles999 / Infantry00 / Mugen Gamer || Jellyfish Fields - MugenJF - N_N's edit ("Jellyfish Fields - Night") / AngryNoahs / MyYoutube Rocks || 
    Flying Dutchman's Ship - Rowser64 || Weenie Hut Juniors - MugenJF || DoodleBob's House - AngryNoahs / Alessiofuffa3 || Doodle Dimension - xXPGlitz236 || Nowhere - ToonAlexSora007 ||
    The Wash! - Infantry00 || Krabby Pizza - Derpy Sponge || Gary Come Home - Alexander Uone Green Cook Guy Hecht The World || The Poop Deck - SpongebobFanguy6660 Inc. ||
    Krusty Towers - Sanic1234 || Combat Arena - xXPGlitz236 || SURE - FlamingRedHead || Pin Head - Ivan Luiz || Squidward House - Sanic1234 || Squidward Chat - Rapthemonkey9 ||
    Demolition Sponge - MyYoutube Rocks || Starfishman Rescue - Versionmock5
    Gruntzilla34's AI patch for Gruntzilla34's Moar Krabs
    N_N's "silly soundpack" for Felixmario2011's second SpongeBob
    Fried Chili Cheese Dogs soundpack for FelixMario2011's second SpongeBob, author unknown
    DaMarioMemer's AI patch for Infantry00's first DoodleBob
  23. Like
    N_N reacted to CANDYBOY in SpongeBob SquarePants   
    Gary The King Snail by borderoflife: https://www.sendspace.com/file/l0shin
    Bold and Brash by ghiacio: https://www.sendspace.com/file/psn5uk
  24. Like
    N_N reacted to GreenShieldy in SpongeBob SquarePants   
    We're back:
    Retarded New Spongebob (retarded edit of Spongebob1105) by Pgrs111MAGEN: http://www.mediafire.com/file/b53m9r157stpdz5/Retarded_New_Spongebob.rar/file
    Gary Come Home by Alexander Uone Green Cook Guy Hecht The World: http://www.mediafire.com/file/6nbej2bil3896fp/Gary_Come_Home.zip/file
  25. Upvote
    N_N got a reaction from HappyDappy666 in SpongeBob SquarePants   
    All the dead links should now be fixed. Also added most of these:
    I'm debating if I should add the AngryNoahs edits right now seeing as they're very simple .cns stat changes and nothing more. But then again, I did add a couple of paletteswaps...
    (Sorry for the wait btw)
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