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Everything posted by Egnaro

  1. You did not need to explain it, maybe that is rite. I am pretty dumb when it came down to English. I was looking at the fact of it being you are which did not sound rite in that sentence. Actually I am pretty stupid when it came to all subjects except math. School terribly bored me, and my depression and anxiety did not help the case. Toaster I believe Ryo I don't
  2. There goes the only entertainment around here that annoys everyone and makes me lol :(
  3. Yeah looks good but not getting an xbox just for that. 499$ LOL
  4. I voted yes for the lolz and entertainment
  5. >ryo is 17 >toaster is 15 Did not see that coming Then again, I doubt that is how old they actually are
  6. I thought I would get an answer like that from you tbh lol. Serious question though, what kind of job do you see yourself doing in the future?
  7. If you mated a bull dog and a shitsu, would it be called a bullshit? lol
  8. You for sure would not enjoy it then considering the amount of grind for lvls it takes.... D2 ends on a cliffhanger again for 1 shocker..... I could go into spoilers and ruin it but I won't. >pessimist I saw that coming
  9. 4 is the only good 1 imho. The others are meh. Also don't look foward to the new Disgaea coming out either. It is pretty underwhelming.
  10. Tbvh, I thought when you posted there, your post count did not increase. You could make it to where post count don't increase. If that is possible, then every so often delete a couple of the spam threads
  11. I thought it was set to everytime you posted there, your post count would not increase. Never payed much attention to it tbh. Keep 1 of them or delete them all though.
  12. I've lost count............................... Smoothy Slupek(Mr.Toast) TheCunting Jag Ice Cliff Pain Guy who dick rides pain ( forgot his name) Kix Zaraki Slayer Mint Some guy on this site forgot his name FatCat Youtube Trolls Xat Trolls
  13. Yeah not getting the Xbox One Already have a Wii U and am happy with it I will probably get a Ps4 in 2020 When all the glitches etc are fixed I waited 6 years to get a ps3, and when I finally got one in 2010. It fucking broke and I had to pay to fix it.
  14. I'm surprised people give this guy as much attention. If you hate him, don't respond to him. Just look at sampae lol
  15. Nope did not click on that vid. Never again will I hear that laugh.
  16. http-~~-//www.youtube.com/watch?v=KLJ-jXJLPcU
  17. Just name yourself joker or whoever the hell that is in your avy '-' Names are names, it does not matter what you choose. Same goes for avatars
  18. Seems kinda dumb was all, but it is your money :) also @ garchomp True
  19. Wow really just because of that one feature ._.
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