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Everything posted by Egnaro

  1. only if it's customizable and I still don't get the whole concept behind that I wish someone could tell me a good build for a desktop or a currently built one
  2. It's bad enough the systems are not worth it... Now I just need to hear that they cannot play used games and there failures will be complete... Pc + Wii U combo is the way to go this Gen. Then again this is EA that made this statement......
  3. who is that other char looks legit
  4. He finally hit his boiling point then... Me spamming his site with porn only made it worse jeje ALSO TBVH I can't help but laugh at the people on cs for begging him to come back
  5. Nice char kenshin :D I did notice if you block the snake that tries to eat you on the other side of the screen, you will end up in mid air I like the update a lot though
  6. Whoah Whoah Whoah you own cool boarders 3 but not 2! you should try that game Nice collection overall though you are missing many good ps2,ps1,gamecube, and wii games it seems also ;_; I have that exact hand demo for ps1 as well!
  7. Lol that crap ^ yeah that place always creeped me out tbh, but I highly doubt those high pitched sounds would do anything....
  8. Marluxia ^ Though roxas is my all time favorite char in the series. He has the best theme to imo second being ventus's
  9. What's with this guy obviously everybody ignores his posts like I should be doing with this one but srsly..... Anyway There is enough slots imo I think you need to tint the color on the menu to tell what you are on better
  10. Nice update kenshin :) I like being sai on the stage where he is floating down the river to As for changing his sound to jap, I don't see and snd line in his def file. That or I am blind O nvm I got it
  11. I am really glad they are making a wind waker hd remake. Also lol at all the zelda fanboys crying because a MM remake was not made instead It will get 3ds treatment I'm sure Anyway, I would like a super mario all stars remake
  12. Yes he did need it badly nice update kenshin. I really like the effect for his rasengan. I think you should use that for naruto's odama rasengan. Both, though it would make them bland having the same effect I guess...
  13. Egnaro


    Laharl scared him away so gl with that
  14. LOL faggot genesis version was better, but yeah, the lion king was hard as hell. literally every lvl in the game besides the first lvl.... Those 3 lvls......
  15. even though the nes version is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy harder battle toads
  16. Btw Lucky @ Kanbei ;_; LOL I always chose bulbasaur though garchomp
  17. I have only played perfect cherry blossom, and scarlet weather rhapsody. So I will have to try it when it releases
  18. @ Silentrzk Did you replace the default defragmenter with defraggler or keep them both? I have both and could not decide Nice bg btw
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