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Everything posted by Egnaro

  1. As long as the game is good and no cheesey features are added then I don't care Online for anything is ass now a days... if it's not lag, then it's cheesebags
  2. I still lol to this day about how people can like that dick nosed susano....... I don't mean your sprite but the design in general Nice sprites though
  3. Damn when I look at your old shit...yeah Anyway nice red hulk bro. Post the updated sephy and cloud now -_-
  4. As much as I loved this game it does not even come close to banjo kazooie/ banjo tooie
  5. Touche Fang and Vanille as well I'm still shocked about how there is a third game about her as well....... FF13 Lightning Returns..... JUST WOW
  6. This is how lightning should have been considering how horrible she was to begin with..
  7. I got an interesting question then. Some of the stuff I have on my wii, I installed and got without even buying it off the e-shop. So would transfering stuff like that do anything? ie wads
  8. No the wii u cannot play gc games. They are supposed to be releasing gc games on the wii u e-shop in the future though.
  9. People can't comprehend a new system has been released :( Has anyone got the Wii U Nerf and protect armor kit btw? I would get the silicone version but it collects dust like crazy.
  10. I would not even attempt to do it just keep your wii for playing hacked stuff and the wii u seperate......
  11. I am so pumped for this game! Okay It's basically mario on steroids but real insane. Reminds me of the guy game or super meat boy Infinite lvls Multiple difficulties Nov 2012 is the release for the wii u version anyway(inb4 it gets pushed up) the other console versions are tba
  12. "people who judge games on graphics suck ass its all about the story and gameplay" Oh god this. "it took me quite a while to explore Disgaea's full feature. I mean, the number of things that you can do in that game is unbelievable." As much as I love disgaea myself, some of the things in disgaea 4 are really not worth it. Baal for instance, if you can beat him in that game you are a no life. (this is 4 i'm talking about) "And although its quite embarrassing to say" Why would that be embarrassing? Btw Laharl, I finally beat Tales of Graces F main story, I liked it though I have to say I am doing the future arc and it is far more interesting - the omg Sophie are you okay blah blah -_-
  13. Yes finally!!! can't wait Sengoku Musou 4 has also been confirmed as well!!! no trailer yet though
  14. Yeah, the data Axel with the burning floor is a bitch -_-. Now Terra was believe it or not surprisingly easy for me. Never played BBS. I thought it looked cheesey and from what I saw this game is extremely linear. All you ever do is walk in a straight line, fight a couple enemies, watch some cutscenes, then fight a boss I might get DDD but axel getting a keyblade............................................yeah
  15. I have a magic swap disc( lets you play imports / pirated games) plus I have kingdom hearts 2 final mix + ( best kh game by far imo besides the fact that they made axels battle hard... I mean come on he is gay) I don't see a reason to get this.... COM was my favorite in terms of it had my favorite organization members. Marluxia, Zexion, Lexaeus, and Vexen. Ulti is rite though, it was a pain in the ass ._. Btw, is DDD worth getting?
  16. >HD People these days.... Anyway, this imo is not worth getting
  17. LOL you talking about the hydra why would anyone want to play as it.............. Also Can't wait for this game!!!!!!!!! Wii U Basic 249.99 Wii U Deluxe 349.99
  18. You two were playing it like the old mk versions '-' lol Shang Tsung is my best in mk9 though
  19. "but all in all your pretty cool i wouldn't sweat it much people normally pull shit like this because they want to make drama or there not happy with there own life so they rather drag someone else down with them" This is very true. "I don't know how many others will step forward, but it was something I celt like I should Move forward, Laharl. We ALL have room for improvement.... " Well ofc. All humans in some what or way need improvement. Although I think all humans are flawed..... Also it's great that you are doing this laharl. Though I did not have a problem with the old you :/ You remind me of myself. I could ofc easily say this though but applying it irl would be something different..... "just keep on doing what your doing and dont worry about anyone else if you let them get to you your only letting them win and for those who dont know you or the kind of person you are does not need to put there own 2 cents in specially if they dont know the history about you and that other person" Nicely said
  20. I'm pretty sure that crash belongs to nintendo now so fad chance of him being in...... not sure about spyro though
  21. Expand lol dash garbage? combos are shit? you mad bro? There is nothing wrong with the gameplay that is shown. Generations had a good fighting system with minor flaws. S3 has better graphics and looks smoother. Plus the combos were far from shit, they looked really nice IMO (especially Darui's) LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL >did not get what I was saying Mind you this is just one of the comments I have got from many stupid people.
  22. "you need to hit someone with you super to kill them for a point" Welp I woulld rather it be exactly like smash bros then this lol..... "he pulls out a bluish glowing sword and slashes forward, if hit you die. he gets point. if not hit you keep your guage." LOL wut doesn't that mean you can basically keep spamming your super till it hits then? Also >not playing as parappa rappa Slaps you hard :( I will try the demo I guess when it comes out though. :/
  23. It worked thank you :D Also when he does his spin kick why does it hit multiple times in his dark form but only once in his regular form '-' You can also uppercut twice kinda odd
  24. I know he has a movelist but honestly that is not helping much. How the hell do I enter his dark mode
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