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Everything posted by Egnaro

  1. This game is terrible Wtf is up with Collosus..... >That Iceman glitch Why does the phoenix use guns some people have copy pasta moves/supers from deejay and sagat The supers overall feel incomplete The combos are nice though The stages are nice
  2. Great release kenshin You mean he will have more moves or just buffed stats?
  3. thought the name of this character was effin at first...
  4. Not a good personality to have really ._. all I ever think about when I hear about him is that annoying laugh >.>
  5. So you laugh all the time annoyingly ._.
  6. Just my opnion of it I found laharl and flonne very annoying.... Also prinny baal would be epic
  7. If you don't count mao I find the d1 cast the most whiny and annoying there are
  8. Meh Idk what to think of it I would have rather had a sequel to 4 I am more interested in d5 if it happens...
  9. Am I the only one who finds the cvtw chars a little boring >inb4 He is okay though
  10. I just farted. It smells like burnt tacos on a hot mexican day
  11. This is the best 17 (that I have seen so far) nice job man
  12. Yeah will never understand why marth is favored over roy.......
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRvGnq_WpAQhttp Never knew this song was this depressing....till now
  14. Skyla was an annoying bitch... in the anime anyway By her logic you just needed to get a pokemon that beats flying and BAM! gym badge
  15. O okay just thought I would ask .:)
  16. That move where kunai is thrown everywhere whether or not it is used up close or not the kunai do not hit the opponent that much. Is that intentional? Good job on her.
  17. Very nice update I love it. his file is a little bigger compared to the others lol. '-' (because of the effects I'm sure though)
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