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Everything posted by Egnaro

  1. P.gay poke's tbh besides Panchams evolve form. It was swag, even though it looked like Beartic. >Gangsta Team Flare who only cares about money >Pimp looking Professor Yeah Xerneas is my choice for sure now. Another new trailer btw
  2. If there is anything that bugs me about the anime. Among many other problems. It would be Ash is still a 10 year old.......... Atleast give him an 11th birthday
  3. >Implying I would want a game with a small amount of chars. But yeah As for Captain Falcon It's not that I hate him, I just see him as a lol char tbvh. O Pit is in? Ehh cool I guess. Forgot about Ice Climbers btw, they should come back too.
  4. That shit is hard to do on a keyboard though ;-; a 360 degree turn
  5. +Roy +Toon Link: I liked him, and he may stay in with a HD Windwaker coming. +Metaknight: As long as he is nerfed. +Pokemon Trainer: Add a little more variety to them +Lucas: I loved him but I doubt he will return ;_; +Luigi: My favorite char in the series. +Pikachu: Only for wishing it was Raichu +King Dedede -Olimar -Ike -Rob -Snake -Captain Falcon -Jigglypuff -Wario -Yoshi -Wolf -Pit
  6. This was unexpected from you o_O. I like him though nice job. No 360 degree turns to do his specials/supers :) Thank god you did not do Ryu, Ken, or any of the Hadoken characters. No offense Light LOL
  7. That seems to be the route of games now, and I find it disappointing... meh as long as they keep the characters fresh etc then it may be fine
  8. So... there is a sword pokemon now O_o
  9. Oh god... Neither are worth getting though. At launch anyway. Shooters Shooters Shooters Shitty Driving games
  10. The Yoshitsuna does not suit him. He needs a shittier weapon
  11. Yes I like Contra. I had to use savestates to beat most of them though... ;_;
  12. Looks like some psycho killer from a movie I saw
  13. Neither, but if I had to choose, it would be Xbone. Let's be honest though, the launch of games for both systems are p.terrible imho. KH3 (2014 or 2015 if that even) FF15 (2014 prolly) SWBF(holiday or 2014 most likely) Project Spark (amazing as shit) Witcher 3 Only games that caught my eye on each system.
  14. Yeah true, I always picked the Corneria, Pokemon Stadium 1, Poke Floats, Fountain of Dreams, and Peaches Castle as my fav stages.
  15. This show is hilarious.... but in a sad way
  16. Oh god no.... Sonic imo is already not that great of a character anyway.
  17. Thx man. I like both stages don't get me wrong, but I like it a lot better with just the snowy bg. :)
  18. That would be cool actually. I have a weakness for cool looking snowy stages ;-;.
  19. Very nice stage, though I wish it would stay on that mountain/snowy appearance. I like it a lot.
  20. I was just about to post this. Can't wait to see what people say about this. Calling the Xbox One gay now is calling the Ps4 gay as well. Well, besides the Kinect part anyway. Did not see anything about if they force you to use that shit still. Prolly do.
  21. I like how they added Wii fit Trainer. P.funny imo.
  22. As I said to sweet last nite I want a Ps4, but it will be awhile before I get one. I will be pretty busy with all the nintendo/sony games announced. Then again, FF15 is coming to Ps3. So all I need to hear is KH3 coming to Wii U/Ps3 and that really kills the needs for me needing to get one.
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