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Everything posted by Egnaro

  1. >saw the name of the author >knew it was troll
  2. The irony of you making super man his opponent -_-
  3. Not surprising tbh, hell there is even a ton of backlash from the trailer of people hating on it because it has to do with Dynasty Warriors.... They generally sell better in Japan.... I like the series a lot and know it does not sell that great in the US. Intrestingly enough, this is not new for Link or Samus http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BwV1tw0tWk#t=116 Well however you get the vid to show up
  4. I didn't really think people used Captain Falcon tbh. I thought people took him as a troll character...Whenever I play Melee or Brawl, I always pick him as the punching bag to hear him go OOOOOHOO when he dies
  5. I hope they add cranky kong now tbh and ditch diddy That or Dixie give or take
  6. As I said. I shit my pants.... This could be a very good game or a very bad game though
  7. I wish I had the awesome rep Sampae had
  8. Pffff I would remove sigs tbh....
  9. If I find you are doing this, I will reduce your Reputation to -100, and if you have been doing it alot, -1000. I would do it just to have that kind of rep tbh Reminds me of my rep from km LOL
  10. Roy is gonna be my main regardless lol Btw, is there any word on when the final version will be out? Yeah.... turbo mode sounds like something Nintendo should add in the new Smash
  11. I am gonna get this when it is complete Looks awesome from what I have seen though
  12. Yeah that is what I was saying... He looks like a fruitcake in Samurai Warriors 4 It's like a trend now or something Yoshisugu looks like a bad ass in SW4, but in SB he looks gay Hideyoshi looks cool in SB and turns into monkey ass in SW... not to mention that voice of his >_>
  13. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGxL0CuuvdE&feature=c4-overview&list=UULQlLpDe8mU0mo3l_pw7nTg Comes out in japan on ps3 and vita March 20th 2014 Hopefully it will come to the us I lol'd at how matsunaga looked.... fucking gay as hell. I still jizzed my pants none the less They are also making an anime bundled with Sengoku Musou 4 in 2014 http://www.siliconera.com/2013/12/06/samurai-warriors-see-anime-2014-bundled-samurai-warriors-4/ Here is the official website if you want to see it as well http://www.gamecity.ne.jp/sengoku4/
  14. SuperJump : Nope.avi sad.avi ;-; Cool stage none the less
  15. Is it possible to get a Hitmonchan with drain punch?
  16. @Neo_Fire_Sonic (you can't hide under a new username) What's wrong with Togekiss? }:[ wut m8 >me neo good one I don't really like togekiss though... I would rather keep it as a togetic when I get it.
  17. Wow, you people really don't wanna know what I give my pokemon then for moves .... I got a togepi though! That I plan on getting to a lvl 100 togetic >:C
  18. I actually commend both of you for actually knowing how to play it....
  19. 3780 - 9040 - 8012 Added everyone here btw
  20. Does anybody have a fs that contains a tyrogue? It blows all the poke I p.much want are in fs :( Tyrogue, Phanpy, Magby, Elekid My fc btw... 3780 - 9040 - 8012 Atleast I got a Skarmory from Laharls fs :D
  21. Beyo perhaps.... Sora hell no (atleast not without sony fighting for him somehow and even then he should still not be in this game) I did not really see what people saw in snake as a character in brawl..... did not like him that much.
  22. Are these the same people who made that Carnage I thought was gonna be good, but turned out into some Ironman/Sentinel travesty.
  23. Being an old game and having a few glitches does not make it the worst. Pokemon wise, Kantos was better than Hoenns. Hoenn was just boring to me. To much water and water pokemon Lame starters Dive was p.much useless except for very limited areas Did not get fly until 6th gym Just like you said: I respect your opinion even though it's wrong :p
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