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Everything posted by Egnaro

  1. You take "sonic fan" to a whole new lvl though more like sonic rider Not that surprising people would not know about Nazo either considering he is someone that was going to appear in Sonic X season 4 which never came to be. That is prolly not even his name. People got it off some japanese website
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hxLM_dy0srw From the trailer that is shown here, I am definitely interested in it now.
  3. Yeah this character is not that great.... it has potential maybe though
  4. I've only played the original one on gbc. Would love to have on on e-shop...... Who the hell would pre-order something this early?Iv
  5. tbf, he is not really posting that as "o look a new character" He is basically stating something he thinks
  6. I smell another shit game.....hence battle of z(but we will see)
  7. http://www.forbes.com/sites/insertcoin/2014/05/22/nintendos-wii-u-getting-a-gamecube-style-controller-in-time-for-super-smash-bros/
  8. Chikorita is my favorite starter or better yet wipes/grass types is what I always pick when starting a pokemon game Pokemon RBY: Bulbasaur Pokemon GSC: Chikorita Pokemon RSE: Treeko Pokemon DPP: Turtwig Pokemon BW/BW2: Snivy Pokemon X/Y: Chespin
  9. I would rather see sampae32s face than yours.
  10. As I said in your status update: Mushihimesama Futari (shmup) only if you want to smash your computer though
  11. All of them do though, I think gen 3 was the worst gen, but I am still going to get it cause pokeman
  12. Trust me, he is not trolling. Have you not been paying attention to how much he rides Shadow? LOL
  13. I only cared about Team Magma. Team Aqua was shit, though both of the leaders didn't look that great either(unless new leaders now)
  14. nah he's riding shadow like crazy.... it's quite sickening tbh
  15. Which is why I said "should have been", but I see what you're saying.
  16. This should have been on the Ds imo. HG/SS should really be what this is.
  17. Ofc now anywhere you go on the intenet that has to do with games, you will hear "nintendo is doomed for not holding a press conference" Vid was funny too. I wish I had a Regginator http://www.gamefaqs.com/boards/631516-wii-u/69140335?results=1#1 There is a good one LOL
  18. Figured someone would post this here lol Calling fake >no one should have >implying he did not find it from some other site and post it here .....
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