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Everything posted by Egnaro

  1. I will agree with Mugo and say not everyone uses miiverse, but at the same time if you look up Smash Bros. on Google. Then you will see all the news etc that needs to be seen
  2. Yeah it looks really good. Nice job man.
  3. A better question....why are you so retarded
  4. I wish there was a tm for iron tail in x/y......
  5. Game changer as well you just have the whole package but yeah enough of this so pokeman talk can continue
  6. defensive as well good on ya m8
  7. I smell troll in the disguise of a question when really is trying to post something about how to get free psn cards
  8. Someone takes pokemon to serious
  9. I wanna be a super hero too..... I will be farticus the ass of justice
  10. Said Alexei as I shoved a corndog down his throat
  11. Are you a russian speaking expert now? I know you do not play mugen, but do you play any other games?
  12. Alexei reburning Mcdonalds (All Hail Wendy's)
  13. LOL, I doubt he even wanted to be a mod based on his response. I know I wouldn't. Congrats though
  14. The stupidity/arrogance in this thread is amusing
  15. lol this faggot even has memes...I wish I was that cool
  16. funny thing is I could actually see him saying that...LOL, imagine if it was Hideki Kamiya
  17. Egnaro


    Oh snap! Never heard of this game before, but the gameplay and character look legit none the less
  18. Yeah that looks much better. (just an idea)It would be cool if the ninja star spun a little while time was going down or something What are those three dots btw?
  19. hmm so 36 characters now...There can't be that many slots left now funny thing is btw, I never knew the main character of FE:A had an actual name LOL
  20. This should be the last game........hopefully glad it is coming though, and finally Kazumi will be in it
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