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Everything posted by Egnaro

  1. really@ garchomp? Btw, if they even think about touching any of the Johto starters. I will shoot myself........................................
  2. "If mega blastiose has a fucking massive cannon on his back, why does he still use its mouth to attack?" Copy/pasta from a youtube vid but srsly why^ LOL I must say I think Venussaur looks the best only because the least amount of change was done to him... Btw, what do those abilities do @ sweet?
  3. http://www.computerandvideogames.com/420136/sony-to-reveal-ps4-virtual-reality-headset-at-tgs/
  4. I was talking about people who edited the stats of there pokemon, not hold items. Or better yet, have moves they shouldn't
  5. Like it matters anyway.... Whoever does not get mega evos are the ones who will not be used and will be inferior. p.much all you will see online will be mega evo teams. That is more of a reason for people to trade there stat edited poke's if able..........
  6. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=niVjlBRDHzA This will be the last post I make about the 2ds. I was gonna make a thread about it but found it pointless to do so....
  7. Has mg even updated /fully released it yet or is it still a beta?
  8. @Garchomp As for getting coins for streetpass and shit. I never knew anyone cared about it tbh. :/ You could just shake the system though I guess LOL.
  9. I lol'd at that pic you posted. Saved it btw
  10. @garchomp I just like the way it looks, and we have not had a handheld without hinges/does not fold for quite awhile. I would need to test one out first though..... Hopefully Gamestop will have them on display to use..
  11. *No henges *possibility of both screens being touch (not sure yet) Which I like for as long as you have a screen protector/case I already have an XL though so.... I personally think it looks cooler than the other two. Also, what Sweet said about it not fitting into your pocket..
  12. All 3ds games and most ds games. Tbh I would have gotten this if it was avaiable first..... @Garchomp That is kinda the point lol I hate and like the fact it cannot close The damn henges on the 3ds/ds wear after awhile. That might have been why they did that @Noob as far I know it does not play gba games :(
  13. http://arstechnica.com/gaming/2013/08/no-joke-new-nintendo-2ds-plays-your-3ds-games-in-2d/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sAExBTWIp3M
  14. I love Project X Zone as well Thank god for the quick save though the lvls get really long starting chapter 10
  15. Tbh The only thing this would do for me is make me not vs people online because they will just have Mega evo teams. Might as well say any pokemon that does not have a mega evo is pointless just about. We will just have to wait and see the stats for them though.....
  16. I know Red's starter was a Poliwag, but the pokemon he received from Oak was a Bulbasaur. He traded it away only 2 times that I remember. 1. by mistake (switching his poke balls up with greens) 2. Ultimate attack against that sea monster in Emerald He couldn't of though. by the time Green was challenging Brock he already had Charmeleon. I liked that mischievous Pikachu lol.
  17. I find it interesting how they give Red Charmander. I thought he got Bulbasaur....
  18. It has not been confirmed to be a series yet. I hope it is. Based on the pics, it might just be. http://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=_Lyi2RSVxqg Seems to be a movie :( Nvm It is a series Fuck my life. It is just a special broadcast to air along side with X/Y anime
  19. I I can't wait to see Pokemon: The Origin Hoping it is a series
  20. I lol'd at his Portrait. Ye he is p.bad.
  21. I thought I was the only one who thought this. '_' They are kinda dull
  22. I think that is kinda dumb... You think they would fix the root cause of the "Missing NO" shit I think it went something like: Baby Kangaskhan, Cubone, Marowak, Kangaskhan
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