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Everything posted by Remzy

  1. There should be a collection for all of these KFM edits. lol
  2. uhh normal ports would not look good unless you edit the design to get rid of the empty space.
  3. Remzy

    K Dempsey

    Wtf, did he just get more op by getting out of attacks that he shouldn't have?
  4. wut? dats his arc drive move.
  5. I'm not too surprised, if he can make someone from E's Laf (Alcott) then Melty Blood isn't that far from a stretch.
  6. My new PC isnt coming fast enough. ;~; Fantastic work.
  7. oh geez, maybe I'll skip if it it's going to cause a lot of lag...hope my new comp will handle it.
  8. I can recall that those lifebars come from this screenpack: http://www.mediafire.com/?s3oucoo7c6b93xb you can just take the snd from it.
  9. Amazing, I just found my new lifebar when I get my PC fixed, looking forward to it's completion.
  10. yeah, her gameplay is somewhat you would expect from a Touhou character, a lot of projectiles, also I can't seem to select her other helpers
  11. neat, now It's going to be tough beating her, and yeah I pretty much use 1.0. lol
  12. How coincidental, a Kula and a K' edit being released. thanks for the heads up.
  13. nice palettes, looking forward to some more Kai!
  14. [Preview] [Download] http://www.mediafire.com/download/n5qs17qcwnac9yo/reov.7z [Comment] This stage is based on a fight scene from the movies "Kara No Kyoukai" It even has the same music that played during it. p.s. Thanks Kai for finding the stage for me when I requested it.
  15. yay, now stab him more, and maybe set it on fire.
  16. would it be possible to send him to me, I want him for collection purposes.
  17. freaking MvC gameplay?....this can't be good...
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