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Everything posted by Remzy

  1. I remember seeing him as a striker in his other character Jesse, wonder how good this guy plays.
  2. Dis be the kind of thing that would come out of Yume Nikki or LSD Dream Emulator.
  3. Hey Ex, I would also like a P4A ID as well if you don't mind. Character render: http://i.imgur.com/2B9DSd9.jpg Persona render: http://static3.wikia.nocookie.net/nincompoopedia/id/images/f/fe/YUri4n3.png Name: Remzy Age: 16 Birthday: March 4th Blood type: Z Residence: California Fav. Music: Instrumental Family: My LS Guild Fav. Food: Pineapple Pizza Persona: Destroyer
  4. Oh hell yeah, awesome job as always Ryoucchi.
  5. Hey Ryoucchi, if you don't mind then I would like another sig of the female in this pic please. https://sites.google.com/site/lostsagawikia/character/image/110.jpg with the same size as the others and with my same old uername of course.
  6. Sweet, I've played the normal CvS version of him, I'm sure this one will be just as great.
  7. Hmm perhaps it's a health problem, maybe Zem has his mugen set to a different life amount or the Accelerator character has decreased health or defense?
  8. What do you mean about "us people"? Are you saying that because of warehousing or of another reason, and using any of those as a reason to completely cut off your projects from MFFA is not a very good reason, but if thats how you honestly feel then by all means go ahead and leave.
  9. My god Sky really, no where did he say he made the sprite or the character and in case you missed it this is a warehouse section, anything posted here was not made by the poster and is posted here to share other people's creations.
  10. Are you reffering to the first screenshot? If yes then they are standing on a small floor.
  11. Sweet, I'll definitely be picking these guys up.
  12. Neat, wait, she also has Hong Meiling, Hong Krizalid and Hei Meiling as strikers too?
  13. IDK wether she's available or not but I know she's from Disgaea
  14. Looks pretty good, nice job.
  15. Your preview needs more than just sprites, how about an actual mugen screenshot?
  16. Remzy


    There was a boy named tim, he played the game, he died. THE END
  17. Am I the only one creeped out by the lack of pupils in his chars? ._.
  18. Great stage guys. It's not even finished it's just a kfm swap atm.
  19. Eh, I preffere the old vs theme.
  20. So is she just a spriteswap or were any moves edited?
  21. but the game hasn't even come out yet, how would the author even know all of her moves?
  22. Well I haven't got a clue as to how long this series of yours will continue, Dumanios. I know one thing though, and that is that I, along with many others, enjoy every single one of your episodes! P.S. I swear that Foley's "Yep!" and "Aargh!" sounds are taken straight from one or two JontronShow Episodes. Am I the only one thinking this? Actually if I remember right, those voice clips were taken from Crow by MadOldCrow1105
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