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Everything posted by Remzy

  1. 1. Favorite anime tv show? 2. Favorite non-anime TV show? 3. Favorite song? 4. Favorite quote?
  2. GaziraAgain's Chrono Phantasma stages: http://www.4shared.com/archive/cILebv5ice/Blazblue_Chrono_Phantasma_Stag.html just to note, these stages are 1.1 only, are png images and have no animation but include zoom.
  3. well, this stage sure is amusing.
  4. Really nice, I like the ones on row 3 the best!
  5. You do know it's his ACTUAL name, right?
  6. I'm guessing because capcom didn't even create a new model for Decapre and just reskinned Cammy, and it didn't help that the other characters and stages were from sfxt
  7. Lmao, that ugly palette, and of course it had to be a swap of the worst Dante.
  8. Theres already a kof + guilty gear character, Stake by tutaya
  9. Looks like his other kof edit Ouroboros.
  10. So if someone made one character then no one else is allowed to make another version of said character? Nice logic bro.
  11. That character on the left is totally not a blatant name swap
  12. Nice, really good looking stage, good luck on it!
  13. Really nice stage Check the guilty gear collection
  14. Yeah it does look good, and to top it off it's his/her first official release of something for mugen.
  15. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tlsR0nUS5PI [Download] http://deathscythe.co.vu/stages original topic: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/snow-city-160015.0.html
  16. Remzy


    whats gonna be the first thing set on fire...
  17. Sweet, Len's stage, nice work Wargame.
  18. She looks interesting, I'll have to check her out later.
  19. Akatsuki Blitzkampf gameplay is pretty fun to use, saveing.
  20. Color loss and I still see green pixels, does not bode well.
  21. I bet the eye will be just as annoying here like in Terraria.
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