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Everything posted by Remzy

  1. Nice, more DFO stuff, although single character would be better but bonus games work nicely.
  2. the stage in the last screenshot is Evacuate REDUX, http://dissidia.mugen-infantry.net/mugen/stage/mugen-1-0/dj-diss-produced
  3. the link is busted, fortunately I have a new one. http://www.mediafire.com/download/dhunr682ehkn7a5/Jess_%28KoF%29.rar
  4. Very nice stage guys. how about no?
  5. Pretty amazing Screenpack Dartz, best of luck to you. the BGM is Melty Blood Actress Again - Actors Anteroom
  7. that line through there looks weird but other than that good job! also, heres the render if anyone want's to try.
  8. I bet at least 10 minutes into his reign, the whole place will be on fire.
  9. Because some people find these enjoyable and would like to view them on here.
  10. from: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/daigo-hotta-pots-style-158537.msg1938054.html;topicseen#msg1938054 [Download]-> http://www.mediafire.com/download/z6481giwxmy8xf8/Daigo_MEMO.7z April Fools! Im not good at joke's so if you dont get it... The joke is, here is a character for my full game but he's NOT A CAPCOM CHARACTER.. Consider him DLC Also...HAHAHAaaaaaa! P.O.T.s style? From Me!! HAHAHAHAaaaa! Yeah i saw an opportunity to troll and i did it. MOVELIST Heaven's Advancing Leg = fwd + Heavy attack Leaning On Iron Mountain = down,down + b Head Measurement = down,down + x Fire Hurricane! = down,down + y Fire Kick! = QCB + Any Attack Fire Summersault! = DP (DRAGON PUNCH) + Any Attack Fire Fist! = HCF + Any Attack Dragon Fire!! = QCF + Any Attack (IN AIR) Final Dragon Summeeer! = LVL1 DP (DRAGON PUNCH) + x+y Final Dragon Fiiire! = LVL1 HCF + x+y The Devil Exposed! = LVL3 QCF + y+b Theres a couple of bugs n shit just let me know. I still need to finish adding palettes too!
  11. hmm, gee I have never heard of a hosting site called megafireupload before....
  12. http://www.geocities.jp/alirixx/index.html
  13. You do know Websta has an account here right? he could of easily posted it here himself. lol
  14. from: http://mugenguild.com/forum/topics/another-k-158522.0.html What to expect from this ? Changed gameplay New moveset XI Sparks converted to mugen 1.0 and 1.1 2 sets of sprites ( one by Nao and one by Kalumon ) Screenshots : -> Nao&M for sprites and coding -> Special thanks to Kalumon for the custom sprites ( i dont have permission but i heard that only being credited is good ) -> PotS for his tutorials -> VanS for his tutorials -> Koopa for his tutorials -> Genesis for testing -> Stabbing for testing -> Syn for some of his tricks ( really helped me out ) -> Elecbyte for their awesome engine. Move set available in the archive. Download at: http://clubsyn-x-treme.com/orochig3o/nests/
  15. He's pretty great, although his air attacks don't seem to do damage.
  16. from: http://mugenguild.com/forum/boardseen./topics/fzeryo--158524.msg1933319.html#new This is through and through an April Fools release. Any glitches may very well be intentional, so I can only ask how much it entertains you. This is me pushing Ryo to the highest caliber of stupidity. I hope you all enjoy. He also has Basic AI made by The_None himself! Info and movelist in the readme, enjoy! [Download]-> http://www.mediafire.com/download/4cl6bw3p0pmiwdc/f-zeryo.rar Happy St. April Foolsmas day. NOTE : To select EX Mode, use palettes 7-12. (AKA Hold start and select him) WARNING: MAY BE WINMUGEN COMPATIBLE, BUT WAS DEVELOPED UNDER 1.0/1.1. USE WITH CAUTION.
  17. considering what that entei consists of, it doesn't need a winmugen patch, lol
  18. oh my gawd it's a MOTHA FUCKIN' ENTEI
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