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Mr. FuzzyNuts

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Everything posted by Mr. FuzzyNuts

  1. Gurospooo Gurospooo Gurospooo Gurospooo All that needs to be said
  2. Chanpuru by Souken the best Mugen Creator http://www.mediafire.com/file/2250k8f3s0xe44i/Chanpuru+EX+(edit).rar
  3. I dont know the Name or who the author is but its really cool and as a horror/Creepy Fan I would love to get my hand on this stage, so any help would be nice.
  4. Me too that would have been a little too OP
  5. Yep she is now here to kick everyone butts, She is AI only but has some really funny attacks like making you go on a game show and stuff its really fun char. I dont want to spoil too much just download for yourself. https://ux.getuploader.com/migo/download/92
  6. Second time I've seen something like this
  7. I see what you mean but I have some and they never gave me trouble so I think its unnecessary to insta kill them.
  8. Donalddesu's updated Ronald hates all these characters for some reason
  9. Then thats Oliver's Problem not anyone else. This guy is a sack of shit but why dont you just ignore him
  10. Characters who dont have brutal AI and people who say characters are bad but haven't even tried it out.
  11. Has anyone found an AI Patch for Soy Milk?
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