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Mr. FuzzyNuts

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Everything posted by Mr. FuzzyNuts

  1. Been looking for these two for a while. Assuming these are the only characters these two ever made, there in Salty so they do exist. If anyone can help would be nice I have footage of Mousebane at least
  2. Been looking everywhere but cant find it. Saw it on Salty Bets so I know its a real character. Any help would be nice
  3. I think there was a similar question but was never answered, Does anyone have a link to where I can download profylebyron stages? Since it seems like there all offline https://photobucket.com/gallery/user/profylebryon/media/cGF0aDovb2JzZXJ2YXRpb25kZWNrLnBuZw==/?ref= https://photobucket.com/gallery/user/profylebryon/media/cGF0aDoveW8zLnBuZw==/?ref= https://photobucket.com/gallery/user/profylebryon/media/cGF0aDovc3Rhci1sYWtlMi5wbmc=/?ref= https://photobucket.com/gallery/user/profylebryon/media/cGF0aDoveW80LnBuZw==/?ref= and anymore I missed (Screenshots are not mine I borrowed them from the older question)
  4. Do you have a link to the actual Plom5-1-00 Olimar character?
  5. Dont have BK's Yang. Sadness
  6. Know this is old but is this Japaneses or English voices?
  7. Fishbed's chars are NSFW I though
  8. This cat comes from Jersey Shore I will put money on that
  9. He should have special intros to female characters
  10. You dont happen to have the AI patch for Revolution Solid Nabla do you?
  11. D4 Miku and Gurospooo there best character in Mugen hands down. And the fact people falsely say they are fetish characters makes me sad
  12. Im preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeety sure your ruining my fun with this picture
  13. boring edit of Shuma-Gorath, and its not that gory. Plus it has no AI or a known AI Patch dont recommend.
  14. D4 Miku is the strangest thing I seen as of right now but she plays pretty well for being a joke character
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