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What do you hate/don't like in a Mugen Char?

Mister Fael

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Well i refrain to put Chibi like characters in my roster but that doesn't mean i don't like them But that's not the case. Another thing i hate is some chars that don't even seems to want to beat you (even if he is NOT a beta or WIP)



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I hate cheap ass overpowered kof edited characters like orochi, kula and other kof ones, what i like most about charcters in general is having accuracy and being faithful to their source game, also, i have to admit there are good edits like Kyoko and others.


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OK, backwards I guess but, Dislikes: 1. badly coded anything - character / stage / whatever... (bad coding that causes crashing or hang ups or lags in gameplay) 2. Overpowered (I like a match to last more than 5 moves or 5 seconds) 3. AI, Only needed to possibly keep a character from going into a 'penalty' state if computer controlled or activating a short range attack when an opponent is out of range. Any well developed character should be balanced enough not to require much of an AI. I like to see a variety of different moves when computer controlled, not a repetition of the same overpowered and overdamaging moves. 4. Infinites, infinites, infinites... (able to do a move over and over again causing damage without rest). 5. Comboholics. Too many combos leads to #4 again doesn't it? Likes: 1. Originality - something different 2. Balanced. Able to be played as as well as played against which leads into #3... 3. Has none of the dislikes...

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I agree with with all the dislikes of gohan there. But I have one dislike 1. Characters with there own power bar or icons I like: 1. Boss Characters(that are balanced) 2. Balanced characters 3. any character thats not to "small"


 "Your so Naive-"

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1. Characters that are waay too accurate... Lots of fighting game characters may look good, but have terrible game play and balance issues. Why copy that mistake when you can improve upon it...? Some people seriously get far too caught up in this practice... 2. Characters with only a two to three button style of combat. THAT'S GARBAGE!! 3. Cheap AI, and tremendously overpowered characters... 4. Horrible coding, missing sprites and misaligned sprites. It's incredibly ANNOYING! Also alphas and betas.Why even release them that way? Time and patients make for a solid character. Quite simple... 5. Crappy hits sounds, and hit sparks...

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Oh god here we go *Dislikes* 1. AI Too Dang Strong you Cannot even Get 1 Single Hit in 2. COMBO AFTER MOTHER FRICKING COMBO 3. That Once You start a fight its over JOKE PEOPLE ugh I Hate that 4. People that go BEFORE THE MATCH STARTS AHEAD OF IT thats Just being cheap 5. You stand near a person Drains their hp I MEAN WTF How the heck are you gonna win A Match 6. Bad coding Spriting Messed up people Those are my Dislikes *Likes* 1. Good Balanced Person 2. Coded Good 3. A Person who has Good Intros ok There you guys go

http://prntscr.com/qxqslb < My Sig Since I cant use Image Atm


http://anime2013freak.blog.fc2.com Please Visit it Guys ^^ I Update Matches Post pics etc

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1. AI Too Dang Strong you Cannot even Get 1 Single Hit in


Hmm weird since I know someone here who really loves this kind of thing. Well anyway, what I dislike, huh?

1. Some characters that killed his/her opponents before the fight even starts.

What I like is basically chars with goddamn crazy combo like that version of youmu named sarashina. Her combo's just.. wow. It's really fun to watch.

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One more thing i dislike: Messy portraits. I hate when they have a portrait that exceeded the proper dimension of 120x140. Or just plain f*cked up. Then i have to make a new one for them. For some characters, i could easily found a good render/fanart for their ports, but the others....just hell damn hard to find.

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Hmm weird since I know someone here who really loves this kind of thing. Well anyway, what I dislike, huh?

1. Some characters that killed his/her opponents before the fight even starts.

What I like is basically chars with goddamn crazy combo like that version of youmu named sarashina. Her combo's just.. wow. It's really fun to watch.

mmm If your The One Dealing the Combo YES IT IS if your Getting Combo NO its not Its Kinda Cheap ehhhh I Guess it can go Both Ways

http://prntscr.com/qxqslb < My Sig Since I cant use Image Atm


http://anime2013freak.blog.fc2.com Please Visit it Guys ^^ I Update Matches Post pics etc

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Yup. If what I get is basically being beaten up by crazy combos and I lose before I even get the chance to say "gimme a break" yeah it'll be annoying at times and I JUST got tempted to press the F1 button.

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Great ideas here. Keep 'em coming. This is probably one of the best feedback topics for a creator that I've seen in years. Lots of great ideas and suggestions here. I'm kinda with Skeletor but in a different way. I understand some that release alphas and betas and such to give someone a feel for what the creator(s) are trying to do and get feedback possibly before a 'final' version. But there are some that release alphas and betas as final type releases which I don't think is a good thing. If it's still a WiP (Work in Progress) release then hopefully label it as such (alpha, beta, demo, v 0.8 and such). Otherwise it can get confusing to the downloaders. Nothing worse than thinking you are getting a finished version and it is half arsed done at best. And one of my 'great' things about MUGEN has always been that it allows any person the ability to edit and change things around to suit any person's liking (open sourced). It's always been nice to be able to edit things to your individual tastes and add stuff in or take things out as you see fit on your own. Not everything has to get uploaded to a site does it?

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Cheap, lockdown AI. Odd scale values (1.8?!) .5 and 1 should do fine :/ Over/undersized characters. Bowser covers HALF OF THE FRIGGIN STAGE, totalled up with his AI, and you've got one horrible character. Overpowered moves to make up for a lack of combo ability. OK, so they can be a bit more powerful than moves that combo, but not so powerful that 1-4 hits and you're dead! Anything WlanmaniaX spews up. Anything like the Toa Mata (6 on 1?! Hardly fair). Spriteswaps. Characters with ridiculous activation methods. DF, F, D, DB, B, D, DB, D, DF, a+b in 5 ticks.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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1. OP AI + OP DMG combo. Challenge is good, but when I have to "spam counters and pray" to win it's hardly fun 2. Unkillable chars. 3. Rape/hentai chars. When I want to watch pr0n, I watch pr0n not play fighting game. On the other hand I really like boss chars. Not "OP moveset and tons of HP" boss but rather "I have a certain attack pattern that you have to avoid and I'm left open in certain times" boss, sorta like old Megaman games. I enjoy fights when I have to think and change my tactics, not spam the same combos I use on every other fighter.

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