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ideas for victory quotes

Magical Klara

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"Not even death could conquer me, so what made you think you stood a chance?!"


"Fool! You dare challenge a God?!"

"Your ill-fate was your destiny. Be thankful it wasn't any worse than that!"

"I'll let you live so you can feel your pain through every waking moment!"

"I would've said you're a worthy adversary, but I'm not one to lie."

"Thinking you could challenge me and return unscathed? Adjust your mindset!"

"Omnipotence is power - power that you cannot hope to overcome."

"You waste my time."

"Every fighting spirit I destroy only makes me stronger. Soon, even time and space will bend to my will."

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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{Muscle Man}



You Know Who ELSE CAN Fight Better Than You ? MY MOM




(Random) I Can Read Youre Aura . You are not to Bright Aren't You ?



(Zoroak) Now I AM going to be in the new Smash Bros.



(Moku's Lucario) Our Auras Are the Same , but I am The Best.

Image result for hotline miami gif

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==Facebook crowd== "omg" "lol" "omfg" "lmao" "wtf" "lmfao" "roflmao" "yolo" "like if u agree" "poked" "omg twittuh" [vs. Twitter crowd] "omg faceburk" [vs. Facebook crowd] "omg myspurs" [vs. MySpace crowd] "omg gotta like update ma fb status" "ill add u on fb" "add me on fb" "69 people like this."

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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"You see?  I deserve to be the star of this game, bitch!"

"The second you pressed start, it was game over for your ass..."


"Your voice was so damned annoying, I hope I busted your mouth up bad enough they'll have to wire it shut for a while..."


"I'll hit you so hard you get down's syndrome."

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4th wall breaker quote:


"You were lame back in your original game. You were even much lamer being MUGEN'ed."


"What's the matter? Lost because of bad Statedef coding?"


" I took you down with one atta... Oh, wait, its just the player accidentally pressing F2."

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"Did swallowing your teeth feel like mints?" "Damn boy you ugly NOW!" (Vs female char) "I beat you so bad, you look like a bad cross dresser." "REMEMBER, you fell down stairs...." "Now, that's how I've always pictured you. On your back...."

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"Who made your victory quotes? MrAdam?"




"There's always time to die, why are you in such a hurry?"

"Don't Thank me for beating you, it was my pleasure!"

"You are inferior"

"Do yourself a favor, don't bother getting up"

"I find Your lack Skill insulting!"

"Thou art a lowly wretch"

"Your End is Nigh"

"Violence dosen't solve anything, but it sure makes me feel good!"

"I like the sound you make when you die!"

"After several years of plastic surgery, you might almost look normal again!!"


"If you wish to win, you must train, HARD!"

"You aren't skilled enough yet, Ill return in 100 years to challenge you again"

"Onward!...To Mayhem!!!"

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"Weaklings can't pick their way of death."Trafalgar Law

"U don`t know how hurt when u hate someone." Uzumaki Menma

"U like my chair when i get tea time." Virgilia

"I want u virgin blood!!." Headless knight


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"Hope you got plenty of spare parts and extra lives!"

"Watch out for my...oh, too late."

"What does the scouter say about its power level? It's UNDER 9000!"

[vs. something that regenerates] "Not even your infinite regeneration could save you! I doubt you're in any state to regenerate anything."

"Having Kirby copy you would do absolutely nothing because he can already suck."

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-- Konata Izumi --

random (normal): You really oughta give cosplay a try. It helps to look at your own style from another perspective.

random (dark): Don't be dissing the ginger!

vs. cosplayers: A love of cosplay sets us apart from other people. We do what we enjoy. We don't worry about what others think of us.

vs. Mai Shiranui: Having a flat chest also means I don't have to worry about having sagging boobs when I get old. Tee hee hee!

Nice one, You got more for the random characters? I expect more from it.

"Luigi, goes to the circus. *Smacks Lips* Luigi, has a... Pizza Pie."
~Vinesauce Joel (Shareware Madness)


floette_yellow_by_creepyjellyfish-d7a443Floette, My YouTube Channel Mascot and my #1 Favorite Kalos Pokemon.

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