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And today, RicePigeon has proven that he is an awful moderator, and I'm sad that Ryon's demodding of Rice was not permanent.


You were already on thin ice and you blew it. Kai gave you a warning to cut out the shit you had with NFS and you both ignored it, thus both of you were kicked and banned. Kai was the one who kicked you and the rest of us agreed a ban was necessary.



lol you saw it coming you fucking assmad cockmunch 


Dont post like this

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You were permabanned cause you were on thin ice as it was. Neofire was only week banned cause he had never been banned before. Secondly Sweetfire got warned for his post. We are not taking sides here. You were given more warnings than even you should of been. when you break the rules you get punished. There was agreement with the whole staff before you were banned permanently not just rice deciding it. If you want to be mad at anyone be mad at yourself for not following the rules.


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Oh really? Neo_Fire_Sonic is banned from the chatroom?

Then prove me! Otherwise, I will not believe you or Rice!


Edit: Okay, Alexei just has confirmed to me now that NFS is indeed banned from the MFFA chatroom. I still think that the situation was handled poorly.

And I think it could have been handled better, if the chatroom would have had the possibility for people to ignore certain users.

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