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Part of the reason I still have an issue is you continue to use that dumb name that nobody even uses anymore -_-. You did act like one alot at the time. Thanks for the congrats but you shouldn't take what I said so seriously.

You're right. That was misread. My apologies. However, the name stays. :troll:


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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All right, bets are now open to how long until the reban

Okay, I will now ask you nicely and only once:

Please stop targetting me already. I am already sick of this and it doesn't bring any good to anyone.

If this wont stop, then I'm forced to report you.

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It's time......again.


Yeah yeah i know...



I wonder what thoryn1024 will say about this Kirito. hahaha


(thoryn1024 is the poster for this thread )

I think this will awaken bad memories (But now that you mention it, he didn't show up when his beta version showed up.)


And i still don't have a good Kyoraku Shunsui to fight against him.



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I know its the shit thread, but forum rules still apply here. I'm not going to take sides in the argument, nor am I going to say that either side is clear of blame...


@Darkflare; I know Trini has a history of reacting negatively but could we not egg him on?


@Trinitronity; Regardless of Darkflare or anyone else's behavior, you do tend to take things personally when you shouldn't. If you do feel that a user is legitimately harassing you, though, report the post and let me or any of the other let the staff handle it as we see fit depending on the severity.

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