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​I actually kinda like Mawile...

Very interesting so far.

Fun Fact: Some Pokemon's name backwards is an actual word that describes the Pokemon.


Yup. He's so bad that if he gets a pain in his neck, he doesn't go to the chiropractor, he throws himself out the window.
"Hump... be right back...." *drops 40 stories* "Feel better now."

Geese's doctor calls it "fall king Kong therapy."


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dunnnnnnnnnn da da tap tap tap

duh dah DUH!!

i wanna be, da very best, like no one ever was


to catch them is my real test, to train them is my cause


I will travel across the land


Searching far and wide


Each pokemon to understand, the powah dats in side

pokeeeeehmahnnn gotta catch em--

ok im bored now bye


-play gaem, gaem iz kul

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I never even once thought of Mawile in that manner, and still don't even after reading that. Those jaws are its horns.

Also, the thing about Wobuffet's tail is stated in one of its Pokédex entries. I believe it says something about hiding it on purpose, sparking the theory about that "tail" being the Pokémon itself, and what you mainly see being a decoy.


Only Pokémon I truly despise based on looks are Binacle and Barbaracle. The whole hand-head thing just erks me. Klefki was made for merchandising :P

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Interesting, I'll have to look into them. Arbok and Ekans, yeah I was suprized when I read that on bulpedia. Mind Blown.


Okay, now for the next installment. The evolutions that should have never been added.







Conpared to the original tangela




Now as you can see the original was very simple and interesting though the new one is hardly that much different and if anything it looks bad now as if they were trying too hard to improve over the original. It just has additional wines on it wih a small re-arrangement that adds nothing really new or improved. This on e should have just been left alone.







Does everyoen remember Electabuzz? That cool looking tough guy with a decent design?




Well they butchered him to.Introducing Electrvire




Now with his new body the old electabuzz intimidating and fierce arms and hands are now less threatening and make him now an overall less memorable pokemon.


The face is the worst though because electabuzz went from a wild fighting monster to a poorly designed sasquach. His old cat features are completely gone and he lost his electric pattern wich should havbe been passed on without a problem.


This one shoudl have never of been made at all. Iyt's a real shame.



Next is magmars evolution into this thing.




Magmortar is like a wannabe Jinx for some reason? Magmar was so cool in his design and was a popular one in the series because of his fasicanating design. Particularly his head. Although a lot is going on in his design, he was stqable some how. Magmortar though looks like a pokemon who was born with down syndrome. Take a look at his sprite.




Does he have buck teeth now? I mean what is that!?!?! That's just silly. It also resembles an asian caricature of a racial stereotype. This is as bad as Jinx. Not just for the race thing but because it's just ugly and poor.


Finally we look at Lickylick? Evolved from the classi lickytongue




This one isn't that bad atually it's just that it's tongue is shorter!?!?!


But then this would be some kind of downgrade to lickitongues specialty then now wouldn't it?


I guess the new evolution would have the advantages of snorlax so I'm kinda on the ball on this one.





Another one that was done was Rhyperior




This isn't too bad either but the color scheme just seems really too drastic. The tail is a plus however, I would have liked a Pokemon of its own original origin to sport a tail like that instead of Rhydon's evolution. The arms are also a turnoff in tthat it jut doesn't seem right. Arms like that belong better to another pokemon. A more simplistic one not unlike Metagross




It wworks well on Metagross for some reason? But Rhyperior looks like he is trying to cosplay a mech of some kind?




Anyway that's it for that. Later I'll be ranting about a cow and a chicken LOL So tune in later. See ya!


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Tut tut tut. All that Gen IV hate.


You can't have your own opinions on the Internet! What if people disagree with you?!

Objection! People can't disagree with you on the internet. It's the internet!!!



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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Tut tut tut. All that Gen IV hate.


You can't have your own opinions on the Internet! What if people disagree with you?!

I like all generations of pokemon but I have to mention that in at least each one, there is a dud or two that sucks. Keep in mind that I mentioned other gens to!

And I still have to get to some others as well.


I'm always excited about new pokemon in new games and the anime. Needless to say that it's better that way in that it will reach a broader audience if there are more options to be had. So basicially Fans can have more choices to choose from when we get a new gen.


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Okay so everyone knows this starter right?




This is torchic, looks great, cute, fun idea, then it evolves,




Combusken, okay now he's sweet the legs are working out well, a lot of possibilities and he looks very cool, and then he evolves.....











Okay Blaziken is just awful. Why does he look like a digimon!!!




And what's up with his head now? What does he have long hair now? He needed to look more like a hippy?!


And what's with his legs? They look like 60s-70s bell bottoms pants




Hey Blaziken, "Do THE HUSTLE!!!"





.... Nevermind....



Next is Miltank




You know at first it turned me off but after awhile it kinda grew on me and I heard it was always a tough battle to fight. I think maybe the real problem behind this character is it's color scheme? Maybe if it were something else fans wouldn't have been so offended at this?


This single pokemon spawned a lot of memes on the internet, much like mudkip and pikachu memes. Here is the most popular of the same sentiments towards this character.




Maybe the anime version was the worst? I dunno.


Okay well that's it for now. Next I'll be discussing fighter types!


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ryur.gifAll those images. Yo, I thought this was the Roleplay thread.

Yep... and he's not listening. It's possible he hasn't seen this thread since he last posted.


Put a spoiler on that sh*t before I do it for you, Ax.



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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Ax is just hatin' on Miltank because of all the times Whitney wrecked his team back in the original GSC. I can't say I blame him. :p

Not an issue at my end coz at that point already got a LV:30~35 Feraligatr beat the milk out of dat cow.

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