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Does this Exist whos the author of this creation



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Anyone know the name or author of a certain Mario based stage around MFFA somewhere? I really cannot find it again.


It's not directly Mario related, but you can tell it was the stage's main inspiration. It was a very bright, sunny stage, had ? Blocks floating in the center, and two pipes on the edges of each side. There was a river in the background too. I can only remember it being named Super Retro Land or something similar, but did not have Mario in the title. It was a "MvC" styled stage as well, the characters fought on a wide brick path. I remember lots of pink in the stage as well.


Anyone got an idea of what stage I'm talking about?

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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Has anyone heard of a character called "Tah Ryoo"? I don't know remember who the author is (it might have been nesmario123, but I'm not sure), but it was in a now deleted video that was made somewhere around 2011. It was basically a palette swap of IronTube's "Teh Ryu" (which was an edit of HeartlessMushroom's Bob character) that mainly replaced the white with a teal-like color. I'm not sure if there were any audio differences in the character or not, because I don't think the video he was in was very high in quality. So yeah, has anyone heard of this or is it just another lost and unheard of obscurity?

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Okay, so I have two characters (one of which is NSFW I think)


So, I made a post on MFG, pretty much gonna ask the same thing here (cause ya know, maybe someone here doesn't go there and visa versa)




Character 1| Unknown Author

So, this character, as I mentioned in a much older post, is simply a soccer ball, or a ball of some sort. It sits on the ground, doesn't move, doesn't do anything at all... until you attack it. When you hit it, the ball itself becomes a weapon that harms EVERYONE. It used to be on this website a LONG LONG LONG time ago under the ORIGINALS section before that entire area got nuked. Which really bothers me because I swear I'm not crazy, I swear I've had this character before, and it was without a doubt, the most addicting thing I have ever played with on here. Like... I swear, I'm not losing my mind (aside from the fact of trying to find this freaking character and being unable to do so). But yeah, I know I sound nuts, but I don't think this was just some fusion idea of me having played Lethal League with also knowing about the Snack Vendor character. I just... I know in my heart, this exists or... existed at one point. (And hell, I would even pay someone to remake it, I just... I need it before my brain explodes), and sadly... its lost with time.


Character 2 | Unknown Author (NSFW)

This character is literally someone hanging by their wrists from a rope that goes off screen. I think it was of a naked lady, not entirely sure, but it was a really good punching bag. Just want it for collection purposes, since I already have a lot of other "punching bag" type characters that are actually legitimate punching bags and not just a still image.



So yeah, any help is appreciated, and no, character 1 isn't Basketball (the mini-game with Lucky Glauber), I wish it was, but it isn't.

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17 hours ago, Ryou said:

i can't seem to put my finger on anything that matches your description for character 1, but this wouldn't happen to be the other character you're looking for, would it?



Well, you got at least one of them correct, so that's good enough. Don't worry about the other one, I'm quite sure it is impossible to try and find it now anyways. I'll just have to recreate it myself... eventually. First I need to figure out how to code it.

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On 10/30/2019 at 2:28 PM, CANDYBOY said:



Does someone happen to own this Hulk? It used to be in the MMV Character download page. And this is the dead link it was downloadable by : https://www.dropbox.com/s/1hg5jxgpae1awoo/SavageHulk.rar?dl=0 also i know NOTHING about this character so i cant tell its the real deal or not.



There you go.



Anyone happen to have "Smug Dudley"? He appeared on SaltyBet a few times, and unfortunately, I don't know who made him, but since he can parry like no tomorrow, I'd like to have some more cheap bullcrap in my roster.

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