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Does this Exist whos the author of this creation



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Hello men,


I found a curious screenshot today.




Does the character on the right (The Scream by Edvard Munch) exist or is it fake?


If it exists, is it any good?


Thanks in advance!


It's not really good in the term of gameplay anyways, but it's still funny to keep.

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5 button controlled, but poor comboability, Has basic punch and kick attacks. Additional attacks are consisting of shape-shifting moves. Has some random anime chicks from To Heart as a striker. One super arts consisting of soaring an ultra-sonic scream towards opponent. One consisting of him drilling towards the opponent. And one consisting of he grows hair and become a sniper. (could be a reference to something i don't know).


Funny, well, just an objective side really. That was my definition.

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5 button controlled, but poor comboability, Has basic punch and kick attacks. Additional attacks are consisting of shape-shifting moves. Has some random anime chicks from To Heart as a striker. One super arts consisting of soaring an ultra-sonic scream towards opponent. One consisting of him drilling towards the opponent. And one consisting of he grows hair and become a sniper. (could be a reference to something i don't know).


Funny, well, just an objective side really. That was my definition.


Thank you for all this information, Ryoucchi! ^^


Sounds interesting though, but Diffbok said it is from Nijikaku so doesn't that mean you have to edit it's files in order for it to work in a regular mugen?


If you don't have to do that, I am  genuinely interested in this obscure character.

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I don't think that was it, the display name was Jon Talbain. I found the video if you want to see. Thanks anyway!


It looks more to me like it's John Talbain by Splode (with perhaps an AI-patch by Kiminho).


You can find John Talbain by Splode at  http://randomselect.piiym.net/hosted/hosted_characters.htm => Under Splode, the creators are listed alphabetically.


However I do not know where to find the AI Patch (not even sure it is released).

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After testing it some more, I'm starting to think it is kiminho's ai...It's so hard to tell when you just have a video. Thanks guys.


I'm not 100% sure it is an AI patch. Splode always outfits his characters with a tough AI which becomes only tougher the more you crank up your mugen difficulty.

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Do you mean KOFMLV4 or the C-Kula?


If it's about the C-Kula, then yes. She exists under the name of Cyanic Kula made by ONI-MIKO.


He released it around the end of September 2013 in a release video along with a Skydrive link but the link is dead =/

I think he was talking about the screenpack (KOFMLV4).


And these lifebars are fake. (The autor of this screenshot told it on another mugen forum.)

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