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Ecole Software Taking Action On Melty Blood MUGEN Creators


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No, keeping the files available once this passes. I'm sure this won't last forever since mugen really isnt worth the effort(no one makes money off of this).


Hosting on the server would be a bad idea because then the ACTUAL website could be at risk of termination (i.e. bye bye mffa or other sites over hosting a file and making it avaiable for others).


I can't fathom Ecole's reasoning other than UNIB or a possible HD MB game in the works, but it is what it is.

If you want my released works, go here.

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I'm honestly not sure. I mean I THINK they would have to message Ryon, like I don't think they could shut the site down immediately. It would have to be like a warning first then i guess then they could pursue action.


Also, i can't tell from the post since the translation is bad but either sennou-room took his site down or he was forced to due to Ecole.

If you want my released works, go here.

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Ecole must be doing pretty poorly if they're screwing their fans like that. Guess UNiB didn't do so well after all.

Real shit timing too with NA UNiB release around the corner and if US fans decide to boycott it'll just tell them that there's no market here.

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should we delete those?

(okay maybe this just me being paranoid)


I'm honestly not sure. I mean I THINK they would have to message Ryon

Well, it happened once in this place, isn't it?

IIRC with the fairy tail related stuff,

..........not that paranoid :P

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woah.....shit got real^^

Indeed it has and hopefully this doesnt start a domino effect with others following same course by other companies wether large large or small. Thats why since reading this and a while back on similar type topic I been staying low key on showing any of my sprites or any new screenshots for them for ABR cause they are and gonna be hd style. I dang sure dont wont any shots fired my way. lol.

Yeah I think someone must have pissed them off and tried to rip UNIB sprites and put on net...the game is new. Melty blood been around for a long time and to come back and ask those to be takin down is weird since so long time has passed. Damn I had hoped someone would have ripped those UNIB sprites....better not to be on safe side.



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Indeed it has and hopefully this doesnt start a domino effect with others following same course by other companies wether large large or small. Thats why since reading this and a while back on similar type topic I been staying low key on showing any of my sprites or any new screenshots for them for ABR cause they are and gonna be hd style. I dang sure dont wont any shots fired my way. lol.

Yeah I think someone must have pissed them off and tried to rip UNIB sprites and put on net...the game is new. Melty blood been around for a long time and to come back and ask those to be takin down is weird since so long time has passed. Damn I had hoped someone would have ripped those UNIB sprites....better not to be on safe side.

I hope so too. if I recall I remember SNK did something like that 9-10 years ago when they annouced to the Mugen community to stop hosting their characters because someone did'nt follow the rules about using characters for profit and its suppose to be free for used as an fighter siimulation. But thanks to some agreements SNK allowed it but as long as no one used their characters for any profit for mugen it was all good. But thats past History.


Now a days companies like Ecole  software feels that this is not helping them making much profit as they feel its best for them not to let the mugen community host their characters freely which they beleive can cause drawback on thier upcoming games. Thats just a theory i think whats going on. :-P


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I think that did actually happen around 9 years ago. Not sure but I remember something like that went on then an inside agreement was made of sorts.

I can sorta understand on their stance especially if you seriously think about it from their point of perspective. I worked hard to make a game from top to bottom and someone rips all the work that was done and distributes my company work and use for free, and this happens to be a game that I am still relying on to turn in profits. Wether its just the sprites or a wholey created version of the original content , may not be in code exactly but its created using our work. So here in lies the issues between mugen community and actual companies stock that have concerns.

It used to be one of my own concerns when I started messing woth mugen 14 years ago ( this november will make it 14 actually lol) and also when I eons later decided to learn to create my own characters and content via rips and as well company stock imagery. Its fan art nevertheless in mugen and pays respect in ways to the companies as we are fans, but I think its when folks that have tried get paid by selling mugen is what also bring the most negativity towards it and their concerns. They would really have a right to be pissed instantly.



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It just seems dumb for a few reasons.


No one is making a profit.

Melty Blood has been around FOREVER and there hasn't been a problem with the use of the sprites before.

Is Mugen where they want to focus their energy on? shouldnt they actually be targeting people who pirate their games?


I know it's their choice and all, but it is stupid to focus on mugen creators. I completely understand if they don't UNIB stuff being ripped but Melty Blood related works/authors shouldn't be a problem nor a target.

If you want my released works, go here.

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Even then UNIB would just be for now till its older then they shouldn't care. Yeah its strange and I didn't believe it at all with how old it is but it's actually happening.


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Same thing I think too laharl and gen. Melty blood is way old stuff and why get pissed about it and come after mugen creators. Its sorta sad and a dull move on their part since they done moved onto more mainstream stuff wise as a company. I would seriously went after pirates cause they earning actual money off of them. Not mugen.

There is a thread over at guild on this topic as well. Folks commenting in there as well.

My thing with them at ecole is...why now and why melty blood old ass stuff ya wanna biatch about at a community that paying creative respect to your old stuff? Its not like we selling anythng and making money from anything regarding the material. Its all done as fan art only. Its just weird or is ther some unseen motive at foot? Strike the first blow and see whoever else sets the ball continuing in motion. I pray not its the case. Keeping my eyes and ears wide open on this situation.



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