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Luke Skywalker by WlanmaniaX released 7/10/13

Lord Batros

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iam sure he well know you said that since its not hard to find out once he see his character on here


but you really think he would even listen now when how many characters later he put out i highly doubt that would change and thats to bad some of his characters are awesome just shitty coding

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iam sure he well know you said that since its not hard to find out once he see his character on here


but you really think he would even listen now when how many characters later he put out i highly doubt that would change and thats to bad some of his characters are awesome just shitty coding


I hope trying to read that didn't kill any brain cells lol, anyways..that hyper portrait o.O


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"Hmm...Garfield (a user on the 'Database) has been making sprites with pillow shading, and people like them. I should use pillow shading, too!" -Wlanman's motives behind the ugly portrait. Seriously though, Wlan sees whatever's popular at the moment and makes sure it's incorporated into his characters. For a while, all his characters had a "1105" or "Madoldcrow" palette where the colours appear darker and the outline is of a maroon-y colour. On a side note, Wlan and BeanFan's pitiful creations have provoked someone to say that "the British should not be allowed to make characters", or something along those lines. Clearly this person has never heard of people like Koopakoot.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Gee, thanks Kanbei.


iam sure he well know you said that since its not hard to find out once he see his character on here


but you really think he would even listen now when how many characters later he put out i highly doubt that would change and thats to bad some of his characters are awesome just shitty coding


I'm not sure Wlan is that bright, though.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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Everytime I read that name, I get a cold in the spine O_o


The first time which I learned about him was when he was making a Elvis Presley character which don't looked like the actual Elvis Presley.


I don't undersand why he have the mania of making characters from these sources (oldschool, cartoon, etc) with Marvel V.S Capcom effects.


It's unfitting...

Although Magical Chaser characters have inspiration in the Marvel vs series, they're still unfitting to have these effects as well.


So, when I see Marvel vs Capcom effects in characters like that I keep wondering: "Why somebody can make something like that? It doesn't make sense..."


Well, since it's Wlan, it don't help talking to him, huh?

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Everytime I read that name, I get a cold in the spine O_o


The first time which I learned about him was when he was making a Elvis Presley character which don't looked like the actual Elvis Presley.


I don't undersand why he have the mania of making characters from these sources (oldschool, cartoon, etc) with Marvel V.S Capcom effects.


It's unfitting...

Although Magical Chaser characters have inspiration in the Marvel vs series, they're still unfitting to have these effects as well.


So, when I see Marvel vs Capcom effects in characters like that I keep wondering: "Why somebody can make something like that? It doesn't make sense..."


Well, since it's Wlan, it don't help talking to him, huh?

like talking to a brick wall it wont get thu

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Anyway, I provided him with feedback... If he ignores, I won´t do it for him again... :fuckyea:

Staubhold, you should know by now that giving feedback to that retard is a pointless endeavor. I don't even know why you volunteered to help him when it's been made clear SEVERAL times in the past that he doesn't listen. If he asks again tell him "I'm not going to do it. What's the point of giving feedback if you're just going to ignore it. Piss off you little shrimp" In those exact words. 


Just chillaxin' on the beaches of South Island and chuggin' down your Coca-Cola.

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"Hmm...Garfield (a user on the 'Database) has been making sprites with pillow shading, and people like them. I should use pillow shading, too!" -Wlanman's motives behind the ugly portrait.

It's backwards, These guys use pillow shading because fucking Wlanmania uses it.


The feedback from my Guild Post:


Refer to all problems adressed in his previous characters with this fucking template, including as well:

-5Z, 2C having bad hittimes. -You can spam the heck out of 2B -Dash forward for a long while and all explods will dissapear. -Awkward Velset for projectile an infinite DOES NOT FIX. Seriously, it seems like the coding is taken right from his George character. -What do you accomplish with your char having an air-launcher if I can't even land a combo in it!? -Badly attributed attacks. (S,NA where it should be A,NA; etc.)

How about you stop being a template abuser George? Seriously, stop using this template; it's not good, it's bad, and it's the reason why people tell you your chars are shit. Because they are built into something badly done. You should just not use a template other than Elecbyte Player or Winane AI and forget about the whole POTS and "MBC" approach and use a different system...


Another issue I found, The helper's hitboxes don't match their characters quite well, as well as the projectiles, also when Han Solo's projectile hits the opponent in air, he dissapears.

      Posted: Yesterday, 02:52 AM Okay, calming my ovaries down, I'm gonna give a bunch of tips to this guy: -Sit down and play a fighter, No. NOT MUGEN. A REAL one, and learn how it plays like at heart. It can be any one of your choosing. -Try not to make characters you don't have enough sprites for, the custom sprites you make tend to be bad and the brainstorming you seem to do for your characters does NOT fit a fighter. Make a character you can make a full 6 button fighter out of. -Read the MUGEN docs, then...... -....experiment, try to make moves you may no be able to make in a practice character you're not gonna release, compare these moves with other moves from solid MUGEN characters and Actual Fighting games. You can only learn coding properly by doing it a ton of times. -Do not use that template please...... -For hitdefs, try to mess around with its parameters and see how they work.

-Try to make a character with no helpers and no projectiles and see if you can get that correctly. Then slowly progress to the projectiles, and see if you can get them right.

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It's backwards, These guys use pillow shading because fucking Wlanmania uses it.


The feedback from my Guild Post:


That's how I'm balancing my characters for mugen (getting feedback from Ryon, Laharl, & Alexei) Feedback is handy... I guess he'll never understand that.


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Yeah, I remember when I made my first MUGEN character. It came out alright, and I owe it all to feedback and criticism. People don't improve with praise. (I needed a little help with coding from Ryon and GarchompMatt, though.)

I hear agree Lahral, Ryon and Alexei helped me out.


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RicePigeon gives some fantastic feedback. If it wasn't for him, Rotom would still be overpowered, unfair and unbalanced. He knows his stuff :)

I'll remember to ask him to test my Vexen update, When I'm ready.


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I remember that Zzzyzzyxx was upset that I wasn't not making every fix which he pointed at once, however it was too much for him wishing to force me to code just like him.


And in mugen, I have the right to pause a project and try a new one in order to try learn more.


After that, he broke our friendship and I'm striving to make my own version of Fine.


Wlanmania case is pretty different, he doesn't listen any feedback given to him...

So, why we bother? Should we ignore him for good?

I bet Mugen Wikis will keep covering his stuff even if the forums forget about him and move on.


Also, talking to a brick will never lead us to anything...

Btw, that Super Screen Portrait of Luke is disturbing.

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The Guild has started protecting his stupid ass. That's where the problems come in. You can't call him an idiot or tell him to quit making characters because of that. Just a heads up, if wlan joins here, nobody post in his topics. (which probably won't happen because we won't protect his stupid ass like the guild does. Well, actually we will but only to a certain extent.)


It's backwards, These guys use pillow shading because fucking Wlanmania uses it.


The feedback from my Guild Post:

lots of words that Wlan won't even read.


You're wasting your breath. Wlan doesn't listen to any feedback. No matter how hard you try. Omegabros used to be like that as well actually but then all of the sudden he changed. He's actually starting to improve as well. Unfortunately, it seems he's having a hard time escaping his past. I kinda feel sorry for him actually in that regard.


I'm not a fine one to talk about making shitty characters though. I've actually made one. However, I was smart enough to only release it to a limited audience here. I told them it was horrible too and they could use it for anything they wanted.  I wouldn't care. Though that was an edit of somebody else's character so it probably doesn't count.


Just chillaxin' on the beaches of South Island and chuggin' down your Coca-Cola.

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The Guild has started protecting his stupid ass. That's where the problems come in. You can't call him an idiot or tell him to quit making characters because of that. Just a heads up, if wlan joins here, nobody post in his topics. (which probably won't happen because we won't protect his stupid ass like the guild does. Well, actually we will but only to a certain extent.)



You're wasting your breath. Wlan doesn't listen to any feedback. No matter how hard you try. Omegabros used to be like that as well actually but then all of the sudden he changed. He's actually starting to improve as well. Unfortunately, it seems he's having a hard time escaping his past. I kinda feel sorry for him actually in that regard.


I'm not a fine one to talk about making shitty characters though. I've actually made one. However, I was smart enough to only release it to a limited audience here. I told them it was horrible too and they could use it for anything they wanted.  I wouldn't care. Though that was an edit of somebody else's character so it probably doesn't count.


What do you mean by protecting "his stupid ass"? Nobody was protecting him there. In fact, whenever he makes a topic in Guild all he gains is shitposting against him and don't talk about the actual character, in fact... That sounds familar, isn't it? And I bet if he ever joined here you guys would not ignore him either and wouldn't provide feedback either, and when you don't provide feedback all it does is just make yourself look as bad as him.


No breath was wasted either, testing characters is a hobby anyway, and finding flaws in a character can be fun to some extent. While I know the guy has a track record, it doesn't mean he may not improve at least in the future, when he actually grows up. Also I had a track record similar to WlanmaniaX back in the day, but I changed, but I don't brag about it, because people do change.


Wlan probably makes shitty characters because it's all he can do, but that's only because of his fucking template he needs to stop using and abusing badly. Once he stops using that I bet his characters will begin to improve there.


TL;DR, giving feedback is much better than attack the person directly instead of the subject at hand, the character.

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The Guild has started protecting his stupid ass. That's where the problems come in. You can't call him an idiot or tell him to quit making characters because of that. Just a heads up, if wlan joins here, nobody post in his topics. (which probably won't happen because we won't protect his stupid ass like the guild does. Well, actually we will but only to a certain extent.)



You're wasting your breath. Wlan doesn't listen to any feedback. No matter how hard you try. Omegabros used to be like that as well actually but then all of the sudden he changed. He's actually starting to improve as well. Unfortunately, it seems he's having a hard time escaping his past. I kinda feel sorry for him actually in that regard.


I'm not a fine one to talk about making shitty characters though. I've actually made one. However, I was smart enough to only release it to a limited audience here. I told them it was horrible too and they could use it for anything they wanted.  I wouldn't care. Though that was an edit of somebody else's character so it probably doesn't count.


I think a lot of us haven't exactly made masterpieces when we first made characters I know I didn't and I'm there are others that can detest to that as well the difference is someone like you and me can admit our mistakes and try what we can to improve and make better characters, Wlan on the other hand is doomed to never be any better due with the arrogant attitude  he has. When I tried to give him feedback on characters rather then take what I said to heart and try to fix it he either ignored it or in fact would try to justify what he did with the character.

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Ther reason we've all given up on giving him feedback is because (even now) he ignores it if it doesn't praise the character. For example, Wlan ignored Staubhold's feedback, but listened to Mugo's sarcastic arse-kisser feedback. He doesn't learn, and never will. He and his "chums" think his characters are "really good", and it's gotten to the point where they're simply deluding themselves. The "updates" don't fix anything, they simply add/change moves and sprites. He also refuses to learn his own language properly, but we won't get into that :P

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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