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Everything posted by SSBKing65✯

  1. Welcome back again JMAMugenFanKid1991 to MFFA, and yes, sadly many things were lost due to the site crash because of a spambot, but that's come and gone. As long as it's not a rare oppertunity, most things you lost can be brought back.
  2. With the sheer amount of great content that's on there, they need an affiliate with free, no money involved or member only downloads. I wonder why it even changed the download policy. The Mugen Archive is biting more off than it can chew if they're asking for all the stuff from AXFC. Too bad Muvluv is dead, a site like that would be perfect for uploading that stuff in one big archive. MA shouldn't be trying to do this unless it goes back to what it was back then, but I'm just saying.
  3. Huh, she looks like something Teaf would make. Cool.
  4. My connection's acting slower than a space slug, here's another link: http://www.mediafire.com/file/v1m4dprzd0o958j/Hinanawi_Sora.zip
  5. http://pan.baidu.com/share/link?uk=1464996698&shareid=760750714&third=0&adapt=pc&fr=ftw
  6. http://www.mediafire.com/download/c9d5kdiyz4j1u3n/AOF3-Gas_Station.rar
  7. It's nice to see you making something new, we need more genderswaps.
  8. I've seen you when I lurked here around 2013. Welcome back Peterpunkass.
  9. Various characters got updated yesterday, air, cns & cmd files. They include: Windows 2000Takakazu AbeDrill Asamin Higyo-PamKanmi-Chan Manamana Mikudayo Modoi Mac OS 9 Sonata Aka-Cho-TinRoggyolgee-2 Shinocchi Syubababa Windows XP Pro
  10. It's various states that causes all of those things that you stated before to happen, nobardisplay and nomusic. The characters on the 1st page are their latest updated versions. And thank you for the upload! I need to look into basic coding sometime.
  11. Replace your common1.cns in the data folder with mine: http://www.mediafire.com/download/096i22v22dgab20/common1.cns Should fix that problem. Mediafire give you 10GB or Google Drive gives you 15GB of file storage, defintlely try those for big files. I would love it if you could upload this older Nijikaku version, I'm always looking for older versions of Niji content actually, in fact I've downloaded everything from the Nijibox: http://nijibox.ohflip.com/ke/pwiki/index.php thanks to my school's connection, oddly enough except from this archive. I hope it's revived one day: http://nijikaku.net/up/files/nijikaku/ Welcome to MFFA Superkawaii.
  12. Cool, Welcome to this fine part of the Mugenweb Yukiho@P.
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