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Everything posted by SSBKing65✯

  1. Definitely cheap edits, always glad to have another edit of Roz nevertheless.
  2. Welcome to this fine forum of Mugen Free For All TheFilyng.
  3. There's much to see out there in the world of Mugen, welcome to MFFA Notodon.
  4. I did the same, didn't think I'd join this site but it was a good decision to do so, welcome to MFFA Tazewomante.
  5. The sprites in general are well done, wonder how this'll turn out.
  6. I've been on that Onedrive before, just never looked at all the files. Thanks again CAH.
  7. Sounds just like me neighbor, welcome to MFFA Ecchrebirth.
  8. A skybound grassy plain, beautiful stage Excham.
  9. I'm looking for these chars: Anyone have these two?
  10. We all need more skilled mugenites here, welcome to MFFA Concord20.
  11. I've already seen everything, it's pretty amazing and I love the mecha theme they gave this game, definitely buying it.
  12. The characters I'm trying to find are so obscure it's not even funny, but installing an AI patch is simple, you never know what kinds of AI patches you'll find on the Web. Welcome to MFFA JosueM7.
  13. The hues and color tones on everything really go well with the sky and it's realistic anime style, lovely stage EX.
  14. It's still causing confusion amongest the users, they could have at least put MUGEN in the description, because people might think all kinds of things, like it's an animation, or an illegal software.
  15. There's an AI patch here for Unyuho-L:https://web.archive.org/web/20110811071402/http://page.freett.com/slowstep/main.html
  16. Welcome to Mugen Free For all Marshall, finding characters is pretty simple if you search mugen and a characters name, or use the site extension method: touhou characters site:mugenguild.com, keywords will help you find what you need on specific mugen sites.
  17. That's pretty ridiculous, it's your opinion but some creators just want to do things their way, you should respect what the creator wants for their character though but I think there's no need for any consequences when all you said is that. They sure are serious about their rules, but drastic measures aren't needed. I guess this is why Chuch can't improve on his chars. I'm sure I'd be banned if I said that there too, just wait it out and read the rules. Even if a constructive positive comment is apparently over the top by their standards.
  18. He could definitely use more basic attacks, but the Mettaton assist is very helpful, this boss is a good challenge for a limited char like him though.
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