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What do you hate/don't like in a Mugen Char?

Mister Fael

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On the other hand I really like boss chars. Not "OP moveset and tons of HP" boss but rather "I have a certain attack pattern that you have to avoid and I'm left open in certain times" boss, sorta like old Megaman games. I enjoy fights when I have to think and change my tactics, not spam the same combos I use on every other fighter.

If someone were to make a Scumflower (Bloomsday) boss character, I could see it working in this manner. Invulnerable to attack until something comes into contact with his face; then you can proceed to beat the crap out of him until his health reaches a certain point, or a certain amount of time has passed.

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Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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Got a bunch of reasons:

Cheapness: Pretty obvious reason.

Unkillable: Again, obvious.

Ridiculously High Attack: This gets on my nerves a lot, because the character can easily kill you, especially if they have ridiculously high health or defense.

Ridiculously High Health/Defense: This can make a character very difficult to beat. If a character has 4000 defense and 2000 health, it takes FOREVER to beat it.

Cheap AI: Especially lockdown, cheap combos, and projectile spammers. Best example of cheap AI: Stig87's Super Buu and Megaman by Megaman.

Lockdown AI: They never stop attacking until you're dead. Mario and Luigi are obvious examples of this.

Cheap Combos: AI can pull off combos no human can do. Because of this, Megaman and Dragon Claw are nearly impossible to kill!

Projectile Spammers: You can never get close enough to hit the character. Iron Man and Dr. Doom fly where you can't reach them and spam projectiles, which is irritating.

Long-Reaching Moves: Especially if they can reach across the whole screen and are overpowered.

Badly-Made: Obvious reason.

Poor Gameplay: Wlan's Zim has the worst gameplay I have ever seen. It is near impossible to win with him, because his attacks are underpowered and have very short reach. His combo ability is awful.

Spriteswap: Obvious reason.

Loud/Annoying Sounds: Fight GohanSSM2's Kid Goku and you'll see exactly what I mean. His voice will haunt your worst nightmares...

Shun Goku Satsu: Shun Goku Satsu is one of the cheapest and most overused moves ever.

Healing Moves: These will drive you insane. Notable examples of characters with healing moves are Umbreon and AirMoto.

Unblockable Moves: These make it easy for the opponent to kill you. Ginyu constantly spams an unblockable hyper.

Inconsistant/No Hitboxes: Obvious reason.

Can't be F1'd: Also obvious.

Excessive Guarding: This is annoying, especially with M. Bison who guards like 90% of the time.

Bowser covers HALF OF THE FRIGGIN STAGE, totalled up with his AI, and you've got one horrible character.

K.Y-Shanxi's Bowser... He is extremely cheap, because of his overpowered long-reach moves. I can NEVER kill him!

Mah Boi! This MUGEN is what all true warriors strive for!


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Shun Goku Satsu: Shun Goku Satsu is one of the cheapest and most overused moves ever.

Unblockable Moves: These make it easy for the opponent to kill you. Ginyu constantly spams an unblockable hyper.

Excessive Guarding: This is annoying, especially with M. Bison who guards like 90% of the time.

I forgot about these ones, UGH those unblockable moves are so annoying, yes Toa Mata and your unblockable basic attacks, I'm looking at you! "Being a tortoise" is a term used here; Captain Falcon and MUGEN's default AI love to do this.

A Shun Goku Satsu is good when you make it unique (thinking Dee Bee Kaw here), but otherwise it's like that damn 1105 palette Wlan and co. are overusing nowadays: monotonous.

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Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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A character that controls itself after randomly pressing attack buttons (god orochi did that a few times.)

Bingo I got some That do that ugh Its Annoying...........EVEN WITH NO AI It STILL Controls itself im Mean WTF

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@the above ('cause quoting doesn't work on this device) Zeeky does it too. I don't quite know what causes it, but I'm sure I encountered this problem when ironing Rotom's first AI out. It was always at a certain point in Arcade mode, too...

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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I don't prefer, but doesn't make a char bad, ...:

-- characters from a gory game, especially Mortal Kombat

-- characters that don't have A.I. implemented

-- characters from prime time cartoons

I cannot stand, and are not even funny, ...:

-- characters with irritating and/or repetative sound samples

-- characters that have shungokusatsu moves if they don't have them in the game they originate from

-- characters that have shungokusatsu moves if they are not even from a 1-on-1 fighting game

-- excessively, gratuitously, and stupidly bloody characters

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  • 2 weeks later...

Okay... I'll say this, I HATE characters when they have very small collisons, like wenchu stuff even if there chibied, Winane AI, who doesn't hate it? Impossible commands who doesn't hate that?

Cyanide's Kirby will drive you INSANE! That Kirby has got to be the smallest MUGEN character ever made! He is near IMPOSSIBLE to hit! My friend even told me that there is a character that is a single pixel.

Oh, and I can't stand King of Fighters-styled gameplay! The commands are so hard to pull off! Even worse are the commands on most of MadOldCrow's characters! They have near-impossible-to-pull-off commands!

For example: Rigby's Hyper Pendulum: x, F, B, y, z

Or even worse: Kirby's Overdrive: B, F, D, F, B, F, D, c

Or even what is possibly the hardest command to pull off of all time: Captain Falcon's Finishing Move: ~$U,$F,D,$B,~a

Also, I don't know what the "Groove" system even does. And it's also hard to pull off combos with them. I really prefer MvC-styled characters over King of Fighters-styled characters.

Mah Boi! This MUGEN is what all true warriors strive for!


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Wait you guys Talking About Nebula Revoultion That Triangle OR Draw angle sphere Full core Odon core BLACK CORE FUCKING CHEAP THESE PEOPLE ARE WAAAAY OVERPOWERED

http://prntscr.com/qxqslb < My Sig Since I cant use Image Atm


http://anime2013freak.blog.fc2.com Please Visit it Guys ^^ I Update Matches Post pics etc

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Annoying doesn't necessarily mean powerful/overpowered. In most cases with chibi characters, it's that the battle is rather long-winded due to the limitation of moves you can use against them. In certain other cases, such as Pikachu and Spamtaro, they're hard to hit, while they can easily spam their way to victory.

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Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I hate it when crappy characters have the Marvel vs. Capcom: Eternity of Heroes patch. You've got pieces of crap like Strong Bad kicking your butt over and over again, because of the cheap AI on it! I just hate how people can rip off of a patch and make their character look good, even if it's imcomplete or has crappy sprites! Also, I'm going to mention that WlanmaniaX's characters use this patch, but without the overkill AI. The three CHEAPEST characters that have this are Strong Bad, Green Lantern Lucario, and Invisible Woman. I'm not saying that the patch is bad, because there are some really good characters out there that use it. I just hate it when crappy characters use it.

Mah Boi! This MUGEN is what all true warriors strive for!


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