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Lightning FFXIII by Klares 11/29/12

Phantom Blood

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This is how lightning should have been considering how horrible she was to begin with..

*Sigh* I don't think I've been more disappointed with a game than I was with Final Fantasy XIII. They spent so much time on the graphics and the story, and it felt like gameplay and fun factor was an afterthought.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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I loved the series though. I don't know about the gameplay though. Spritework is a bit lenient to see, though a char is a char. And Lightning is an awesome character... just... fuck Snow.

Milla Maxwell - Spirit Guardian of Reize Maxia
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Opinions are opinions.


I loved the series though. I don't know about the gameplay though. Spritework is a bit lenient to see, though a char is a char. And Lightning is an awesome character... just... fuck Snow.

Fang and Vanille as well

I'm still shocked about how there is a third game about her as well.......

FF13 Lightning Returns..... JUST WOW

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I'm not going to say anything about the char itself because the comments completely took my will to download it. But about the source character. I really dislike Lightning as a character (Dislike, not Hate, Vanilla is the one i hate). Lightning is heavily one dimensional, by being most of the time a badass ice queen in place of having any personality trait, and suddenly going into moody bursts at random times. Look, if she at least got some sudden traits on her personality i would swallow her existence, but most of the time she look like someone trying to emulate the worst traits from Cloud and Squall (Cloud at least had the "The Happy Me was not me but someone else inside me" thing) and creating a character that don't show any kind emotion between being completely centered on her mission and completely hopeless. Hell, on Dissidia 012, she was even blander then F'ing Warrior of Light, the guy whose main reason of existence is to be a completely blank tool of justice. Never trusting anyone because "Oh!, You are not dedicating yourself to the mission enough" isn't a proper way of doing conflicts in the history, specialy when the character in question go most of it's own campaign fighting members of it's own team, you know, causing they to not be able to dedicate themselves to their mission. I'm not going to say anything about her being a mary sue, because nowadays, most protagonists may fit into this category. It's a law or something. But she really lack any deep value. And thanks to the way FF13 gameplay is made, every single character in the game is completely interchangeable. I can't believe how they could go so backwards with their gameplay.

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I'm still shocked about how there is a third game about her as well.......

FF13 Lightning Returns..... JUST WOW

Well I was thinking it was some orginal Char. But seeing Lightning I was a bit suprised.

But back to your comment. There will be more parts than 3 because my sister who played 13 because of Lightning also mention that the story was far too short for a Final Fantasy Story.

And in contrast to this I have played 1-10 and then I was getting busy with life. And the story is one of the main aspects beside the the different fighing mode each time recreating Final Fantasy each time but they had not much clips and graphics. Also lets be true. When you look on one simple disc and compare it to time where there was about 4 then it tells everthing. So lets see what next is coming.

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