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What dream have you had that disappointed you after waking up?


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I dont remember many of my dreams, most of which are just weird anyways. but if I had to name one dream it be the one I had bout this girl I like. in the dream we were talking and hanging out. I was upset when I woke up...

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I've had a few dreams that disappointed me because I woke up. Usually the disappointing ones were always about a specific person....

^ This


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  • 2 months later...

I hade numerous dream heres a list.

1. I had a dream I was sleeping with a wolf girl (Holo: Spice and Wolf) and I had no idea what she was doing there.

You lucky bastard.... I hope you were doing more then just sleeping :awesome

Anyways I have been dissapointed in alot of dreams I wake up from.... But the most recent one that still to this day really disappoints me. I was...."hanging out" with a wolf girl. Sexy as hell wolf girl too. (Equally as sexy as holo.... but more fur.)

Dream was so realistic.... That when I woke up. I wish that my life I was in now was the dream, And I was mearly sleeping in the world I was just in.

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You Might think this is dumb But I once dreamed I Had 1 Million Dollars Bought EVERYTHING i wanted was sooooo Happy And I Was enjoying it when Suddenly I Wake up knowing I didnt have it then I was sad......Yeah Great story Huh.

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