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The Hardest Boss that YOU have ever faced.


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oh my damn, True Lotus Master, that phukker! :tableflip:

1st time i fought him was on a Martial Masters at a Pizza Hut, & a small crowd gather'd around me while i was playin'. a couple of folks even gave me some quarters to continue when i ran out, just so i could keep fightin' him! :truestory:

their spare change did not get spent in vain, i finally beat him with my boi Tiger. :fuckyea:


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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Fricken Eternal Champion! Onslaught had two forms and two guys to fight. Rugal had two forms and THREE guys to fight. Eternal Champion, however, had FOUR forms and ONE guy to fight. ...Or was it five? I remember he has a Shark, a Tiger, a Dragon, and a Bird mode, but does he also have a normal mode? I forgot.

LO1Vv73.gif Mega Evil Ninja Slurpuff STRIKES AGAIN!!! http://replay.pokemonshowdown.com/ou-86635112
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shredder with four players was a nightmare!! when you played konami beat em ups on multiplayer , they throw everybody and their mother at you!! but that shredder fight was aggravating cuz you had to leave the shredd heads that lost their helmet alone to concentrate on the real one and you always had the one swing happy motherfucker that screws it up for everyone lol!! this isn't a boss but a stage. the fire stage on mystic defender was a royal pain!! just fire and death


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@ alpyne i'm oldschool as well man , shinobi was just that game that took me til i was adult to have the patience to sit down and actually finish it. shadow dancer on the genesis was great as well cuz it keep the original flavor unlike shinobi 3 (which was still hardbody in its own respect)......


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i know you're old skool too bruh, we're tha last of our kind! lol! Shadow Dancer on Genesis was my shit, i always liked goin' thru it with no shurikens, shit was fun & challengin' as hell! i might hafta go cop a Genesis emu now..... & Mystic Defender! a true klassic indeed! that, & Alisa Dragoon! ahh, the fond memories & headaches.....


Kord Elite Kommander of the RSA

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There's probably a harder one that I've fought, but off the top of my head, I'm going to say Bohboh from Kirby Mouse Attack/Squeak Squad. The reason I find him hard is when he attempts to grab you with his claws (which almost always succeeds) and drops you into the lava below, which destroys your copy ability. No copy ability makes Bohboh a hard boss to beat.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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sorry another stage. that damn highway stage on the arcade version of ninja gaiden!! you're fine til that mack truck turns you into dogfood lol!! some more old man stuff: that cyberdemon from doom! took FOREVER to kill him even with the bfg. that chick in the black armor from the willow arcade game. that woman was tough!!! darkseid from justice league task force (yeah i played that turdburger go ahead and laugh alpyne!!!! lol) he was a nightmare but i somehow beat him with batman after 9 fabillion continues!! seymour when you fought him in the mountains on final fantasy 10. his cross cleave rapes just about everyone cept maybe auron then he'll just punk you with zombie plus full life combo. jason on friday the 13th on the nes. after you kill him for the fourth time, he gets saiyan speed and strength and rapes you without a dinner or movie!!


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Philemon from Persona 2: Eternal Punishment (PS1) was ultra hard. ???(spoiler)+Seraphic Radiance from Shadow Hearts (PS2), Yunalesca from Final Fantasy X (without the uber-grinding) was hard too but not even close to the other two

All SNK bosses are cheap by nature. Just look at Duke from Maximum Impact series! Geese might not be the hardest, but he was surely the coolest.

Kintaro (Mortal Kombat 2) was hard back in the day

wait wait you had a hard time with anyone in shadow hearts really? Idk I loved the series but shadow hearts was really easy to me as the game went on kind of odd to hear you say that. im sure i will come up with more.

FUCK YUNALESCA she was harder than the last boss himself! as for my hardest boss I remember KH1 sephy being horribly strong and hard as fuck to beat compared to 2.

lets see oh yeah BAAL from disgaea hour of darkness he was insane!

OH black heart/noire from the original Hyper dimension neptunia when i had to fight her solo holy fuck that w as difficult.


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wait wait you had a hard time with anyone in shadow hearts really? Idk I loved the series but shadow hearts was really easy to me as the game went on kind of odd to hear you say that. im sure i will come up with more.

FUCK YUNALESCA she was harder than the last boss himself! as for my hardest boss I remember KH1 sephy being horribly strong and hard as fuck to beat compared to 2.

lets see oh yeah BAAL from disgaea hour of darkness he was insane!

OH black heart/noire from the original Hyper dimension neptunia when i had to fight her solo holy fuck that w as difficult.


I hardly think baal even counts :awesome

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pfft he is pretty damn hard espescially since i didn't cheap the game out leveling my party to hell i did it at lower level than reccomended took forever but i was able to beat him. I even did another run and soloed him with Laharl at a lower level than normal. without godly equips or constant transmigrations/ reincarnations.


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kh1 seph with his 90 energy bars omg!! all the final weapons did was turn a ten minute fight to nine lol just kidding. and i love how the horrible controls made an already annoying boss fight more difficult . plus you got enemies that whoop ur ass while you try to heal and your potion then finally works after you're dead!! lol carnage from maximum carnage (genesis version) was one of the few bosses that i ever had to cheat to win and even when cheating him, he was hard. the last fight allows you to take in and out with spidey and venom and they are granted temporary invisibility to whail on him and yet he finds a way to steal a win always lol the boss from ssv was a bit of a pain as well. his defense in demon form was god like!!


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@Larry: Have you did the extras? First get Amon, then beat Seraphim and Cherubim and then ???+Seraphic Radiance. This later boss is a one-on-one, you got only Yuri in the party and boss just LOVES using the "!!!!" skill (your HP goes to 1) in both of his 2 forms


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yeah i did that I 100% both the shadow hearts game i never had an issue with them, though i admit the first one was a bit harder than the second. but no not really any problems. I beat him the first try just made sure to heal.


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Final Boss and stage of Metal Slug 4 and 7 - I hated the beam attacks on 4 its almost impossible to evade it but I like the alternate endings as for 7 last stage was hard not only your dodging enemy fire but you also need to watch out where you step and not fall into the lava :noway:





"Learn to practice until you practice what you learn" - My Mentor

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clone zero was easy compared to mr. call the nWo from the back original zero and alucard from castlvan.... ahem igniz!! mk2 was one of those games that you had no choice but to cheese the computer cuz they didnt let up til you stayed down!! sandman for punchout for the wii . he wasn't mike tyson difficult, but i lost ten pounds fighting him for twenty minutes straight!!! ask my dad lol!! i thought i was in an actually fight where it took forever for this dude to drop!! does anyone know if there's any truth to donkey kong being in that game??? i need to pick it up again and play through the revenge cuircuit. great game that gives u a great workout!!


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Gill from SF3 When I first fought him(8 years ago) I damn near broke the controller M.Bison SFA Goro Majima (Yakuza 1) Chef Antoine(Dead Rising 2) When you first fight him your no higher than lvl 12. Them god damn frying pans. Bartandelous(FF13) Who am I kiddin,Every boss from FF13 was cheap. Metal Sonic(Sonic the Fighters) Uranus(Bloody Roar) Hardest Difficulty.....10 continues.Minimum. Ninja Kong & Sumo Kong(DK Jungle Beat) Hard to get to them. Ninja Kong was confusing as hell,But Sumo Kong was predictable,but damn did he take out some life Final Raoh(Hokuto no Ken) He was called Lord Raoh for a Reason




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