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Of course you don't care.

The only thing you care about is the Red Spiral Army.

Hell, you even had a red spiral on your chest for a very long time!

you know, so far only you and timeweaver have even brought up the RSA as of late...

let it die already.

I've finally moved on, maybe you should too.


Secondly you have no idea what i care about, or the sacrifices ive made for those things.

I'm more complex than the ties to my old faction,  not that you'd even try to look beyond that.


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No your attitude got u demoded, not your jokes, as anyone that is on staff can re read in the lounge & is why I'm off staff asai get a chance to talk to RY because I'm sick of seeing mugen free for all become guild 2 & also I'm just done with dealing with internet bs when I have a real life to deal with, so u guys take care,or whatever


My Reason For Living  My little Demon Joesph Jr & My Demon Princess Lilly 
R.I.P Dad i miss u everyday 


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