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This was in my kitchen yesterday:


I actually passed out when I saw that.

Completely out for like 3 minutes.

I have arachnophobia.

Cartoon spiders and cosplay spiders don't freak me out, if it has long legs and it's coming my way, I freak the heck out.


Yup. He's so bad that if he gets a pain in his neck, he doesn't go to the chiropractor, he throws himself out the window.
"Hump... be right back...." *drops 40 stories* "Feel better now."

Geese's doctor calls it "fall king Kong therapy."


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I actually passed out when I saw that.

Completely out for 7 minutes.

I have serious arachnophobia!

I would say I have arachnophobia too, but I've gotten angry enough to kill them before too. It wavers between anger and straight-up fear, lol.



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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Very well then. You seriously tell me this is creepy. As in, genuinely.


And yes, it's a spider. With four legs, but a spider no less.

That picture..... I took it so wrong





I kill any spider no matter what kind it is.


Especially if it is a Brown Recluse, or Black Widow 

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I don't mind the small ones, nor the ones with the tiny bodies. It's the big and/or fat ones that bother me.

That's how I am! But if it's the tiny bodied ones with very long legs... I considered them the big ones and I HATE being near them!

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I feel bad for anyone that lives in Australia, Brazil, or Africa


Banana Spider(Brazil) Arguably the most venomous spider( to a man anyway.....)

Funnel Web Spider One of the deadliest spiders

White Tailed Spider

RedBack Spider

Mouse Spider

Huntsman Spider

Recluse Spider


Then we have the Six Eyed Sand Spider which is prolly the deadliest spider period


Rest are in Australia... not to mention the snakes.bee's there LOL

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And now for something completely different:


You will never believe what happened to me this morning! I was waking up and doing my morning routine, eat breakfast, take a shower, brush my teeth, that sort of thing. When I was about to get changed, I saw something in my window that looked a little strange. I went to look and there he was, a man was staring through my window on a ladder!


Just as soon as he knew I saw him he started climbing down the ladder and I ran for the door outside. On my way out I grabbed the bat I keep under my bed. When I got outside I saw him running down my block and I began chasing after him. We ran for nearly 10 minutes and reached some woods. Then from there we ran another 15 until I lost sight of him.


Lost, in the middle of the woods, chasing a peeping Tom. I knew something like this could only happen to me.


The search seemed over when a bit deeper in the woods I heard the man scream. I ran out there and saw him sitting on the ground a good distance away from me. As I got closer I could see he had gotten his foot stuck in a bear trap! Actually I’m not so sure it was a bear trap because it was a bit smaller but you get the point. I walked up to him with my bat and said the sweetest one liner I could think up on the spot.


“Game over fucker” and I hit him in the face with my bat. He began to sob a bit as he held his bleeding nose, but to my surprise he began to laugh. This startled me so I hit him again and said “what’s funny faggot!” and he said, “read the first word of all the last paragraphs.”

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