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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


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4 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

LightFlare fires a Light Burst at the beasts head. Inside the lobby, Melina hears the battle begin...



It sounds like a war zone! Penny! Stay inside! Lilith! Come with me!


Melina runs outside and is shocked by what her eyes see.



Light! I'm behind you!


System Information


1. Umbra

Sadistic Desire: Active (x1.25 attack and speed boost, x0.75 defense demerit)


2. Lucent Vermillion

Illusion Crystals: 0/10.







"What's going on out there?"








"Sasaki, right? Let's see what's out there."




"Raina! Sasuke! Where have you-"




"Stay back. This is too intense for kids," Sasuke stated, creating a shadow clone to guard Flandre and Penelope.




"Hey, I can fight too!"




"Fine then." If the girl could fight, then Sasuke would see soon enough. She didn't carry herself like a fighter, but perhaps he'd misread her. She held a lot of raw power, but whether there was any training to back it up...


The three of them exited the Warrior's Hangout, seeing the monster that had appeared.


7 hours ago, A person said:








"He's pretty big..."




"Let's go, Raina!" Flandre said, before taking off into the air, drifting to the monster's right.


Raina went into the air as well, heading to the monster's left. She charged up an orb and fired it toward the monster's head.




Sasuke, meanwhile, stayed off the ground, activating his Sharingan.

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The creature missed its attempted preemptive strike, but that seemed to do very little to slow it down. The creature seemed to be able to recognize the encroaching attacks coming at once, and started by swinging its sword arm at the two incoming wolves, knocking the two wolves several feet away with what looked to be minimal effort. As for the incoming projectiles, it held its claw hand up in some manner of guard as the hole within it pulled in both the Light Burst and the orb, the energies used swirling within the hole for a moment before fading away. Putting this on display, the creature proceeded to run straight for LightFlare, both its claw arm and its sword arm held up in preparation for a strike from either one. 



Penelope felt rather useless right now. Though she had the shadow clone thingy protecting her, it didn't feel right for her to be cooped up with all of these other people while they went on to fight whatever it was outside. But providing moral support was probably really dangerous, too, so she decided to just sit in place and let them handle it.

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With the projectiles being absorbed into the hole in the claw, Lilith dispelled her own orbs.



("Ok, so energy attacks are completely useless against it and I'm getting the feeling it actually benefits from them.)"


Back at the Hangout's lobby.



"All right, settle down everyone."


Darkflare had just arrived at the lobby after all the noise that had been happening both in the lobby itself and outside.



"I'm aware some of you are just itching to find out how well you're doing against something. With that said, there are several things we need to establish first."



"First of all, we have no idea what's outside. Obviously something dangerous is out there, but we haven't received information about what exactly is it."



"I'm working on sending some scouts out to notify us about what's happening. Until then, going outside is risky."



"And because some of you don't care and want to jump at the opportunity at a powerful foe, let me give you a few things to consider. This facility has several security systems in place, the majority of the staff here has combat experience and I'm certain some of you won't hesitate to help defend this place. In other words, this place is pretty safe and if anything hostile dares to step inside, I would greatly appreciate having extra hands on deck to turn whatever it is into nothing more than a smear for daring to put anyone in danger."



"In contrast, if you choose to head outside, you do so at your own risk. I will not be responsible for anything that happens to you outside and I will not be offering any rewards for eliminating anything outside. If you must think twice about this, then you weren't prepared to begin with."


Flare proceeded to approach one of the mecha maids.



"Hisui, I'll need you to be our scout, bring one or two of your sisters with you."



"Understood Flare-sama. However, I must notify you that Light-san's group headed outside."



"Damn Light rushing into things without thinking. All right, head out and help him and his team if necessary."



"Orders acknowledged."


The mecha maid bowed before calling two of her sisters with her and proceeded to head out. Flare took out what seemed to be a roll of paper before unrolling it revealing it to be a screen of sort, as he began to tap commands into it."



"Establishing visual link, Hisui. I should be able to see everything you see."

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11 hours ago, A person said:


The creature missed its attempted preemptive strike, but that seemed to do very little to slow it down.



Too close..


Lucent moves around the parameter till he's slightly behind the creature.


11 hours ago, A person said:

The creature seemed to be able to recognize the encroaching attacks coming at once, and started by swinging its sword arm at the two incoming wolves, knocking the two wolves several feet away with what looked to be minimal effort.


The wolves disappeared as they hit the ground from the impact of the creatures attack.



He just swatted them like flies!



11 hours ago, A person said:

As for the incoming projectiles, it held its claw hand up in some manner of guard as the hole within it pulled in both the Light Burst and the orb, the energies used swirling within the hole for a moment before fading away.



(It absorbed the projectiles...and it effectively reacted to all our attacks. Ok...)



Everyone! A frontal attack won't work! Some of us will need to distract him while the others attack from behind! I can also sense a dark aura coming from within. I would know...



Got it!




Let's go!



This is exhilarating! Hahaha!


Melina and Anwalt dart out to left and right of the creature circling around till they were behind him. They waited for the right moment to strike. Umbra opens 5 portals from behind the creature as 5 wolves spiral out at the creatures back. Melina and Anwalt follow behind the wolves.



11 hours ago, A person said:

Putting this on display, the creature proceeded to run straight for LightFlare, both its claw arm and its sword arm held up in preparation for a strike from either one. 



(Here he comes...)


LightFlare slowly pulls back his fist as dark energy surrounds him. If LightFlare connects with his attack it will cause the beast to buckle and be stunned for one turn. If fully charged, the attack becomes unblocksble and can even pierce armor. His muscles tense ready to react at the proper time...



Lilith! I think you know what to do! 



Lucent casts Chill Focus on Lilith.


System Information


1. Umbra

Sadistic Desire: Active (x1.25 attack and speed boost, x0.75 defense demerit)


2. Lucent Vermillion

Illusion Crystals: 1/10


3. Lilith

Chill Focus(100% hit rate for a single attack)




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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4 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


(It absorbed the projectiles...and it effectively reacted to all our attacks. Ok...)



Everyone! A frontal attack won't work! Some of us will need to distract him while the others attack from behind! I can also sense a dark aura coming from within. I would know...





With Anwalt and Melina behind the monster, Raina drifted behind the creature as well, shooting several smaller orbs towards the creatures back.




Flandre flew to the creatures left, ready to attack, she summoned a giant energy sword and swung it towards the creature. It had absorbed projectiles, but maybe it would lose to this attack...




Sasuke concluded that projectile ninjutsu would be useless until that hole thing in the monster's arm was dealt with somehow, but what of ranged weaponry, he wondered? Sasuke charged to the creature's left, throwing kunai towards the monster's left arm. These kunai held explosive tags on them that would explode on impact with their target.

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The creature seemed to perceive the attack LightFlare was preparing as, instead of committing fully to its charge, it proceeded to instead leap at and over LightFlare and over the incoming sword, landing around 10 feet behind his back, causing the incoming projectiles once aimed at the creature to now be headed straight for LightFlare. Taking a moment to recover from landing, it would turn around and charge at him once more, remaining in the same stance it was in the previous charge.

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12 hours ago, A person said:

The creature seemed to perceive the attack LightFlare was preparing as, instead of committing fully to its charge, it proceeded to instead leap at and over LightFlare and over the incoming sword, landing around 10 feet behind his back, causing the incoming projectiles once aimed at the creature to now be headed straight for LightFlare. Taking a moment to recover from landing, it would turn around and charge at him once more, remaining in the same stance it was in the previous charge.








LightFlare stamps the ground as the creature leaps over him. A large lighting bolt connects with LightFlare's body possibly damaging anyone that comes in contact with it other than LightFlare. He then punches the ground causing large pillars of energy to rise from the ground destroying Raina's orb and one of the wolves while simultaneously striking the creature if he is close enough. Four of the wolves however went around the pillars at a wide angle and attempted to strike the creature again this time 1 from the left and 1 from right and 2 at his head.


Melina and Anwalt continued around the pillars as well and charged the creature from both sides.


Umbra summoned another wolf that ran along side him as he approached the creature.



Lucent casts Whirlwind on Melina.



System Information


1. Umbra

Sadistic Desire: Active (x1.25 attack and speed boost, x0.75 defense demerit)


2. Lucent Vermillion

Illusion Crystals: 1/10


3. Lilith

Chill Focus(100% hit rate for a single attack)


4. Melina

Whirlwind(Evasion stat up for 3 turns)


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Lilith had an idea of what Lucent wanted her to do and she could feel that her next attack would not miss thanks to the buff she received. However, there was something that was bothering her.



"Hey! That thing is reacting to our moves way too perfectly, something's up."


Lilith summoned orbs around her as she aimed toward the beast



"Stay away from it for a moment!"


She fired her orbs not at the beast itself but at the area near it. She was looking to see what kind of reaction the beast would do.

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Raina charged an orb, but seeing what Lilith was doing, didn't toss it yet.




"Raina, what's going on?"


"Lilith's trying something. Nothing I've done yet has worked, so maybe..."


"What if we produce enough attacks that it can't avoid it all?" Flandre asked.


Down on the ground, Sasuke shifted to behind Lightflare, considering using a genjutsu against the monster. Perhaps that'd stop the creature's movement, but he wouldn't put things into action yet.

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23 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

LightFlare stamps the ground as the creature leaps over him. A large lighting bolt connects with LightFlare's body possibly damaging anyone that comes in contact with it other than LightFlare. He then punches the ground causing large pillars of energy to rise from the ground destroying Raina's orb and one of the wolves while simultaneously striking the creature if he is close enough. Four of the wolves however went around the pillars at a wide angle and attempted to strike the creature again this time 1 from the left and 1 from right and 2 at his head.


Melina and Anwalt continued around the pillars as well and charged the creature from both sides.


Umbra summoned another wolf that ran along side him as he approached the creature.

Fortunately for them, and unfortunately for the creature, it was far too close in its charge to recognize the incoming strike to allow itself to evade. Instead, it braced by putting its claw in front of itself, not having enough time to fully protect itself from the attack. This caused it to be struck and sent backwards around 5 feet, leaving it still in the path of the incoming wolf attack. It once again used its sword to swat at the wolves, knocking each one away with a single strike.


21 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Lilith summoned orbs around her as she aimed toward the beast



"Stay away from it for a moment!"


She fired her orbs not at the beast itself but at the area near it. She was looking to see what kind of reaction the beast would do.

Seeing the incoming orbs, the creature held its claw up once more. Since they were not aimed directly at the creature, the orbs all struck the area around it. Realizing that it was not able to absorb the incoming projectiles, it swung its arm aside and pointed its sword at LightFlare before running at him once more.

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4 hours ago, A person said:

Fortunately for them, and unfortunately for the creature, it was far too close in its charge to recognize the incoming strike to allow itself to evade. Instead, it braced by putting its claw in front of itself, not having enough time to fully protect itself from the attack. This caused it to be struck and sent backwards around 5 feet, leaving it still in the path of the incoming wolf attack. It once again used its sword to swat at the wolves, knocking each one away with a single strike.



Those wolves aren't working, Einstein! Huuuaaah! 



Now is not the time to point fingers! 



Yeah! Come on! Let's chop this tree down!


Anwalt and Melina continue their charge towards the creature. Smoke emanates from Melina's body as she draws back her fist looking to connect with the back of the knees on the beasts leg. Anwalt lifts his feet to deliver a kick to the back of knees of the creature's other leg. Both hope that they can at least slow the beast down enough to score a decisive blow. Umbra opens a portal under and slightly behind the creature, opens another portal behind himself and throws his axe with the chain attached threw the portal behind himself. The axe comes out the portal near the beast. Umbra's intent is to lodge the axe into the creature if it connects.




4 hours ago, A person said:

Seeing the incoming orbs, the creature held its claw up once more. Since they were not aimed directly at the creature, the orbs all struck the area around it. Realizing that it was not able to absorb the incoming projectiles, it swung its arm aside and pointed its sword at LightFlare before running at him once more.





With only a few feet between him and the creature LightFlare lunges forward with one knee up. Possibly an attempt to strike with a quick attack before the creature could cut him down.



Everyone! Stay strong! Whirlwind!



Lucent casts Whirlwind on Sasuke!



System Information


1. Umbra

Sadistic Desire: Active (x1.25 attack and speed boost, x0.75 defense demerit)


2. Lucent Vermillion

Illusion Crystals: 3/10


3. Lilith

Chill Focus(100% hit rate for a single attack)


4. Melina

Whirlwind(Evasion stat up for 2 turns)


5. Sasuke

Whirlwind(Evasion stat up for 3 turns)


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"It wasn't what I expected, but it definitely gave me a plan."


6 hours ago, Dumanios said:

"What if we produce enough attacks that it can't avoid it all?" Flandre asked.



"That's exactly what we have to do. I'll trust those four to be able to handle fighting it directly. We'll have to lure it to a closed area or cut off it's mobility with our attacks."



"It doesn't see like it can absorb our projectiles without being busy with something else, try and coordinate with our frontline."


Lilith began to move closer as she produced orbs and kept firing them around the creature trying to make it risky for it to move without risking getting hit by them.

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Sasuke gazed into the creature's eyes before casting a genjutsu against it. If the creature was affected by this technique, it'd be paralyzed for long enough that attacks would hit it.




'There they are,' Raina thought, seeing where Anwalt and the others were attacking from.


Taking the new information into account, Raina took the original orb she'd previously charged and split it into smaller orbs, firing them towards the monster as well as his surroundings. While only a few were primed to hit the creature, the others were set to hit areas behind and in front of the monster, meaning whatever direction he went would lead to him being hit by either Raina or Lilith's attacks.


Flandre, meanwhile, summoned a cross-shaped projectile, while firing more smaller projectiles in the general direction of the monster. With the wide arc she was firing, most of these would go around the monster as well.



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On 12/3/2019 at 6:46 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

Anwalt and Melina continue their charge towards the creature. Smoke emanates from Melina's body as she draws back her fist looking to connect with the back of the knees on the beasts leg. Anwalt lifts his feet to deliver a kick to the back of knees of the creature's other leg. Both hope that they can at least slow the beast down enough to score a decisive blow. Umbra opens a portal under and slightly behind the creature, opens another portal behind himself and throws his axe with the chain attached threw the portal behind himself. The axe comes out the portal near the beast. Umbra's intent is to lodge the axe into the creature if it connects.


On 12/3/2019 at 6:46 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

With only a few feet between him and the creature LightFlare lunges forward with one knee up. Possibly an attempt to strike with a quick attack before the creature could cut him down.

The combination of attacks was enough to bring the creature down to its knees, but the axe failed to cleave through its skin and lodge itself within it, though the surface of the skin where the axe's edge struck was visibly damaged. However, there was no blood, only a strange purple goo.


19 hours ago, Dumanios said:

Sasuke gazed into the creature's eyes before casting a genjutsu against it. If the creature was affected by this technique, it'd be paralyzed for long enough that attacks would hit it.

This had no effect on the creature as it quickly stood up and swung its sword arm all around itself in an attempt to get the three away from it. There was hardly anything it could do against the portal, it seemed. It was also apparent that its ability to perceive its surroundings was done through means other than eyes.


On 12/3/2019 at 7:12 PM, Darkflare said:

Lilith began to move closer as she produced orbs and kept firing them around the creature trying to make it risky for it to move without risking getting hit by them.


19 hours ago, Dumanios said:

Taking the new information into account, Raina took the original orb she'd previously charged and split it into smaller orbs, firing them towards the monster as well as his surroundings. While only a few were primed to hit the creature, the others were set to hit areas behind and in front of the monster, meaning whatever direction he went would lead to him being hit by either Raina or Lilith's attacks.


Flandre, meanwhile, summoned a cross-shaped projectile, while firing more smaller projectiles in the general direction of the monster. With the wide arc she was firing, most of these would go around the monster as well.

The creature simply held up its claw arm to protect itself from the projectiles coming its way, the hole in the claw absorbing any projectiles that managed to come at it. It was possibly left open by this.

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3 hours ago, A person said:

The combination of attacks was enough to bring the creature down to its knees, but the axe failed to cleave through its skin and lodge itself within it, though the surface of the skin where the axe's edge struck was visibly damaged. However, there was no blood, only a strange purple goo.


With Umbras', Melina's and Anwalt's attack bringing the creature to his knees, they continued to work together to bring down this menacing monster. Light's attack wasn't an attack at all...but merely an illusion. His body phased through the beasts body and appeared behind it.



Crap! The axe didn't stick!



Then we'll make it stick! Melina!



Let's do it!


Anwalt quickly hooks the axe within the openings on the back of the creatures "neck" before it could stand again. He then pulls on the chain as Melina helps hoping to secure the beast in one place. Meanwhile, Umbra still had the other end of the chain in his hand from from the portal behind him. Umbra summoned 3 wolves near him. Umbra and the wolves pulled on the chain providing added leverage for Anwalt and Melina.





LightFlare wastes no time and charges for his next attack. 




3 hours ago, A person said:

This had no effect on the creature as it quickly stood up and swung its sword arm all around itself in an attempt to get the three away from it. There was hardly anything it could do against the portal, it seemed. It was also apparent that its ability to perceive its surroundings was done through means other than eyes.


The creatures swings cannot reach LightFlare, Melina or Anwalt as they are directly behind the beast pulling the chain even tighter. It's swinging only sinks the axe deeper into it's body. 



What the heck are you waiting on, Light!?


3 hours ago, A person said:

The creature simply held up its claw arm to protect itself from the projectiles coming its way, the hole in the claw absorbing any projectiles that managed to come at it. It was possibly left open by this.


Melina suddenly lets go of the chain and dashes toward the creatures sword arm hoping to keep it away from LightFlare.



Light! Take him down!





LightFlare leaps into the air to deliver his next attack. 



You're target is within your grasp! Chill Focus!



Lucent casts Chill Focus on LightFlare.


System Information


1. Umbra

Sadistic Desire: Active (x1.25 attack and speed boost, x0.75 defense demerit)


2. Lucent Vermillion

Illusion Crystals: 4/10


3. Lilith

Chill Focus(100% hit rate for a single attack)


4. Melina

Whirlwind(Evasion stat up for 1 turns)


5. Sasuke

Whirlwind(Evasion stat up for 2 turns)


6. LightFlare

Chill Focus(100% hit rate for a single attack)


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 12/5/2019 at 11:40 AM, A person said:

The creature simply held up its claw arm to protect itself from the projectiles coming its way, the hole in the claw absorbing any projectiles that managed to come at it. It was possibly left open by this.



Raina floated lower, preparing an attack at the monsters left side.


"Flandre, now!" Raina said, firing an orb towards the monster. Flandre moved to the monster's right and fired a larger group of projectiles, both at and around the monster.


'No eye's then...,' Sasuke thought. He'd dealt with opponents who fought without eyes before. Sasuke charged his next attack, the Chidori Spear, aiming for the elbow joint on the hole-claw arm.

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Despite the axe being hooked to the holes within its upper torso, the axe seemed to only be stuck upon the edge; no matter how much pulling or tugging was done, the creature was only pulled backwards several inches by the force of the two. When Melina released the chain, the creature proceeded to step back even further, swatting at Melina with the sword arm as she tried to keep it away from Lightflare. It held its claw arm up at its left side, causing it to be struck by the barrage of shots from Flandre, though they seemed to have little effect on the creature as it did not so much as flinch. However, it would also absorb the orb fired towards it by Raina and move its claw arm down to also absorb the chi spear. It did not pursue Lightflare; instead, it allowed him to pull off his attack. It appeared that both arms were preoccupied, so it may have been open to his attack.

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2 hours ago, A person said:

Despite the axe being hooked to the holes within its upper torso, the axe seemed to only be stuck upon the edge; no matter how much pulling or tugging was done, the creature was only pulled backwards several inches by the force of the two. When Melina released the chain, the creature proceeded to step back even further, swatting at Melina with the sword arm as she tried to keep it away from Lightflare.




Melina uses her natural speed and added evasiveness thanks to Lucent's buff to dodge the arm yet again and runs creating more distance between her and the monster. As Anwalt, Umbra and the wolves continue to constrict the creatures movements.






Get back!


Anwalt dives through the portal behind him and comes out on the other side and grabs the chain again.


2 hours ago, A person said:

It did not pursue Lightflare; instead, it allowed him to pull off his attack. It appeared that both arms were preoccupied, so it may have been open to his attack.







With the creature preoccupied by the others, LightFlare connects with his sealing technique. The creature is sealed within the flaming Kanji and is unable to move similar to total paralysis. The attack itself also caused noticeable damage. The effects last for 1 turn cycle.



It's sealed! But not for long!  Hit it with all you've got!


LightFlare leaps back at charges for his next attack.



This is our momment! Flame Fusion!



Lucent casts Flame Fusion on Anwalt.


System Information


1. Umbra

Sadistic Desire: Active (x1.25 attack and speed boost, x0.75 defense demerit)


2. Lucent Vermillion

Illusion Crystals: 5/10


3. Lilith

Chill Focus(100% hit rate for a single attack)


4. Sasuke

Whirlwind(Evasion stat up for 1 turns)


5. LightFlare

Chill Focus(100% hit rate for a single attack)


6. Anwalt Vermillion

Flame Fusion(Attack power up for 3 turns)



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Raina saw what Lightflare was preparing. A seal of some sort... if it worked- no, it had to work.


"Freedom Seal!"




Sasuke, meanwhile, prepared his next attack. Adopting the patient approach Lilith possessed, he began charging a Chidori, intending to strike when the moment was right.


Flandre's stream of projectiles came to an end, instead charging downward towards the monster. Perhaps close range attacks and bursts of bullets would be easier. Flan's charge would slam into the monster's arm.





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As LightFlare came in to seal the creature, it swiftly lifted its claw up, blocking the strike being used in the attempt to seal it. The energy used in the seal was also absorbed within its claw. It proceeded to rush towards him as he attempted to create some distance between it and himself and quickly swiped its claw diagonally upwards and to the right in an attempt to severely injure his torso, causing Flandre's dive to narrowly miss its mark, but place her directly behind the creature. The incoming barrage of orbs from Raina were partially absorbed, though several still managed to strike the creature's side, they, once again, did little to impede its progress. Should the attack land, this would additionally drain some of his life energy and grant it to the creature, regenerating the damage from the axe's blade, which was still hooked to one of the holes in its body.

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15 hours ago, A person said:

As LightFlare came in to seal the creature, it swiftly lifted its claw up, blocking the strike being used in the attempt to seal it. The energy used in the seal was also absorbed within its claw. It proceeded to rush towards him as he attempted to create some distance between it and himself and quickly swiped its claw diagonally upwards and to the right in an attempt to severely injure his torso, causing Flandre's dive to narrowly miss its mark, but place her directly behind the creature. The incoming barrage of orbs from Raina were partially absorbed, though several still managed to strike the creature's side, they, once again, did little to impede its progress. Should the attack land, this would additionally drain some of his life energy and grant it to the creature, regenerating the damage from the axe's blade, which was still hooked to one of the holes in its body.


The creature stopped short of reaching Light as the chain was still hooked and prevented the creature from doing so.




LightFlare stomps the ground and uses his stored chi to execute a powerful straight punch. If the punch connects it causes the target to collapse leaving it vulnerable for one turn cycle. Umbra summons 2 more wolves to grab the chain as they continue to pull the creature back. Anwalt dives through the portal behind the creature and performs a Chaotic Buster, a powerful hook punch that applies a weakpoint if it connects. Melina dashes back toward the creature. 



That beast is going down! Protect!



Lucent casts Protect on LightFlare.


System Information


1. Umbra

Sadistic Desire: Active (x1.25 attack and speed boost, x0.75 defense demerit)


2. Lucent Vermillion

Illusion Crystals: 6/10


3. Lilith

Chill Focus(100% hit rate for a single attack)


4. LightFlare

Protect(Defense stat up for 3 turns)


5. Anwalt Vermillion

Flame Fusion(Attack power up for 2 turns)


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Lilith began to stop focusing. Too many allies near the creature and it being able to absorb energy meant she likely would do more harm than good by attacking with her projectiles. The creature being hindered at the moment meant cutting off it's escape path was unnecessary right now. The thought of unhooking the axe to make the creature bleed further crossed her mind but given its chains are what's restricting it she kept that thought to herself.


Lilith moved toward the creature's right side. With it being attacked from its front and back, she was hoping there would be an opening for a quick strike.

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Flandre narrowly missed the creature, but she was in a good position to attack. Charging a bit of power into her fist, she punched the monster, intending to deal a strong blow.


Raina moved upward to place herself directly above the monster, firing small orbs at the monster throughtout her aerial arc.

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