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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


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8 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Anwalt: What the hell?!


Anwalt was suddenly pelted by lasers as he covered himself, taking damage.


Anwalt began to be covered  by a few sparks, The sparks themselves didn't affect him nor do any damage, but one thing was clear....this was the system's way of warning him not to take any more damage.


8 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Umbra charged his power while taking lasers for a moment and used his Lupine Quake, smashing both axes in the ground strongly and creating a quake in front of him. The ice began to crak in an arc, right in front of his direction.



Lucent: It's true that my spells don't hit those AI...


Lucent; But who said I need to hit the AI and not the ice?



To help Umbra with the plan, Lucent casted Cragfall right in the area where the soldiers were. The rocks wouldn't damage them, but the same thing couldn't be said about the ice.


The combined attacks would proceed to break the ice underneath the remaining soldier who would proceed to take a dip into the freezing water finishing the wave.



"First wave cleared."


The tactic wasn't without another consequence as the rest of the ice began to form cracks all over.



"Yea, I would get out of the ice. If it wasn't obvious, falling into the freezing water is an instant KO. Your next wave is in the desert area."


Wave 2/5


??? x8

??? x8

??? x4


Invasion Portal: Off (15/25)

Enemy Invader: Absent

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3 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Anwalt began to be covered  by a few sparks, The sparks themselves didn't affect him nor do any damage, but one thing was clear....this was the system's way of warning him not to take any more damage.



(Walt took a lot of shots. Another shot might have put him down. Maybe Lucent can reverse the effects...)


3 hours ago, Darkflare said:

The combined attacks would proceed to break the ice underneath the remaining soldier who would proceed to take a dip into the freezing water finishing the wave.




That's the last of them...



Got'em! Nice one, Lucent!


3 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Yea, I would get out of the ice. If it wasn't obvious, falling into the freezing water is an instant KO. Your next wave is in the desert area."



Walt! Umbra! Get of the ice, quickly! It's breaking fast!


Melina uses the solid outer parameter to move safely back to where LightFlare was standing.



Ya made it back. How ya feeling?



I'm good to go, Light. Ready for the next wave. 



How bout you, Raina? Lucent? You guys ok? If so, then once Umbra and Walt return we'll follow your lead, Lucent. The last formation seemed to work pretty well. Once we see what we're up against, we'll know for sure. Otherwise...ready when you are.



Same here...


Melina and LightFlare wait on the edge of the snow plain till the start of thre next wave.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 6/14/2019 at 8:54 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


I'm good to go, Light. Ready for the next wave. 



How bout you, Raina? Lucent? You guys ok? If so, then once Umbra and Walt return we'll follow your lead, Lucent. The last formation seemed to work pretty well. Once we see what we're up against, we'll know for sure. Otherwise...ready when you are.





"I'm ready to go!" Raina said, landing next to Lightflare.

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On 6/14/2019 at 6:40 AM, Darkflare said:

The combined attacks would proceed to break the ice underneath the remaining soldier who would proceed to take a dip into the freezing water finishing the wave.



"First wave cleared."


With Raph's confirmation of the wave's end, Lucent flew back to Melina, LightFlare and Raina.


On 6/14/2019 at 9:54 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Ya made it back. How ya feeling?



I'm good to go, Light. Ready for the next wave. 



How bout you, Raina? Lucent? You guys ok? If so, then once Umbra and Walt return we'll follow your lead, Lucent. The last formation seemed to work pretty well. Once we see what we're up against, we'll know for sure. Otherwise...ready when you are.


27 minutes ago, Dumanios said:





"I'm ready to go!" Raina said, landing next to Lightflare.



Lucent: I'm OK. My barrier managed to block the shots so I'm fine. I hope to present good results in the next wave.


On 6/14/2019 at 6:40 AM, Darkflare said:

The tactic wasn't without another consequence as the rest of the ice began to form cracks all over.



"Yea, I would get out of the ice. If it wasn't obvious, falling into the freezing water is an instant KO. Your next wave is in the desert area."


On 6/14/2019 at 9:54 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Walt! Umbra! Get of the ice, quickly! It's breaking fast!



Anwalt: Crap, crap!!


Umbra: I was counting for this consequence, but not so punishing...!!


Umbra and Anwalt began to left the perimeter to reach the others, but the ice was cracking at a faster rate and they still had problems to move around. To aid them, Lucent changed to his dark grimoire and the Nightmare Fog appeared behind him once more.



Lucent: Dispatch, beasts of storm!


With his command, four griffon Nightmares rose from the fog. Two of them went towards Anwalt and Umbra as two of them went downwards and landed near Melina and Light. As for Anwalt and Umbra, the ice was reaching them and so were the griffons. The duo jumped into the beasts and were now safely in the air.



Anwalt: Whew!! We're safe... that was sorta nervewracking.


Umbra: Glad Lord Lucent thought about this in time...


Lucent: (Good, they jumped on time. I can't afford to let eliminations happen.)


Lucent: I'll heal us once we reach the desert area! You two, jump on the griffons and we'll head there through the air! Follow me!


Lucent flew towards the desert area with Anwalt, Umbra and the Nightmare Fog following him.


System Information


1. Anwalt Vermillion

Damage Modifier: 4.77%


2. Umbra

Sadistic Desire: Inactive


3. Lucent Vermillion

Illusion Crystals: 4/10.


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"Now's not the time to slack off, the enemy team isn't too far behind and you're all in this for the long run."


Off in the desert area the group could see the next wave. Another batch of soldiers although these seemed to be bigger than the group they just faced. Heavily armored soldiers armed with large guns could be seen surrounded by a group of large shield wielding soldiers. Additionally, near them obvious movement underground could be seen suggesting large somethings swimming in the sand.


Wave 2/5


Sand Worms x8

Shield Soldiers x8

Heavy Armor Soldiers x4


Invasion Portal: Off (15/25)

Enemy Invader: Absent



Sand Worms

Large worm like beings that can travel underground in the sand at a surprisingly quick pace. Their only method of attack is to leap off from underground and swallow their prey in one gulp. They have thick hides requiring more than a solid blow to take out. However, if one is willing to take a risk...


Swallowed = Instant KO. Anyone that became sand worm food will be teleported back to the center plains area after 10 seconds.


Shield Soldiers

Soldiers carrying large shields to protect themselves and their allies. The shields can generate energy to fire off a blinding flash. They can also absorb all attacks to speed up the generation process. They also carry energy pistols with them. They're prone to overheating once several shots have been fired with no break in between them or if they were allowed to be charged and fired afterwards. Their shields can only protect from the front and there's a small opening on the side from where they shoot their energy pistols where sharpshooters can attack them through.


Heavy Armor Soldiers

Large soldiers wearing very heavy armor. The rifles they carry require some time to charge before firing but they fire a large short range blast capable of one shotting everyone(in this training drill). Once charged up, the charge can be held indefinitely allowing the soldier to more precisely choose when to fire. Their Heavy armor makes them extremely durable, but their mobility severely suffers for it.


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4 hours ago, Dumanios said:



"I'm ready to go!" Raina said, landing next to Lightflare.



Good. You seem sufficiently warmed up. Now the real training begins...


3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: I'm OK. My barrier managed to block the shots so I'm fine. I hope to present good results in the next wave.



Nice move at the end...



Yea...looks like you found a work around to using your powers offensively. You all did good. I was just a decoy at best...heh.



Don't sweat it. I'm sure you'll get a chance to redeem yourself soon...



I intend to...


3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Lucent flew towards the desert area with Anwalt, Umbra and the Nightmare Fog following him.



Look like the next wave is underway. Better get moving. Right behind you, Lucent!



Let's go...!


2 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Now's not the time to slack off, the enemy team isn't too far behind and you're all in this for the long run."


Off in the desert area the group could see the next wave. Another batch of soldiers although these seemed to be bigger than the group they just faced. Heavily armored soldiers armed with large guns could be seen surrounded by a group of large shield wielding soldiers. Additionally, near them obvious movement underground could be seen suggesting large somethings swimming in the sand.



Lucent. Strategy time. I suggest we stick to our current formation. Those shield soldiers. Im sure our usual projectile attacks aren't gonna cut it this time. The heavily armed soldiers are gonna definitely take a few hits. And I'm not even sure what that is moving underground but what I DO know is that they will require some creative thinking...



That last move Lucent used. I think it could help. It may not directly damage them but it can definitely unearth those...whatever they are. Then we attack them while there vulnerable.



Exactly. That leaves the guards. We'll need to strike them from behind. Melina. Your speed should help with that. Umbra and his familiars would be of great asset. Walt...if you're up to it...we're gonna need that power of yours. 



That's what I've got so far. Looks like this next wave was designed to counter our projectile based attacks. Any suggestions?


@Agni Blackheart @Dumanios


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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While still on the air, they had time to strategize a little bit. Soon, Light and Melina began to tell their opinions on how they should proceed.


On 6/16/2019 at 12:39 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Lucent. Strategy time. I suggest we stick to our current formation. Those shield soldiers. Im sure our usual projectile attacks aren't gonna cut it this time. The heavily armed soldiers are gonna definitely take a few hits. And I'm not even sure what that is moving underground but what I DO know is that they will require some creative thinking...



Umbra: Save the projectiles for the heavily armored guys. There was to be a weak point on those lumps of metal we can use against their favor.


Umbra: Those shield soldiers are going to give us some trouble though. With their defense fully concentrated on the front and these guns means we need either to be fast or take their shields away.


Lucent: ...


On 6/16/2019 at 12:39 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


That last move Lucent used. I think it could help. It may not directly damage them but it can definitely unearth those...whatever they are. Then we attack them while there vulnerable.



Exactly. That leaves the guards. We'll need to strike them from behind. Melina. Your speed should help with that. Umbra and his familiars would be of great asset. Walt...if you're up to it...we're gonna need that power of yours. 



Lucent: ...


Anwalt: Well, I'm ready to give my all on this. Although I have a sensation our attacks will be tanked real hard by those heavy armored guys.


Umbra: Also, why do I have the feeling their weapons aren't just for show, like the other batch? Something tells me those guys are going to OHKO us if we're not careful. Especially those heavy armored soldiers and... whatever's under the sand.


On 6/16/2019 at 12:39 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


That's what I've got so far. Looks like this next wave was designed to counter our projectile based attacks. Any suggestions?


Umbra and Anwalt had nothing more to say, but Lucent was completely quiet.



Anwalt: Lucent? Hey, don't go thinking on recipes right now.


Lucent: ... I have a suggestion. One that will work in this situation.


Umbra: Alright, we're listening.


*Rude Buster stops playing*



Lucent: By analyzing the situation, we're not going to kill anyone this wave. Our powers aren't going to do much against those soldiers.


Anwalt: Whoa, what?! Why?!


Lucent: There was a comment that Umbra spoke and that made me notice something. I don't know if this is just me, but don't you think the configuration in this training is leaving us somewhat renderless to damage?


Anwalt: Now that you mention... I felt that I was taking more damage than usual. I know I was risking it, but I felt myself getting weaker while my damage wasn't growing all that much.


Lucent: Right. That means both sides can deal absurd damage, us and them. If we're not careful, elimination will happen at all costs.


Umbra: But if we're not killing anyone, how are we going to end this wave?


Lucent: That's a simple, yet difficult answer. There is a way of taking care of this wave.


BGM: Riders of the Light



Lucent: The enemies will eliminate themselves.


Umbra and Anwalt were the first ones to get interested on the plan.



Umbra: Backstabbing, eh? Really devious, Lord Lucent. I like it.


Anwalt: So how's going to be the deal here? Which enemy is falling first?


Lucent: Our greatest hazards are the beings lurking underground. I have a itching telling me what they are, but we have to confirm first. Make the heavy armored finish the shields or at least give you opening to attack and finish them. After that, we'll make those monsters get these heavy armored and then find ways of killing them altogether.


Anwalt: We shouldn't mess with the moving sand things then. No Cragfall or other spells on their area until the right time.


Lucent: Also, I've been doing a count and we're 10 enemies away from having the portal open. That means the first raid will happen in this wave. Umbra, you know what to do.


Umbra: You don't need to remind me. I can't wait to pay a visit to our "friends".


Lucent: (That's right... I wonder how the other team's doing. They could be winning right now. Even so, better not to rush victory or else many missteps will happen.)


Anwalt: Alright, Lu. What are the orders?


Lucent: Keep the same tasks as before but focus on making the enemies kill each other. Only take the kill if you got an opening that won't risk you. And remember the order of kills: heavy armor to shield, sand monster to heavy armor and us to sand monsters.


Anwalt: Alright then! Healing, please!



Lucent nodded and changed back to the light grimoire. Although the Nightmare Fog vanished, the griffons stood there since Anwalt, Umbra, Melina and LightFlare were still mounted on them. He casted Mercy Rain and healed their wounds, albeit the power was weaker compared to Heal. And since it was a different spell...



Lucent: This certainly called their attention. Get ready to descend!


Anwalt: Yee-haw!! Time to griffon dive and kamikaze those chumps!!


Umbra: Please never do that again, you're looking completely stupid... more than you already are.

System Information


1. Anwalt Vermillion

Damage Modifier: x 1.1


2. Umbra

Sadistic Desire: Inactive


3. Lucent Vermillion

Illusion Crystals: 4/10


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On 6/17/2019 at 10:26 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


Lucent: The enemies will eliminate themselves.


Umbra and Anwalt were the first ones to get interested on the plan.



Umbra: Backstabbing, eh? Really devious, Lord Lucent. I like it.


Anwalt: So how's going to be the deal here? Which enemy is falling first?


Lucent: Our greatest hazards are the beings lurking underground. I have a itching telling me what they are, but we have to confirm first. Make the heavy armored finish the shields or at least give you opening to attack and finish them. After that, we'll make those monsters get these heavy armored and then find ways of killing them altogether.


Anwalt: We shouldn't mess with the moving sand things then. No Cragfall or other spells on their area until the right time.


Lucent: Also, I've been doing a count and we're 10 enemies away from having the portal open. That means the first raid will happen in this wave. Umbra, you know what to do.


Umbra: You don't need to remind me. I can't wait to pay a visit to our "friends".


Lucent: (That's right... I wonder how the other team's doing. They could be winning right now. Even so, better not to rush victory or else many missteps will happen.)


Anwalt: Alright, Lu. What are the orders?


Lucent: Keep the same tasks as before but focus on making the enemies kill each other. Only take the kill if you got an opening that won't risk you. And remember the order of kills: heavy armor to shield, sand monster to heavy armor and us to sand monsters.


Anwalt: Alright then! Healing, please!



Lucent nodded and changed back to the light grimoire. Although the Nightmare Fog vanished, the griffons stood there since Anwalt, Umbra, Melina and LightFlare were still mounted on them. He casted Mercy Rain and healed their wounds, albeit the power was weaker compared to Heal. And since it was a different spell...



Lucent: This certainly called their attention. Get ready to descend!


Anwalt: Yee-haw!! Time to griffon dive and kamikaze those chumps!!


Umbra: Please never do that again, you're looking completely stupid... more than you already are.

System Information


1. Anwalt Vermillion

Damage Modifier: x 1.1


2. Umbra

Sadistic Desire: Inactive


3. Lucent Vermillion

Illusion Crystals: 4/10





"That sounds like a plan," Raina said. Get the enemies to eliminate each other... that seemed like it'd be easier said than done... however, it still sounded easier than finding a way around the heavy armor/shields the enemy possessed, nevermind the underground enemies that Raina wouldn't be able to deal with at all... if things went out of hand she'd also remember that statement that Umbra made about armor having a weakpoint.


With the enemy's attention obtained, Raina got ready to attack, a series of orbs flying around her. Somehow, she expected more firepower than before would be needed.


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Once the group arrived in the desert area, the enemies began to be on alert. The shield soldiers began to line up as a wall in front of the heavy armor soldiers. In this formation, the soldiers would make a slow march toward the group. At the same time, three of the large underground beings split off and began to rapidly approach the group. One of them went ahead of the others and approached whoever was closest. Once it got close, it's identity was revealed as it leaped from the sand revealing itself to be a large worm monster large enough to turn any one into an instant lunch targeting Melina as its snack. A second worm proceeded to go around to their right as it leaped off the sand and targeted Anwalt. The third one turned around but kept nearby as it seemingly waited for its friends to finish their meal.



Wave 2/5


Sand Worms x8

Shield Soldiers x8

Heavy Armor Soldiers x4


Invasion Portal: Off (15/25)

Enemy Invader: Absent

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On 6/19/2019 at 3:59 PM, Darkflare said:

Once the group arrived in the desert area, the enemies began to be on alert. The shield soldiers began to line up as a wall in front of the heavy armor soldiers. In this formation, the soldiers would make a slow march toward the group.



Here they come...get ready guys...



I've seen this formation before. We'll need to wait till the right moment to strike. Most likely when they attack they'll be vulnerable. Any attacks to those shields may be futile.



Great...well...it wouldn't be fun if it were easy...



My feelings exactly..


LightFlare begins to charge a large Light Burst.


On 6/19/2019 at 3:59 PM, Darkflare said:

At the same time, three of the large underground beings split off and began to rapidly approach the group. One of them went ahead of the others and approached whoever was closest. Once it got close, it's identity was revealed as it leaped from the sand revealing itself to be a large worm monster large enough to turn any one into an instant lunch targeting Melina as its snack.



My...my...aren't you a big fellah? Not gonna lie...I've seen "bigger"...



Now is not the time to discuss you personal life, Melina.



I'll keep that in mind...



Good to know...


Melina waits for the large creature to get close before leaping back of the griffon, behind and to the right of LightFlare...



LightFlare fires his charged Light Burst at the creatures mouth before rolling to the ground on the left.



Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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5 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Once the group arrived in the desert area, the enemies began to be on alert. The shield soldiers began to line up as a wall in front of the heavy armor soldiers. In this formation, the soldiers would make a slow march toward the group. At the same time, three of the large underground beings split off and began to rapidly approach the group. One of them went ahead of the others and approached whoever was closest. Once it got close, it's identity was revealed as it leaped from the sand revealing itself to be a large worm monster large enough to turn any one into an instant lunch targeting Melina as its snack. A second worm proceeded to go around to their right as it leaped off the sand and targeted Anwalt. The third one turned around but kept nearby as it seemingly waited for its friends to finish their meal.


BGM: Riders of the Light still playing



Anwalt: Whoa, silver!!


Anwalt backed off with the griffon Nightmare, almost being eaten by the sand worm.



Anwalt: Shit... am I going to be thrown at close call situations all the damn time?!


Lucent: Better get used to it. This is how this wave will be for us.



Lucent casted Protect on Anwalt to raise his defenses. This could probably avoid OHKOs but it would still give him a trouble with the damage from the heavy armored soldiers.



Anwalt: Thanks, lil' bro! I think I gotta be more careful, huh?


Lucent: You think, Anwalt?


Anwalt: Uh, I guess I shouldn't have asked...


Lucent nods and leaves after Melina and LightFlare. Anwalt jumps from the griffon, lands at the sand and advances as well. The beast disappears as Anwalt is no longer riding it.


1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


My...my...aren't you a big fellah? Not gonna lie...I've seen "bigger"...



Now is not the time to discuss you personal life, Melina.



I'll keep that in mind...



Good to know...


Melina waits for the large creature to get close before leaping back of the griffon, behind and to the right of LightFlare...


  Reveal hidden contents

LightFlare fires his charged Light Burst at the creatures mouth before rolling to the ground on the left.




Lucent: I think I won't even ask what did you mean with that. Be careful in the next time. Losing you won't do us any good, strategically and personally speaking.



As for Melina, Lucent casted Whirlwind, slightly raising her evasiveness. Any more speed won't be exactly useful on her for now.



Lucent: (And here I thought those sand worms wouldn't attack us if we didn't meddle with them. I guess I was wrong. Oh well...)


Lucent: Move ahead and go after the shielders. If the sand worm rises again, make it eat the soldier instead.


Lucent flew back into the air, hoping to escape from the attacks. Umbra, however, planned on descending and attacking on the ground, but decided to take another prospect.



Umbra: (This griffon won't dissolve for as long as I'm riding it. Considering these sand worms, I'm not being mindless and risking myself at the ground.)


Umbra: (Luckily, that training in mounted combat will suffice for something!)


He takes off his axe and flies directly at the soldiers, hoping to cause trouble from the air.

System Information


1. Anwalt Vermillion

Damage Modifier: x 1.1


2. Umbra

Sadistic Desire: Inactive


3. Lucent Vermillion

Illusion Crystals: 4/10


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On 6/19/2019 at 3:59 PM, Darkflare said:

Once the group arrived in the desert area, the enemies began to be on alert. The shield soldiers began to line up as a wall in front of the heavy armor soldiers. In this formation, the soldiers would make a slow march toward the group. At the same time, three of the large underground beings split off and began to rapidly approach the group. One of them went ahead of the others and approached whoever was closest. Once it got close, it's identity was revealed as it leaped from the sand revealing itself to be a large worm monster large enough to turn any one into an instant lunch targeting Melina as its snack. A second worm proceeded to go around to their right as it leaped off the sand and targeted Anwalt. The third one turned around but kept nearby as it seemingly waited for its friends to finish their meal.



Wave 2/5


Sand Worms x8

Shield Soldiers x8

Heavy Armor Soldiers x4


Invasion Portal: Off (15/25)

Enemy Invader: Absent





Raina maintained her aerial position and fired a large orb at one of the sand worms, aiming for the same one that Lightflare fired his Light Burst at.

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On 6/19/2019 at 7:46 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Good to know...


Melina waits for the large creature to get close before leaping back of the griffon, behind and to the right of LightFlare...


  Reveal hidden contents

LightFlare fires his charged Light Burst at the creatures mouth before rolling to the ground on the left.



Rather than Melina, the sand worm proceeds to eat a delicious serving of Light Burst (Part of a complete breakfast) and immediately develops heartburn. And by heartburn, I mean it proceeds to explode spilling guts everywhere.


On 6/19/2019 at 9:37 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


BGM: Riders of the Light still playing



Anwalt: Whoa, silver!!


Anwalt backed off with the griffon Nightmare, almost being eaten by the sand worm.


Having missed it's target the sand worm proceeds to burrow back into the sand and go back to "swimming" One of the sand worms near the soldiers proceeds to move toward the worms near the group to replace their fallen brethren as they prepare their next attack.


On 6/19/2019 at 9:37 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


Umbra: (This griffon won't dissolve for as long as I'm riding it. Considering these sand worms, I'm not being mindless and risking myself at the ground.)


Umbra: (Luckily, that training in mounted combat will suffice for something!)


He takes off his axe and flies directly at the soldiers, hoping to cause trouble from the air.


22 hours ago, Dumanios said:





Raina maintained her aerial position and fired a large orb at one of the sand worms, aiming for the same one that Lightflare fired his Light Burst at.

While Raina proceeds to make more chunks of the dead worm, the shield soldiers proceed to aim their guns toward the group in the air. Half the of them fired at Umbra while two fired toward Lucent and the remaining two fired toward Raina intending to shoot them down from the sky.


The worms near the group would suddenly seemingly seem to stop as their obvious movement in the sand stopped being so obvious. That's because in the next moment, all three worms would simultaneously attack Anwalt, Lightflare and Melina straight from underneath their feet


Two of the worms near the soldiers would start moving toward Umbra intending to intercept him.


Wave 2/5


Sand Worms x7

Shield Soldiers x8

Heavy Armor Soldiers x4


Invasion Portal: Off (16/25)

Enemy Invader: Absent

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3 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Rather than Melina, the sand worm proceeds to eat a delicious serving of Light Burst (Part of a complete breakfast) and immediately develops heartburn. And by heartburn, I mean it proceeds to explode spilling guts everywhere.



One down! Everyone! They're exterior looks tough but thier interior is not! If you have a projectile...feed them to these worms!



That's not gonna help me much! My eyes are on those soldiers...



I suggest you keep your eyes on the ground! It's the enemy you don't see that's most dangerous!


LightFlare begins charging another Light Burst....


3 hours ago, Darkflare said:

The worms near the group would suddenly seemingly seem to stop as their obvious movement in the sand stopped being so obvious.



Here they come!





LightFlare continues charging his Light Burst as Melina waits for the right moment to react...


3 hours ago, Darkflare said:

That's because in the next moment, all three worms would simultaneously attack Anwalt, Lightflare and Melina straight from underneath their feet





Melina uses her quick speed, combined with the whirlwind boosting her evasive abilities thanks to Lucent, to dash to her right just as the worm rises from the sand and shoots into the air.





LightFlare leaps straight up and as the creature emerged from the sand and fires his charged Light Burst into the beasts mouth.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 6/23/2019 at 6:39 PM, Darkflare said:

While Raina proceeds to make more chunks of the dead worm, the shield soldiers proceed to aim their guns toward the group in the air. Half the of them fired at Umbra while two fired toward Lucent and the remaining two fired toward Raina intending to shoot them down from the sky.


Raina dodged the bullets that were incoming, thinking about Lucent's strategy.


'Those Sandworms are vulnerable from within, but how would we get them to assault one of the enemy? Maybe if I harass the worms and then move over the other enemies...'


Raina summoned a set of needles and fired them toward the Sandworm attacking Anwalt, hoping to distract it before it caused too much damage to Anwalt. She then launched towards the sky above one of the Armoured Warriors.

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On 6/23/2019 at 7:39 PM, Darkflare said:

While Raina proceeds to make more chunks of the dead worm, the shield soldiers proceed to aim their guns toward the group in the air. Half the of them fired at Umbra while two fired toward Lucent and the remaining two fired toward Raina intending to shoot them down from the sky.


Flying with his vision directed towards the guards, Lucent managed to evade the shots and rise himself up even more in the air.



Lucent: (I have to be careful now. Those soldiers are aiming at me now too.)


He flew back to Raina, in order to re-buff her with Boon of Swiftness. However, he had another idea.



Lucent: I don't know if your stronger spells have some limits, but if you can use one now, it'll help us.



Lucent casted Flame Fusion on Raina, increasing her attack power. He quickly separated from her, in order to disperse the soldiers' attention back to him.


On 6/23/2019 at 7:39 PM, Darkflare said:

Two of the worms near the soldiers would start moving toward Umbra intending to intercept him.


Meanwhile, Umbra leaped off from the griffon as the shots eliminated it and it vanished. From the air, Umbra had a different idea.



Umbra: Hehe... I could use my wolves but I had a better idea...


Umbra: I'm going to test my trinkets on you!!




He summoned a giant spiked wheel and dropped it on the sand. With a powerful kick, the wheel started to roll and with another kick, Umbra sent it at the group of soldiers, in order to smash them with the wheel. Even though he didn't know if it would work, he dashed towards them, just to not be caught by the sand worms.


On 6/23/2019 at 7:39 PM, Darkflare said:

The worms near the group would suddenly seemingly seem to stop as their obvious movement in the sand stopped being so obvious. That's because in the next moment, all three worms would simultaneously attack Anwalt, Lightflare and Melina straight from underneath their feet


Anwalt, however, was caught by surprise from the underneath attack from the sand worm. He was launched in the air and began to fall.



Anwalt: Oh shit!!


Lucent: Anwalt!!



Lucent casted Tornado right where the sand worm attacked. This could be considered a team attack, since it wouldn't hurt the worm but hurt Anwalt instead. However, the wind rotation from the attack moved Anwalt around and upwards in mid-air. Lucent flew as fast as he could, grabbed Anwalt's hands and carried him in the sky.



Anwalt: Whew... these close ones are bad for my heart...


Lucent: For the last time, BE MORE CAREFUL, IDIOT!!




Lucent tossed Anwalt towards the group of soldiers from the sky. It wasn't a strong toss, so the fall was being a bit awkward.

System Information


1. Anwalt Vermillion

Damage Modifier: x1.4

Fortified (Protect Buff): 2 turns left


2. Umbra

Sadistic Desire: Inactive


3. Lucent Vermillion

Illusion Crystals: 5/10


4. Raina Havenray

Strengthened (Flame Fusion Buff): 3 turns left


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On 6/23/2019 at 8:27 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:




Melina uses her quick speed, combined with the whirlwind boosting her evasive abilities thanks to Lucent, to dash to her right just as the worm rises from the sand and shoots into the air.





LightFlare leaps straight up and as the creature emerged from the sand and fires his charged Light Burst into the beasts mouth.

Like the previous worm, eating a Light burst is not very healthy for it and proceeds to explode. The worm that attacked Melina dives back into the sand after missing.


On 6/26/2019 at 2:50 PM, Dumanios said:


Raina dodged the bullets that were incoming, thinking about Lucent's strategy.


'Those Sandworms are vulnerable from within, but how would we get them to assault one of the enemy? Maybe if I harass the worms and then move over the other enemies...'


Raina summoned a set of needles and fired them toward the Sandworm attacking Anwalt, hoping to distract it before it caused too much damage to Anwalt. She then launched towards the sky above one of the Armoured Warriors.


The needles would hit the sandworm as it attacked Anwalt but it's thick hide would allow it to shrug it off. The shield soldiers that were firing at Raina continue to do so as the armored soldiers begin charging up their weapons.


5 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Anwalt, however, was caught by surprise from the underneath attack from the sand worm. He was launched in the air and began to fall.



Anwalt: Oh shit!!


Lucent: Anwalt!!



Lucent casted Tornado right where the sand worm attacked. This could be considered a team attack, since it wouldn't hurt the worm but hurt Anwalt instead. However, the wind rotation from the attack moved Anwalt around and upwards in mid-air. Lucent flew as fast as he could, grabbed Anwalt's hands and carried him in the sky.


Having missed it's target, the worm burrows back underground.


5 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Lucent tossed Anwalt towards the group of soldiers from the sky. It wasn't a strong toss, so the fall was being a bit awkward.


With Lucent continuing to rise in the air, the soldiers would find that he would be too far to hit and would temporarily cease to fire on him. The shield soldiers that were aiming for Lucent now proceeded to fire toward the incoming Anwalt instead.


5 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Umbra: I'm going to test my trinkets on you!!


  Hide contents


He summoned a giant spiked wheel and dropped it on the sand. With a powerful kick, the wheel started to roll and with another kick, Umbra sent it at the group of soldiers, in order to smash them with the wheel. Even though he didn't know if it would work, he dashed towards them, just to not be caught by the sand worms.

While the wheel would proceed to move with the kicks, it would quickly begin to lose speed due to the soft sand terrain. Nonetheless, the soldiers firing at Umbra ceased fire as they focused on bracing for impact.


The surviving worms that missed Anwalt and Melina began to retreat back to the soldiers. However, one of the worms headed to where Anwalt was anticipated to land, while the other worm proceeded to head toward Umbra. Midway through their travel, both worms would bury deeper as they planned to attack their targets the same way they attacked before.


Wave 2/5


Sand Worms x6

Shield Soldiers x8

Heavy Armor Soldiers x4


Invasion Portal: Off (17/25)

Enemy Invader: Absent

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On 6/30/2019 at 3:48 AM, Darkflare said:

Like the previous worm, eating a Light burst is not very healthy for it and proceeds to explode. The worm that attacked Melina dives back into the sand after missing.



Another one bites the sand...



That last one almost bit me! How am I gonna land a blow if the only time they're visible is when there trying to have ME for lunch?!



You'll just have to be patient. Pick your spots carefully.



Those...things...are only out of the ground for a few seconds. How many spots do I even have?! 



Judging by his size...plenty....



Ok comedian! So how do you suppose I even strike one of these..."many spots!?"



It's like Lucent said earlier..."you"...don't actually have to strike it...



But how would I...?


On 6/30/2019 at 3:48 AM, Darkflare said:

The needles would hit the sandworm as it attacked Anwalt but it's thick hide would allow it to shrug it off. The shield soldiers that were firing at Raina continue to do so as the armored soldiers begin charging up their weapons.



Speak of the wormy devil! Check out the large soldier! He's charging a large shot like the guards from the first round. I guess that's the "spot" you you were referring to...



Indeed it is. For both of us perhaps. Think you could pull it off?



Peace of cake...



On 6/30/2019 at 3:48 AM, Darkflare said:

Having missed it's target, the worm burrows back underground.



Be careful. Those worms are still lurking...



Don't worry...I'll stay alert.


On 6/30/2019 at 3:48 AM, Darkflare said:

With Lucent continuing to rise in the air, the soldiers would find that he would be too far to hit and would temporarily cease to fire on him. The shield soldiers that were aiming for Lucent now proceeded to fire toward the incoming Anwalt instead.




Now's my chance...


Melina quickly moves around the outer parameter as the guards focus on Raina and Anwalt.


On 6/30/2019 at 3:48 AM, Darkflare said:

While the wheel would proceed to move with the kicks, it would quickly begin to lose speed due to the soft sand terrain. Nonetheless, the soldiers firing at Umbra ceased fire as they focused on bracing for impact.



(What an extraordinary attack...and it may be what we need. It's large enough to possibly break their defense but the sand is slowing it down...)


LightFlare fires a Light Burst at the rear of the wheel hoping to give it enough momentum to break the shield soldiers defense. There's a slight chance it will also cause the wheel to go airborne...


On 6/30/2019 at 3:48 AM, Darkflare said:


The surviving worms that missed Anwalt and Melina began to retreat back to the soldiers. However, one of the worms headed to where Anwalt was anticipated to land, while the other worm proceeded to head toward Umbra. 


Meanwhile Melina is swiftly closing in on Anwalt's anticipated landing point...



(Looks like two worms are trying to intercept Walt and Umbra...)


On 6/30/2019 at 3:48 AM, Darkflare said:

 Midway through their travel, both worms would bury deeper as they planned to attack their targets the same way they attacked before.



(Aaaaand....they're gone...they're gonna pull the same move as they did on us before.)


Melina doesn't stop where Anwalt would land but runs past it putting Anwalt and the underground worms just behind her. She moves closer to the guards as the large wheel closes in on them from another angle...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 6/30/2019 at 4:48 AM, Darkflare said:

With Lucent continuing to rise in the air, the soldiers would find that he would be too far to hit and would temporarily cease to fire on him. The shield soldiers that were aiming for Lucent now proceeded to fire toward the incoming Anwalt instead.



Anwalt: Nice... laser pelting, 2nd round...


Anwalt covered himself but the lasers were still hitting him. However. thanks to the effects of Protect, the damage was being cut and it became minimal, since their lasers were not that damaging compared to the heavy soldiers and the worms.


On 6/30/2019 at 4:48 AM, Darkflare said:

While the wheel would proceed to move with the kicks, it would quickly begin to lose speed due to the soft sand terrain. Nonetheless, the soldiers firing at Umbra ceased fire as they focused on bracing for impact.



Umbra: Are you for reals?! Bullshitty sand!!


Umbra began running towards the wheel in order to kick it again and send it at his foes. However...


On 7/1/2019 at 6:41 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



(What an extraordinary attack...and it may be what we need. It's large enough to possibly break their defense but the sand is slowing it down...)


LightFlare fires a Light Burst at the rear of the wheel hoping to give it enough momentum to break the shield soldiers defense. There's a slight chance it will also cause the wheel to go airborne...


The Light Burst hit the rear of the wheel, but it was sent airborne, jumping out of the sand.



Umbra: (Oh great, it's flying now. What should I do with this...)


Lucent: Umbra!! Kick it!!


Umbra: Kick it... AHA!!


Umbra aimed at the whell and released the blades at it. Once they reached it and plunged themselves, he was pulled away with it thanks to basic notion of physics. He retracted the chains trying to reach the wheel.



Anwalt: The heck is he trying to do with that thing?!


Anwalt: Ooooh!! I got it now! Well, time to move on!!


As he finally reached the ground, Anwalt landed and went running towards the guards. Meanwhile, Umbra reached the wheel and stood right in between the spikes.



Umbra: AHAHAHA!! Eat a good lunch of wheel, you asshats!!


A dark aura emerged from Umbra. His Sadistic Desire buff activated, giving him more strength and speed at the cost of his defense. He kicked it and the wheel began to descend in a diagonal angle, at crazy speeds thanks to the second kick and the Light Burst from before. But this wasn't the end of the move just yet.



Lucent: Alone it wouldn't work, but let's see if you enjoy these blazes once reality sinks in!



Right between the soldiers and the descending wheel, Lucent casted Firestorm, as a pillar of fire emerged from the sand. The wheel went right into it and was engulfed in its flames. Now, it was a descending burning projectile, coming to smash whoever was its target and explode in the area it would collide.

System Information


1. Anwalt Vermillion

Damage Modifier: x1.5

Fortified (Protect Buff): 1 turn left


2. Umbra

Sadistic Desire: Active (x1.25 attack and speed boost, x0.75 defense demerit)


3. Lucent Vermillion

Illusion Crystals: 7/10.


4. Melina Braveheart

Evade (Whirlwind Buff): 1 turn left


5. Raina Havenray

Strengthened (Flame Fusion Buff): 2 turns left


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On 6/30/2019 at 3:48 AM, Darkflare said:

The needles would hit the sandworm as it attacked Anwalt but it's thick hide would allow it to shrug it off. The shield soldiers that were firing at Raina continue to do so as the armored soldiers begin charging up their weapons.




Raina descended lower in the air, charging a large orb to fire at one of the Shield Soldiers firing at her. But before that...


On 7/6/2019 at 3:55 PM, Agni Blackheart said:




Lucent: Alone it wouldn't work, but let's see if you enjoy these blazes once reality sinks in!



Right between the soldiers and the descending wheel, Lucent casted Firestorm, as a pillar of fire emerged from the sand. The wheel went right into it and was engulfed in its flames. Now, it was a descending burning projectile, coming to smash whoever was its target and explode in the area it would collide.

System Information


1. Anwalt Vermillion

Damage Modifier: x1.5

Fortified (Protect Buff): 1 turn left


2. Umbra

Sadistic Desire: Active (x1.25 attack and speed boost, x0.75 defense demerit)


3. Lucent Vermillion

Illusion Crystals: 7/10.


4. Melina Braveheart

Evade (Whirlwind Buff): 1 turn left


5. Raina Havenray

Strengthened (Flame Fusion Buff): 2 turns left


Raina expected that the Giant Fire Wheel would be seen as the bigger threat by the enemies, and thus fired the large orb toward one of Shield Soldiers.

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On 7/1/2019 at 5:41 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


(Aaaaand....they're gone...they're gonna pull the same move as they did on us before.)


Melina doesn't stop where Anwalt would land but runs past it putting Anwalt and the underground worms just behind her. She moves closer to the guards as the large wheel closes in on them from another angle...


On 7/6/2019 at 3:55 PM, Agni Blackheart said:

Anwalt: The heck is he trying to do with that thing?!


Anwalt: Ooooh!! I got it now! Well, time to move on!!


As he finally reached the ground, Anwalt landed and went running towards the guards.


The sand worm targeting Anwalt proceeds rise from underneath him again. Regardless of whether it succeeded in eating him or not, it would target Melina on the way down.


On 7/6/2019 at 3:55 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


Umbra: AHAHAHA!! Eat a good lunch of wheel, you asshats!!


A dark aura emerged from Umbra. His Sadistic Desire buff activated, giving him more strength and speed at the cost of his defense. He kicked it and the wheel began to descend in a diagonal angle, at crazy speeds thanks to the second kick and the Light Burst from before.


A few moments after, the worm targeting Umbra would strike from below him.

On 7/6/2019 at 3:55 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


Right between the soldiers and the descending wheel, Lucent casted Firestorm, as a pillar of fire emerged from the sand. The wheel went right into it and was engulfed in its flames. Now, it was a descending burning projectile, coming to smash whoever was its target and explode in the area it would collide.

Realizing that the combination would likely prove to be too strong to defend against, the shield soldiers began to scatter. Unfortunately for some of them, their greatest asset turns out to be their greatest weakness in this case as their large shields would hinder their movement. The tire's explosion would take out half the shield soldiers in it.


3 hours ago, Dumanios said:

Raina expected that the Giant Fire Wheel would be seen as the bigger threat by the enemies, and thus fired the large orb toward one of Shield Soldiers.


The soldier was too preoccupied with what was going on with the tire to notice Raina's attack and was taken down with it.



"You guys almost got your portal up. Plan out who's going and when."


Once the explosion was over, the HA Soldiers began to move up as they began to give order to their shield brethren. The remaining shield soldiers turned their shields toward their allies who proceeded to fire a shot at their shields before they turned them back toward the group as they began to get closer yet intending to remain spread out enough so they wouldn't be as easy to take out all at once. The HA soldiers that fired their shots began to charge up again as the lone HA that didn't fire stayed alert for any incoming enemies. The worms near the soldiers began to move closer to the group but wouldn't completely approach them yet.


Wave 2/5


Sand Worms x6

Shield Soldiers x3

Heavy Armor Soldiers x4


Invasion Portal: Off (22/25)

Enemy Invader: Absent

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BGM: Riders of the Light still playing


On 7/10/2019 at 7:19 PM, Darkflare said:

The sand worm targeting Anwalt proceeds rise from underneath him again. Regardless of whether it succeeded in eating him or not, it would target Melina on the way down.



Anwalt: Not again, you piece of shit!!


Lucent: *sigh* Lord, help me...



Anwalt was about to get eaten, but Lucent casted Tornado once more and saved him from being eaten.



Lucent: ...


Anwalt: Ehehe... oops...


Lucent changed to his dark tome and the Nightmare Fog reappeared. A griffon came and Anwalt mounted on it.



Lucent: From this moment onward, you're prohibited to leave this griffon until we end this wave. Capice?


Anwalt: WHAT?! But how am I going to attack those guys from up here?!


Lucent: Figure a way yourself, stupid brother.


Lucent left Anwalt in the air as he flew down to help the others.



Anwalt: Treating me like a kid... tch...


On 7/10/2019 at 7:19 PM, Darkflare said:

A few moments after, the worm targeting Umbra would strike from below him.



Umbra: Oh, you wanna eat me?! Well, guess what?! Two can play that game!!


Umbra called two wolves and used Drill Fang to escape from the worm's reach. However, instead of backing off, he and the familiars went at the middle of the worm's body, trying to pierce its body and rip it apart in a triangular formation.


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On 7/6/2019 at 3:55 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


Right between the soldiers and the descending wheel, Lucent casted Firestorm, as a pillar of fire emerged from the sand. The wheel went right into it and was engulfed in its flames. Now, it was a descending burning projectile, coming to smash whoever was its target and explode in the area it would collide.








On 7/10/2019 at 6:19 PM, Darkflare said:

Realizing that the combination would likely prove to be too strong to defend against, the shield soldiers began to scatter. Unfortunately for some of them, their greatest asset turns out to be their greatest weakness in this case as their large shields would hinder their movement. The tire's explosion would take out half the shield soldiers in it.



(Well done! Umbra and Lucent work very well together...time to move in...)


LightFlare begins to circle around the parameter of the sand arena moving closer but not in a straight line. Meanwhile Melina continues to move towards the guards...


On 7/10/2019 at 6:19 PM, Darkflare said:

Once the explosion was over, the HA Soldiers began to move up as they began to give order to their shield brethren. The remaining shield soldiers turned their shields toward their allies who proceeded to fire a shot at their shields before they turned them back toward the group as they began to get closer yet intending to remain spread out enough so they wouldn't be as easy to take out all at once. The HA soldiers that fired their shots began to charge up again as the lone HA that didn't fire stayed alert for any incoming enemies. The worms near the soldiers began to move closer to the group but wouldn't completely approach them yet.


As LightFlare and Melina advance, they notice the guards actions and come to a conclusion..



(Those guards are up to something. The larger ones shot the smaller one's shields...and...they just "absorbed" it. It charged them! But for what?!)


Melina is closing in on the Heavy Soldier that did not fire a shot...



(Did they just...shoot each other?!)


Walt!? Did you see...?


On 7/10/2019 at 6:19 PM, Darkflare said:

The sand worm targeting Anwalt proceeds rise from underneath him again. Regardless of whether it succeeded in eating him or not, it would target Melina on the way down.


Melina turns around to see Walt isn't behind her anymore, Umbra is attacking a worm seemingly from out of nowhere and a large worm was descending down onto her!



Not so fast!


As the worm comes close she runs in front of the Heavy Soldier and darts to the side hoping he eats the soldier and not her.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 7/10/2019 at 6:19 PM, Darkflare said:


Once the explosion was over, the HA Soldiers began to move up as they began to give order to their shield brethren. The remaining shield soldiers turned their shields toward their allies who proceeded to fire a shot at their shields before they turned them back toward the group as they began to get closer yet intending to remain spread out enough so they wouldn't be as easy to take out all at once. The HA soldiers that fired their shots began to charge up again as the lone HA that didn't fire stayed alert for any incoming enemies. The worms near the soldiers began to move closer to the group but wouldn't completely approach them yet.





'They're planning something. Those shields can absorb attacks... what'll they do after that?'


Melina and Umbra both were dealing with their own Sand Worms... Anwalt was... in the air?


Without a distraction like the Fire Wheel, Raina couldn't see any openings in the soldiers... maybe Anwalt had some ideas? Melina had a clear plan and Raina worried that anything she sent toward Umbra's sand worm might hit him instead.


"Hey Anwalt, do you see any openings?"

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On 7/11/2019 at 8:21 PM, Agni Blackheart said:


Umbra: Oh, you wanna eat me?! Well, guess what?! Two can play that game!!


Umbra called two wolves and used Drill Fang to escape from the worm's reach. However, instead of backing off, he and the familiars went at the middle of the worm's body, trying to pierce its body and rip it apart in a triangular formation.


The worm would screech as it was struck before the force of the attack tore a hole right through it's skin


On 7/12/2019 at 12:36 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

LightFlare begins to circle around the parameter of the sand arena moving closer but not in a straight line. Meanwhile Melina continues to move towards the guards...


One of the worms proceeded to head toward Lightflare, although it was aiming to be in front of him rather than going for him directly as if to stop him from advancing.


On 7/12/2019 at 12:36 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

Melina turns around to see Walt isn't behind her anymore, Umbra is attacking a worm seemingly from out of nowhere and a large worm was descending down onto her!



Not so fast!


As the worm comes close she runs in front of the Heavy Soldier and darts to the side hoping he eats the soldier and not her.



The worm cuts it's distance short and simply burrows back underground just behind Melina. The HA Soldier proceeded to swing at Melina with enough force to knock her down if the attack hit. One of the shield soldiers came over to assist the HA soldier positioning to cut off Melina's attempts at escaping.



The remaining HA soldiers had finished charging up their weapons. They proceeded to let out a shout and point toward the group as the shield soldiers proceeded to bang the front of their shields as a taunt. They picked up their pace in marching toward the group as they began to approach their nearest enemy. One of the worms split off and went to aid the one that was to block Lightflare as it proceeded to head behind Light. The other two worms went further ahead intending to attack their backline.


Wave 2/5


Sand Worms x5

Shield Soldiers x3

Heavy Armor Soldiers x4


Invasion Portal: Off (23/25)

Enemy Invader: Absent

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