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The Roleplay Paradise Redux Deluxe Edition: The Role-play strikes back!


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6 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

Melina calls over one of the nearby maids...



Excuse me! We're looking for a training activity that will allow us train as a group. We'd like to work on various skills in multiple ranges of combat. 



"You're looking for group training exercises. Perhaps one of our trainers in the underground levels will be able to assist you."


5 hours ago, DuckMannnn said:


Sub-Zero: I feel that our suspicion seems to be mutual. There could be another organization behind the replication of the Cyber Initiative. Although I agree that we should avoid prying into his body, I think that we should try to verify if he is receiving any kinds of signal that seems to be coming from those who are controlling him. The Cyborgs simply cannot independently function without a host, otherwise they''ll be shut down immediately.



"This is a very bad place to try anything funny. This place attracts all kinds of fighters including some particularly strong ones and that's without taking into account my own security force."



"I have a place where we can test this signal theory of yours. It's deep underground where my offices are."

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5 minutes ago, Darkflare said:


"You're looking for group training exercises. Perhaps one of our trainers in the underground levels will be able to assist you."


Melina thanked the maid and went back over to the others...




Looks like my hunch was accurate. The group activities are down below. She mentioned we'd need to talk to the..."trainers" on the underground level. I have a feeling these "trainers" are some skilled fighters in their own right.



Darkflare typically employes some of the most skilled fighters around. The last time I met a trainer undergeround...it turned out to be a fierce battle. I'm sure he took that battle into account when designing his new facilty. Well...I'm ready when you guys are.



We can take the elevator Darkflare came out of earlier. It's this way...



Melina leads as she and LightFlare head toward the nearest elevator and wait for the others...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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On 5/12/2019 at 7:30 PM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Melina thanked the maid and went back over to the others...




Looks like my hunch was accurate. The group activities are down below. She mentioned we'd need to talk to the..."trainers" on the underground level. I have a feeling these "trainers" are some skilled fighters in their own right.



Darkflare typically employes some of the most skilled fighters around. The last time I met a trainer undergeround...it turned out to be a fierce battle. I'm sure he took that battle into account when designing his new facilty. Well...I'm ready when you guys are.



We can take the elevator Darkflare came out of earlier. It's this way...



Melina leads as she and LightFlare head toward the nearest elevator and wait for the others...




Raina followed Lightflare and Melina, eagerly awaiting the training exercise.

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Lilith joins the others toward the elevator. The group proceeds to descend toward the underground level. Once they arrive, they find the layout similar to the floors above ground. The arenas themselves however were different with various training machines taking up their space. It seemed that the underground arenas were more specialized than the general arenas seen above.



"It looks like each of these machines are designed to focus on a particular trait."



"You would be right, Miss. We got training machines to improve your footwork, your strength, your accuracy... If there's something you want to work on, we likely have something for it."



"We were wondering if you had something for group training."



"Group training? Not many folks ask for that, but it's a welcome surprise. Are you looking for something cooperative or perhaps something more competitive?"

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BGM: Electronica in the Velvet Room plays again


The trio joined the others and went down to the underground levels. The section, however, seemed far more different than the ones above.



Anwalt: Alright, we're in!


Umbra: Now to find us a trainer...


Lucent: Lilith already found one.


2 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"We were wondering if you had something for group training."



"Group training? Not many folks ask for that, but it's a welcome surprise. Are you looking for something cooperative or perhaps something more competitive?"


Before Lilith could answer, Anwalt and Umbra cut her with their usual bickering.



Anwalt: Cooperative!

Umbra: Competitive!


Anwalt: Cooperative.

Umbra: Competitive.


Anwalt: Cooperative!!

Umbra: Competitive!!


Lucent: *sigh* Can someone shut them up before I do it in my way...?


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16 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Lilith joins the others toward the elevator. The group proceeds to descend toward the underground level. Once they arrive, they find the layout similar to the floors above ground. The arenas themselves however were different with various training machines taking up their space. It seemed that the underground arenas were more specialized than the general arenas seen above.



Just as I expected. This is where I plan to spend most of my visits here...



You look like a kid in a candy store, Light. Don't blow your "LightFlare Cannon" before you even get started! No girl appreciates that...



You never run out of those do you?



You know I don't. Isn't that right, Walt? Walt?!


16 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Group training? Not many folks ask for that, but it's a welcome surprise. Are you looking for something cooperative or perhaps something more competitive?"



I suggest we...


13 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Before Lilith could answer, Anwalt and Umbra cut her with their usual bickering.



Geez....can you two pipe down for at least a few seconds?! If for no other, we should so a co-op so you guys can learn to get along. Had this happened on the ship those pirates might have actually managed to land a decent blow. Not that that would hurt you two I suppose...



A cooperative activity would be the best for now. I haven't done one in quite some time and it was a thrill fighting along side you all on the ship. If I know Darkflare, this drill will give us much more of a workout than those "Rubbermaid" pirates from before.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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BGM: Electronica in the Velvet Room still playing


On 5/17/2019 at 11:58 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Geez....can you two pipe down for at least a few seconds?! If for no other, we should so a co-op so you guys can learn to get along. Had this happened on the ship those pirates might have actually managed to land a decent blow. Not that that would hurt you two I suppose...



Anwalt and Umbra: Fine. But I wasn't the one who started it. It was-


But before they could complete their sentence, Lucent used his magic and froze both Anwalt and Umbra.



Lucent: Silence, at long last...


On 5/17/2019 at 11:58 AM, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


A cooperative activity would be the best for now. I haven't done one in quite some time and it was a thrill fighting along side you all on the ship. If I know Darkflare, this drill will give us much more of a workout than those "Rubbermaid" pirates from before.



Lucent: I agree with Light. We fought in separate groups so we don't know how we'll work when everyone's in the same area.


Lucent: On mine, Anwalt's and Umbra's account, we choose the Cooperative training setting.


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"Cooperative it is. All right, come with-"


Another man approached the group.



"Hey Raph, we're not too late, are we?"



"Oh Leon. Actually, you guys are early. Your group isn't scheduled for a while."



"The thought of taking a training session here must have excited me more than I had thought. It's all right, it will give us some time to prepare."



"I'll have you after these guys. ...Actually..."



"My apologies for dumping this on you. I just remembered an experimental training drill that was being worked on. It's a hybrid of cooperation and competition. You could say it's like a race on who can clear waves first. I won't force you to do this if you're insistent on just a pure cooperative experience."

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On 5/21/2019 at 12:48 AM, Darkflare said:


"My apologies for dumping this on you. I just remembered an experimental training drill that was being worked on. It's a hybrid of cooperation and competition. You could say it's like a race on who can clear waves first. I won't force you to do this if you're insistent on just a pure cooperative experience."



I think that would be right up my alley. I'm willing to give it a go. It's not like it's the first time I ran an experimental drill.



Count me in. I'm always up for a bit of friendly competition.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"I think it'll be fine as long as there's a cooperative aspect."



"Very well. Leon, get the rest of your group, you know where to find us."



"Understood, see you soon."



"The rest of you follow me. I'll explain everything on the way."


Raph signaled the group to follow him as headed toward a particular arena.



"One of your cooperative training drills is to have a group clear out several waves of enemies as fast as possible. This is going to be a variation of that. You'll be competing with another team in clearing out your waves first."



"That seems surprisingly simple."



"Agreed. That's why there's a twist to it. It's one of the reasons we haven't been able to test it more. Once you defeat a certain amount of enemies, a portal will open up. See, your team and the enemy team will have their own arenas. This portal is a gateway to their arena where you can go ahead and ruin their day. Only one of you can be there at a time and you have a limited time to have some fun before being forced back. Of course, your fun can end earlier if the other team defeats you."



"I wouldn't try to be sneaky, the teams will be notified when they have an invader and said invader will be easy to spot since they're going to have a distinct glow to them. Of course, they'll have a few extra advantages of their own to help them out. My advice? If you're going to attack, you better be prepared to divide them quickly. The numbers still aren't in your favor after all."

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8 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"I wouldn't try to be sneaky, the teams will be notified when they have an invader and said invader will be easy to spot since they're going to have a distinct glow to them. Of course, they'll have a few extra advantages of their own to help them out. My advice? If you're going to attack, you better be prepared to divide them quickly. The numbers still aren't in your favor after all."



Hmmm...now that's twist...



I have a few questions. How many enemies do we defeat before someone is teleported! How many enemies can we expect to see once we arrive? How much time do we have there? Is it possible for a player from both sides to be teleported at the same time? And how long do we have overall?


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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"The portal will be open at around 50 enemies defeated. It'll remain open until one of you enter. Once you arrive there, the only enemies there will be the enemy team, their enemies will completely ignore you. It goes without saying but don't kill their enemies, you're only helping them. You get about 20 seconds of being in their territory before you're forcibly pulled out. As for overall, you can take as long as you like, but remember that this is a race so don't linger around too long. Of course, in the unlikely event I feel both teams are taking too long, I'll just end it right there."



"Well, since we're on the subject, I should mention that when you clear all waves you're not quite done. You'll have to defeat one nasty baddie first before you're done. Kill it and you win."



"I've been mentioning about being defeated so let me explain how it works. I'm sure you can all last quite a while but things are different here. Take a good solid hit and the system will apply a stun effect on you. The effect is temporary at about 10 seconds, but that's 10 seconds you're down a man and that can be critical. That said, there is a way to circumvent it, if you got someone on your team that can heal. Get your healer to do their job and the stun effect will clear on the spot. So there's an idea when you decide to invade their territory. Seek out their healer cause they'll undo your work if you let them be. By the way, invaders will have a shield that will let them take more damage while they're invading. They're about twice as durable."



"One last thing, when a team has reached the final enemy, the other team's portal will no longer require them to defeat a certain amount of enemies. Instead, it will open by itself after a certain time. Invading is critical here, if you get defeated while an invader is in play, the enemy boss will be healed up a bit."

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3 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"One last thing, when a team has reached the final enemy, the other team's portal will no longer require them to defeat a certain amount of enemies. Instead, it will open by itself after a certain time. Invading is critical here, if you get defeated while an invader is in play, the enemy boss will be healed up a bit."



Now I'm pumped! Waves of opponents. Invaders. A boss battle...this place is worth the pomps.



I can already see I'm going to have to strap a chain around your waist and have you pulled outta hear with that ship we came in on if I hope to EVER get you to leave this place.


Melina chuckles as she teases LightFlare. LightFlare laughs as he responds...



And that still won't be enough. Darkflare may regret letting me join...


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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BGM: Electronica in the Velvet Room still playing


On 5/24/2019 at 8:09 AM, Darkflare said:


"I think it'll be fine as long as there's a cooperative aspect."



"Very well. Leon, get the rest of your group, you know where to find us."



"Understood, see you soon."



"The rest of you follow me. I'll explain everything on the way."


Raph signaled the group to follow him as headed toward a particular arena.



Lucent: Alright. Oh, I'd better free those two.


Lucent used magic and casted fire to melt the ice. Anwalt and Umbra started to move again, but were completely soaked.



Anwalt: G-Geez... you didn't have to freeze us.


Lucent: Really? Good. In the next time, I'll burn you both.


Anwalt: Christ, but you are one to employ violent methods with magic, aren't you?


Umbra: And then you complain about me...


Lucent just ignored Anwalt and Umbra's protests and went ahead, following the rest of the group. Seeing as their complaints wouldn't change anything, Anwalt and Umbra stopped talking and went alongside the others as well.


On 5/24/2019 at 8:09 AM, Darkflare said:


"One of your cooperative training drills is to have a group clear out several waves of enemies as fast as possible. This is going to be a variation of that. You'll be competing with another team in clearing out your waves first."



"That seems surprisingly simple."



"Agreed. That's why there's a twist to it. It's one of the reasons we haven't been able to test it more. Once you defeat a certain amount of enemies, a portal will open up. See, your team and the enemy team will have their own arenas. This portal is a gateway to their arena where you can go ahead and ruin their day. Only one of you can be there at a time and you have a limited time to have some fun before being forced back. Of course, your fun can end earlier if the other team defeats you."



"I wouldn't try to be sneaky, the teams will be notified when they have an invader and said invader will be easy to spot since they're going to have a distinct glow to them. Of course, they'll have a few extra advantages of their own to help them out. My advice? If you're going to attack, you better be prepared to divide them quickly. The numbers still aren't in your favor after all."


As the trainer explained how the drill would work, it seemed it would be a mix between cooperative and competitive. Anwalt and Umbra's usual pumped spirit returned as Lucent thought about what should he train first.



Anwalt: Heh, now we're talking big! I'm ready to crush anything that gets in our way!


Umbra: So we can mess up with the other team... hehehehe... that's going to be fun for me.


Lucent: (... A drill where we fend off waves of enemies while trying to defeat another team. That is interesting, although the "experimental" part of it worries me...)


Lucent: (We have a lot of powerful fighters in our team, but according to what he just said, numbers are against our favor. That could mean the wave of enemies will be big or the other team has a bigger number of people than we do. This is troubling too...)


Anwalt: Lucent? Hey, don't get lost on us.


But Lucent was too deep in thought in order to pay attention to Anwalt calling him.


19 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


I have a few questions. How many enemies do we defeat before someone is teleported! How many enemies can we expect to see once we arrive? How much time do we have there? Is it possible for a player from both sides to be teleported at the same time? And how long do we have overall?


18 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"The portal will be open at around 50 enemies defeated. It'll remain open until one of you enter. Once you arrive there, the only enemies there will be the enemy team, their enemies will completely ignore you. It goes without saying but don't kill their enemies, you're only helping them. You get about 20 seconds of being in their territory before you're forcibly pulled out. As for overall, you can take as long as you like, but remember that this is a race so don't linger around too long. Of course, in the unlikely event I feel both teams are taking too long, I'll just end it right there."



"Well, since we're on the subject, I should mention that when you clear all waves you're not quite done. You'll have to defeat one nasty baddie first before you're done. Kill it and you win."



"I've been mentioning about being defeated so let me explain how it works. I'm sure you can all last quite a while but things are different here. Take a good solid hit and the system will apply a stun effect on you. The effect is temporary at about 10 seconds, but that's 10 seconds you're down a man and that can be critical. That said, there is a way to circumvent it, if you got someone on your team that can heal. Get your healer to do their job and the stun effect will clear on the spot. So there's an idea when you decide to invade their territory. Seek out their healer cause they'll undo your work if you let them be. By the way, invaders will have a shield that will let them take more damage while they're invading. They're about twice as durable."



"One last thing, when a team has reached the final enemy, the other team's portal will no longer require them to defeat a certain amount of enemies. Instead, it will open by itself after a certain time. Invading is critical here, if you get defeated while an invader is in play, the enemy boss will be healed up a bit."


Anwalt and Umbra followed what he said thus far and were getting more excited for trying this new training. Lucent, while concentrated, heard the explanation and finally reached his decision about the team placement.



Anwalt: So we got a big catch in the end then?! Well, say no more, I'm on it!


Umbra: Limited time to mess with their team... 20 seconds is enough for me and my wolves to wreak havoc at the other team.


Lucent: ... Thank you for your explanation, sir. Well then, I'll assist you all with my light magic set.


Anwalt: Not going for Nightmares? C'mon, it's a way to train those beasts.


Lucent: Someone needs to provide supportive backup. Aside from me, I don't see anyone else capable of healing and buffing in our team.


Anwalt: Well, that's... true.


Umbra: Do you really think we'll need a healer, though? It's not like we can't hold it against some AI.


Lucent: Get overconfident at your own risk. I'm not putting myself on the line for a full offensive spread.


Anwalt: Lucent, this is just a training session. You don't need to go serious on this.


Lucent: "Holding back" isn't in your dictionary, neither "taking it easy" isn't on mine. I'll treat this as the rest of situations I've been through.


Umbra: Well, it's your choice anyway. It'll help us though, since you'll be taking this as "life-and-death".


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"Going to have to agree with Lucent. Have fun, but take this seriously. We might learn a few things from this."


The man known as Leon proceeded to walk in with his own group.



"Sorry to keep you all waiting. Allow me to personally thank you for this opportunity."



"So these are the new recruits soon to be joining the knights?"



"Well, I can't guarantee that. Some have gone to see the world as adventurers, but I'm hoping that we have done our job to prepare them for everything along their path."








He can hold his own with a sword and is his preferred style. Knows a few fireball spells to help with distant targets.






Said to be a prodigy in archery able to land shots from far away or very speedy targets if she's able to concentrate enough. The quiver she carries uses magic to generate her arrows and she can enhance her arrows for more power if needed.

She can use a burst of wind magic to push herself in any direction for mobility.

Her arrows also have the hitbox of a tree trunk allowing her to land headshots if they just barely graze the actual head.






A mage specializing in light magic. She can cast healing spells as well as provide minor buffs. She can also fire magical beams to defend herself to keep the enemy away.

A.K.A The medic, shoot her first.



Ricky/"The swift wind"(He likes to call himself that even though none of his companions actually call him that)



Very quick and acrobatic, uses his speed to strike and evade his foes. He wield a dagger and carries poison coated shurikens on him. The poison is non lethal, but causes a temporary nauseating effect on anyone unfortunate enough to be struck by it. He's immune to his own poison.






Proficient with a sword. His sword is actually a magic sword that uses the enemy's kinetic force against it to deflect physical attacks and leave his opponents vulnerable. This same magic is also capable of reflecting energy and magical attacks back. He also knows an enhancement technique that allows him to leap great distances.



"Hm, this is a problem. There's only 5 of you and 7 of them. I guess I could see if I can get a few more to fill in."



"That won't be necessary. I'll join with them, then it'll be an even 6 for both sides."



"Not that I mind, but did you talk to your friends about this first?"



"I'm doing this for them as well as myself. We actually haven't been together very long, but I've seen what they can all do. I would like to take this opportunity to be able to apply all sorts of theories I've had in mind....and....I would like to see how they can handle against someone that has an idea of their capabilities. I'm sorry, but please allow me this."



"Well if you all agree with it, I'll allow it. If you need some time, that's fine, I need to go over the drill rules with Leon's group first anyway."

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21 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Anwalt: Lucent, this is just a training session. You don't need to go serious on this.


Lucent: "Holding back" isn't in your dictionary, neither "taking it easy" isn't on mine. I'll treat this as the rest of situations I've been through.


Umbra: Well, it's your choice anyway. It'll help us though, since you'll be taking this as "life-and-death".



Lucent is right. Holding back won't do you any favors. The effort you put in determines the results you pull out. This facilty provides an great means of testing your limits and possibly exceeding them. We should not wast it...



The short and sweet....you paid for this...get most out of your investment. I know I will...


6 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"I'm doing this for them as well as myself. We actually haven't been together very long, but I've seen what they can all do. I would like to take this opportunity to be able to apply all sorts of theories I've had in mind....and....I would like to see how they can handle against someone that has an idea of their capabilities. I'm sorry, but please allow me this."



"Well if you all agree with it, I'll allow it. If you need some time, that's fine, I need to go over the drill rules with Leon's group first anyway."



If the "Scarlet Weather Maid" wants to switch sides...by all means go right ahead. Just don't expect any mercy if we meet on the battlefield.



I like her way of thinking. Should make for a challenging trail. They'll have an insider...but we won't know what they can do. That is...assuming she shares her knowledge with the rest of the opposing team.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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BGM: Electronica in the Velvet Room still playing


14 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"Going to have to agree with Lucent. Have fun, but take this seriously. We might learn a few things from this."



Anwalt: I'm not saying I'm not taking this seriously, but you do realize Lucent's definition of "serious" is different from ours, right?


7 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:



Lucent is right. Holding back won't do you any favors. The effort you put in determines the results you pull out. This facilty provides an great means of testing your limits and possibly exceeding them. We should not wast it...



The short and sweet....you paid for this...get most out of your investment. I know I will...



Umbra: Well then, if that's the case, let's go and rip some enemies apart.


Anwalt: My fists are ready to roll through all enemies!


14 hours ago, Darkflare said:

The man known as Leon proceeded to walk in with his own group.



"Sorry to keep you all waiting. Allow me to personally thank you for this opportunity."



"So these are the new recruits soon to be joining the knights?"



"Well, I can't guarantee that. Some have gone to see the world as adventurers, but I'm hoping that we have done our job to prepare them for everything along their path."



  Reveal hidden contents





He can hold his own with a sword and is his preferred style. Knows a few fireball spells to help with distant targets.






Said to be a prodigy in archery able to land shots from far away or very speedy targets if she's able to concentrate enough. The quiver she carries uses magic to generate her arrows and she can enhance her arrows for more power if needed.

She can use a burst of wind magic to push herself in any direction for mobility.

Her arrows also have the hitbox of a tree trunk allowing her to land headshots if they just barely graze the actual head.






A mage specializing in light magic. She can cast healing spells as well as provide minor buffs. She can also fire magical beams to defend herself to keep the enemy away.

A.K.A The medic, shoot her first.



Ricky/"The swift wind"(He likes to call himself that even though none of his companions actually call him that)



Very quick and acrobatic, uses his speed to strike and evade his foes. He wield a dagger and carries poison coated shurikens on him. The poison is non lethal, but causes a temporary nauseating effect on anyone unfortunate enough to be struck by it. He's immune to his own poison.






Proficient with a sword. His sword is actually a magic sword that uses the enemy's kinetic force against it to deflect physical attacks and leave his opponents vulnerable. This same magic is also capable of reflecting energy and magical attacks back. He also knows an enhancement technique that allows him to leap great distances.



As Leon approached the group to thank them, Lucent did the same thing.



Lucent: We would like to thank you for this opportunity as well. The experience we shall gain fighting you and your team will help us in the future.


Anwalt: You guys look really strong! Let's make this a training to remember!


14 hours ago, Darkflare said:


"That won't be necessary. I'll join with them, then it'll be an even 6 for both sides."



"Not that I mind, but did you talk to your friends about this first?"



"I'm doing this for them as well as myself. We actually haven't been together very long, but I've seen what they can all do. I would like to take this opportunity to be able to apply all sorts of theories I've had in mind....and....I would like to see how they can handle against someone that has an idea of their capabilities. I'm sorry, but please allow me this."



"Well if you all agree with it, I'll allow it. If you need some time, that's fine, I need to go over the drill rules with Leon's group first anyway."


7 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


If the "Scarlet Weather Maid" wants to switch sides...by all means go right ahead. Just don't expect any mercy if we meet on the battlefield.



I like her way of thinking. Should make for a challenging trail. They'll have an insider...but we won't know what they can do. That is...assuming she shares her knowledge with the rest of the opposing team.


Lilith proposed herself joining the other team. Lucent thought it would be a good idea for them to have an specific odd of someone who fought with them join the opponents.



Lucent: I have no objections and frankly, I'm intrigued to see what kind of strategies you'll pull against us, Lilith. I'll do my best to not fall behind.


Anwalt: Me neither. After all, I've wanted to try my hand against you.


Umbra: So we're losing our team's strategist to them, huh? Well, we're screwed.


Lucent: Why are you being pessimistic about this? I don't see any problem on the formation.


Umbra: It's just that we don't have a tactician. I mean, we have you, but I fear it's not going to be enough. I'm more of a hunter so that part doesn't fit well with me, Light's the last person I can say that needs a team to win a fight and I didn't see much of Raina to talk about her.


Umbra: And if I have to depend on Lord Anwalt or Melina to do strategies, the last thing we'll have is a "fighting" strategy.


Anwalt: Wow, you're the best teammate ever. Glad to know you looked at yourself on the mirror today...


Umbra: Just stating facts. You're the last person I can see doing a strategy about something and Melina is as rushy as you are.


Lucent: *sigh* What a pain...


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Warrior's Hangout Training Area


2 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

Lilith proposed herself joining the other team. Lucent thought it would be a good idea for them to have an specific odd of someone who fought with them join the opponents.



Lucent: I have no objections and frankly, I'm intrigued to see what kind of strategies you'll pull against us, Lilith. I'll do my best to not fall behind.


Anwalt: Me neither. After all, I've wanted to try my hand against you.


Umbra: So we're losing our team's strategist to them, huh? Well, we're screwed.


Lucent: Why are you being pessimistic about this? I don't see any problem on the formation.


Umbra: It's just that we don't have a tactician. I mean, we have you, but I fear it's not going to be enough. I'm more of a hunter so that part doesn't fit well with me, Light's the last person I can say that needs a team to win a fight and I didn't see much of Raina to talk about her.


Umbra: And if I have to depend on Lord Anwalt or Melina to do strategies, the last thing we'll have is a "fighting" strategy.


Anwalt: Wow, you're the best teammate ever. Glad to know you looked at yourself on the mirror today...


Umbra: Just stating facts. You're the last person I can see doing a strategy about something and Melina is as rushy as you are.


Lucent: *sigh* What a pain...





"I'm not much of a strategist, unfortunately. Guess we'll have to plan as we go..."




"I think it'll work out though."


Warrior's Hangout Main Lobby




While the other newcomers had went to the training area, Sasuke had remained in the Hangout Lobby. He wasn't expecting to see those newcomers for some time, but that was fine. Sasuke was used to being on his own. That said, he wanted to know more information about the Link World he'd found himself in. He turned toward Gordeau.


"Is there a computer I could use to find more information?"

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3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Umbra: Well then, if that's the case, let's go and rip some enemies apart.


 Anwalt: My fists are ready to roll through all enemies!



That's the spirit! I knew I could count on you two.



Let's get ready to rumble then...


3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:

As Leon approached the group to thank them, Lucent did the same thing.



Lucent: We would like to thank you for this opportunity as well. The experience we shall gain fighting you and your team will help us in the future.


Anwalt: You guys look really strong! Let's make this a training to remember!



Melina waves as LightFlare smiles and gives the opposing team a thumbs up showing their gratitude.


3 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Umbra: Just stating facts. You're the last person I can see doing a strategy about something and Melina is as rushy as you are.



What's the matter "Fido"? Scared you'll have to think for yourself for a change?



This bickering isn't gonna help us. Let's put our differences aside and focus on implementing our strengths. We've already established who our medic is. We've may have also established who the other team will attack first. 



I believe Melina and Anwalt share something in common. They both can take a lot of damage and retaliate quickly.



Umbra and Raina seem most comfortable at range attacks. I'm skilled at them as well but I'm versitle...so I'll adapt. Keep these things in mind when the training begins.


Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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6 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Umbra: And if I have to depend on Lord Anwalt or Melina to do strategies, the last thing we'll have is a "fighting" strategy.


Anwalt: Wow, you're the best teammate ever. Glad to know you looked at yourself on the mirror today...


Umbra: Just stating facts. You're the last person I can see doing a strategy about something and Melina is as rushy as you are.


Lucent: *sigh* What a pain...



"That's not a good mentality to have before we even started. I may have an idea of what you're capable of, but so do you. You know your weaknesses better, use that to your advantage. I'm sure you can find a way to surprise me."


2 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


This bickering isn't gonna help us. Let's put our differences aside and focus on implementing our strengths. We've already established who our medic is. We've may have also established who the other team will attack first. 



I believe Melina and Anwalt share something in common. They both can take a lot of damage and retaliate quickly.



Umbra and Raina seem most comfortable at range attacks. I'm skilled at them as well but I'm versitle...so I'll adapt. Keep these things in mind when the training begins.



"So taking the lead, eh Hero? Pay attention to your opponents as well. Looks can be deceiving, but I don't think they're hiding what their specialties are. I'll be keeping that in mind of course."



"Gather around everyone. It's time for you all to see where exactly you're fighting. The arenas you'll be in are much larger than what you usually see around here. These are actually a little special in that certain areas will have a different theme assigned. See, the Hangout may have all this fancy technology in it, but it's not afraid to throw in a little magical assistance to enhance your experience, so these areas will almost feel like the real thing."



"First we have a desert area. Yea, it's a little warm, but don't worry, it isn't as hot as the real thing. You're going to see a few large rocks and buried pillars around for you to take cover behind or even climb them up for a better view. The whole area is sandy of course, be aware that soft sand isn't exactly the easiest to run around in."



"The second area assigned is an artic area. Heh, well isn't that interesting. It's pretty cold here, but manageable unlike the actual artic. The edges of this are are all covered in snow but deeper inside, it's all ice. Watch your step, you don't want to slip and become an easy target. Oh yea, there isn't much to take cover behind here, it's pretty open. Perfect for those that like to keep their distance."



"Next up, we got a factory area. The good news is that the ground is easy to travel in and you don't have to worry about falling. The bad news is that there's a few conveyor belts and gears around that will move you around if you don't pay attention. Those belts will sometimes have boxes in them. They don't have anything inside, but maybe you can use them to your benefit. Just remember that they're destructible with a good strong attack."



"Finally, a nice plains area right in the center. You'll start the match here and end it here. There's nothing fancy except for the nice view. Once all waves are cleared, the boss will appear in this area. Oh...I just realized it would be a bit too easy if it was just the boss. I guess I'll have it throw out a few minions to help it. Your priority target will be the big guy, but clearing out the smaller guys from time to time will make things easier for you."



"All right, you got that? I'll let you know which area your current wave is in, so you don't wander around looking for the enemies. That said, any invaders will appear from the areas where the waves aren't, but still fairly close to where your team should be. Invaders can influence the portal to decide where exactly they'll initially show up but never right next to the enemy team. When you come back from causing havoc to the enemy team, you will appear in the center plains area whether you were defeated or not. Oh, and in case you were wondering, both arenas are the exact same. We're not playing favorites here."



"Well that about covers everything. Miss, your group agreed to let you be in Leon's team, right?"



"Yeah, there were no objections."



"Very well, you and Leon's group are assigned the arena just further ahead. The rest of you get this one you see right here. We'll start in just a few minutes. Make sure you're prepared, check your equipment, check that your abilities are working, check that you're wearing your lucky socks. It's too late to back down now and once we start, there will be no excuses."

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20 hours ago, Dumanios said:

Warrior's Hangout Main Lobby




While the other newcomers had went to the training area, Sasuke had remained in the Hangout Lobby. He wasn't expecting to see those newcomers for some time, but that was fine. Sasuke was used to being on his own. That said, he wanted to know more information about the Link World he'd found himself in. He turned toward Gordeau.


"Is there a computer I could use to find more information?"


By the time Sasuke turned toward Gordeau he had already left back to his duties. The only ones nearby were a Mech Hisui sweeping the floor nearby and Anna.



"We don't really have public computers here, but you're free to use your smartphone instead."





"My apologies in advance for...well...forcing myself on you."



"It's quite all right, Miss. It did quickly resolve our team numbers problem."



"I gotta ask though. Is there a reason why you left your group?"



"Real smooth, Johnny. This is one of those things you need to be more subtle about."



"Hey, I'm not the only one thinking about it."



"I don't want anyone here getting the wrong idea. Basically, I'm using this as a test of skill to my strategist abilities. If I can't figure out how to deal with someone I'm familiar with, how can I call myself a tactician?"



"If it means knowing what they can do, I'm up for it. Besides, they look pretty tough, I don't think we fresh graduates would stand a chance otherwise."



"Don't get used to this however. You're far more likely to have to figure out what the enemy is capable of on your own. You should consider yourselves fortunate this time around."



"Let's just pretend this time, we had scouts that were able to do their job pretty well."



"Before we do anything else, why don't we do some introductions first? My name is Leon."



"Name's Johnathan, you may call me Johnny for short."



"You may call me The swift wind."



"His name is Ricky. I'm Caroline or Carol for short."



"I'm A-Alena. Pleased to meet you."



"Still nervous, Alena? There's nothing to worry about."



"It's just...well....I'm not exactly the best at fighting. I know a few things, but the best I can do is make sure you're all ok."



"If your duty is to make sure we're ok, then our duty is to make sure you're ok. Ah...my apologies. My name is Lilith."



"Nice to meet you. Since Teach gave the OK, I guess you could fill us in on how we deal with your friends."



"Very well. Let's start with what the primary objective is. We need to defeat the enemies the drill will throw at us as fast as possible and defeat the boss at the end before they do. The only interaction that there will be with the other team is through these invasions."



"Yea, but those situations will always be 1 on 6 or 5 if both sides have someone on the other side. Whoever is on the enemy side will have it rough."



"Raph did say that the invader will be more durable than normal. It's possible they may have other advantages."



"Right, he also said that he will announce when someone is invading. It's very likely they're going to stick together in that time. That said, let's start with what they can all do individually."



"The big guy is named Anwalt, he's a close range fighter. He's rather rash and from what I've seen, he focuses on staying close. I have seen him lift parts of the ground however, I wouldn't be surprised if the throws a boulder at you, so be prepared to move out of the way when he does."



"Seems like someone better left to me."



"The rough looking woman is Melina and she shares a similar style to Anwalt. She's also very fast and can close the distance quickly. It's important to use your surrounding terrain to your advantage. However, she's really full of herself and can be overconfident, I believe it may be easy to taunt her into a trap."



"Let's see if she can match my speed and agility. I'll get her attention and keep her away."



"The scary looking devil looking guy is Umbra. He wields an Axe, so as you can imagine, he's another close range combatant. That said, there are two important things to know. First, he can summon beasts to search and attack, no doubt he'll summon them to sniff out whomever decides to invade them. Second of all, he's capable of flight, so the terrain won't be as effective."



"I'm sure his beasts won't be as easy to deal with as your typical game, but I think I can take them on. Plus if he's flying around, I'll shoot him down once I spot him."



"The colorful looking girl is Raina and is more of a long range specialist. She's able to fire plenty of magic projectiles to keep her enemies away. I think she may know a few things up close, but she clearly prefers to stay away from her enemy."



"Ouch, she sounds pretty rough to deal with. Ricky might able to weave around them and Leon can send them back to her, but the rest of us will have some trouble."



"I suspect she won't be one of the invaders, the first three I mentioned are more likely candidates just on the grounds that they're more blood knights and more willing to actually come to us for the sake of taking a shot at us."



"The young man is Lucent. He's going to be their healer, so he'll be a high value target for our invader. That said, he's no slouch in fighting. He can summon beasts just like Umbra as well, but he needs to concentrate more and can't move around as much when he does. I highly doubt he will be an invader as well simply due to being their healer."



"Wait, that means that when one of them comes to us, I'll be their primary target."



"Correct. It's important that you stay close to us so we have a better shot at defending you when they come.



"Finally, we have the dirty looking guy, Lightflare."



"Wait, Lightflare? As in, Hero of Kalos city Lightflare."



"You know him?"



"A lot of people seen the news when that incident happened. I think one of our classmates even wrote an essay about him. If he's one of our opponents, I can definitely see just what exactly we're up against."



"Don't think too much about it. He's just like the rest of us. At any rate, he's going to be a problem. He's versatile, so he'll be tough at any range. I believe someone that specializes at a particular range might do better than him if they stick to that range. He likes to "test" his opponents, so to speak, so he's prone into throwing his bigger moves when you least expect it. He'll be vulnerable if you manage to anticipate it and avoid it. That said, he likely spends a lot of time in that arena, so he's much more used to a traditional 1 on 1 meaning he likely isn't used to team fights. When we invade, he likely won't coordinate very well with his teammates, it might be worth trying to get him to accidentally hit his own team if there's a chance to do so. If he's the one invading, a well coordinated attack from us should get him off our hair quickly."



"All right, this does look pretty doable. Heh, we may have a shot at actually beating a legend here."



"As mentioned earlier, our only actual interactions will be through the invasions. Let's remember what the main goal of these are, to delay the enemy team. Ideally, taking out their healer would be best, but if you were to take down anyone else, that's time that have to waste healing a teammate to get them back in the fight. The proper course is to prioritize your own survival instead."



"While I understand that, it seems like a waste to be in their area and not take anyone down."



"Think of it this way. The invader can't be ignored because they're a threat. However, the longer an invader is in play the more time has to be spent dealing with them. Anyone focusing on the invader is someone that isn't focusing on the primary objective. An invader that has the enemy focused on them for the full 20 seconds will have done a better job than one that was able to take two of them but not their healer but was taken out quickly."



"Oh, I totally get ya. All right, guess I'll be doing the invading then."



"Well, you're one of my first choices, but I was thinking of switching them every time. Carol is someone I would consider as well. It'll be a while before they actually know where she would be, she could take a few shots at them in the mean time. Also, since she's farther away, the enemy will have to close in on her if they don't want to deal with her arrows which means they'll have to abandon being in range of the other enemies they have to defeat."



"Understood, I'll be sure to take at least one of them out."



"Now, when they invade us, we have to quickly identify who they sent and coordinate accordingly. Preferably, I would rather not have more than two focused on their invader while the rest continue dealing with the other enemies. Of course, if you see an opportunity to send their invader back, don't hesitate to do so. The faster they're out, the better."



"Well, one last thing. I know I spent all this time talking and making up plans, but don't follow it 100%. If you see a better option than anything I said, take it. Remember to be flexible at all times and adapt to the situation at hand. After all..."



"No combat plan ever survives actual combat."


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