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The Roleplay Paradise Redux: Fortis Novum Mundum

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1 minute ago, A person said:

As he tried to flip over her, she simply thrust her sword up at him, sighing as she did so.



Riva: You are wide open. Why have you left yourself wide open?


To serve as a distraction.


Edward proceeded to attempt to crush Riva with an anvil; Tommy successfully missed the anvil, but ended up getting a scar thanks to Riva's sword.

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Just now, NijikakuFan61 said:


To serve as a distraction.


Edward proceeded to attempt to crush Riva with an anvil; Tommy successfully missed the anvil, but ended up getting a scar thanks to Riva's sword.

Riva laughed as she dashed to the right of the attempted crushing, retaliating quickly with a roundhouse kick sent at Edward's torso to knock him away.



Riva: Oh, ho ho ho! How about I show you a true distraction next?!

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Just now, A person said:

Riva laughed as she dashed to the right of the attempted crushing, retaliating quickly with a roundhouse kick sent at Edward's torso to knock him away.



Riva: Oh, ho ho ho! How about I show you a true distraction next?!

Edward flipped himself while in the air so he would hit the wall feet-first, then summoned a trampoline in order to send himself back to Riva, aiming himself headfirst like a human bullet.

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13 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


Then let's go. Ma'am could you lead us to an available Arena?

The mecha maid bowed before leading the two to an arena.



"My records show no reservations for this arena. You are free to use this one."

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11 minutes ago, NijikakuFan61 said:

Edward flipped himself while in the air so he would hit the wall feet-first, then summoned a trampoline in order to send himself back to Riva, aiming himself headfirst like a human bullet.

Riva proceeded to step to the right of his trajectory and held out her sword horizontally, putting him at severe risk of literally cutting himself in half.



Riva: Too much gambling as well...maybe this is a lesson that has to be set in order?


She was anticipating another attempted surprise attack from this duo; to her, they were something very familiar.

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Just now, A person said:

Riva proceeded to step to the right of his trajectory and held out her sword horizontally, putting him at severe risk of literally cutting himself in half.



Riva: Too much gambling as well...maybe this is a lesson that has to be set in order as well?


She was anticipating another attempted surprise attack from this duo; to her, they were something very familiar.

Suddenly, Frank came in and flashed his camera at Riva in order to blind her temporarily; if that worked, Tommy would grab her from behind and suplex her.

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14 minutes ago, Darkflare said:

The mecha maid bowed before leading the two to an arena.



"My records show no reservations for this arena. You are free to use this one."

LightFlare steps into the arena...



Looks like it's time...



Don't hold back too much...it might cost ya...


LightFlare takes a defensive stance and awaits her first move...




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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Suddenly, Edward would be grabbed on the leg by one of the Mech Hisui saving him from being impaled. While Frank was taking the photo he would be grabbed by the same Mech Hisui and pulled back. Flare proceeded to approach the group.



"It's always the goddamn idiots that interrupt me."


He pointed toward Reva.



"You. Just because everyone must sign a release to be here doesn't mean you can endanger the lives of others like that, no mater what stupid move they make."


He the pointed toward Tommy and Edward.



"You two, get some REAL training before you get into a fight again."


He then pointed toward Frank



"And you, your concern for your friends is admirable but it doesn't give you a reason to interfere with their fight. That's considered a serious offense around here."



"If it wasn't that obvious, let me tell you directly. This fight's over."


If one were to look at some of the onlookers that gathered, they could spot that Ky was one of them.

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6 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:

LightFlare steps into the arena...



Looks like it's time...


  Reveal hidden contents




Don't hold back too much...it might cost ya...


LightFlare takes a defensive stance and awaits her first move...




"Chivalry will get you nowhere here."


She got into her stance, a burst of purple flames appearing in her right hand.

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1 minute ago, Darkflare said:

Suddenly, Edward would be grabbed on the leg by one of the Mech Hisui saving him from being impaled. While Frank was taking the photo he would be grabbed by the same Mech Hisui and pulled back. Flare proceeded to approach the group.



"It's always the goddamn idiots that interrupt me."


He pointed toward Reva.



"You. Just because everyone must sign a release to be here doesn't mean you can endanger the lives of others like that, no mater what stupid move they make."


He the pointed toward Tommy and Edward.



"You two, get some REAL training before you get into a fight again."


He then pointed toward Frank



"And you, your concern for your friends is admirable but it doesn't give you a reason to interfere with their fight. That's considered a serious offense around here."



"If it wasn't that obvious, let me tell you directly. This fight's over."


If one were to look at some of the onlookers that gathered, they could spot that Ky was one of them.

All too familiar with the enraged voice, Riva nodded solemnly and let out a depressed sigh. She shrugged.



Riva: I suppose I should have expected as much...maybe next time, Mister Tommy!


She chuckled again, looking back at the onlookers that had gathered, though her gaze fell upon Ky, causing her to stare at him for a few seconds too long before walking off, her sword dissolving in the air. She placed her hands upon her hips as she walked off, her usual smug look reappearing upon her face. 

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Damn... what a good fighter...


Tommy put a hand to his forehead, feeling something on it; he pulled his hand away from it immediately, only to grimace slightly.



Shit... blood... probably from that cut she gave me...


Tommy simply looked annoyed. So he had a new scar; how would that weaken him? He proceeded to stand up and walked out of the fight room.



Damnit... this probably isn't gonna go away for a long time...

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1 hour ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:




LightFlare sprints toward Ren...

Ren proceeded to do the same.


1 hour ago, A person said:

She chuckled again, looking back at the onlookers that had gathered, though her gaze fell upon Ky, causing her to stare at him for a few seconds too long before walking off, her sword dissolving in the air. She placed her hands upon her hips as she walked off, her usual smug look reappearing upon her face. 



(That cold look on her. Could I have possibly wronged her at some point?)



As Flare had the Mech Hisui escort the "brothers" out, he took note of Frank's camera



"You actually good with that thing? I'll let this little incident slide if you do a job for me."

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On 15/08/2017 at 3:02 PM, Infinite Kyo said:


As Morrigan and Kiryu continue walking they are suddenly are stopped by a group of about 10 young people who then asked if they could get some pictures taken with Morrigan it seemed they had mistaken her for a cosplayer and seem really insistent on It

nxL2oey.png-they seem to think you are a cosplayer haha

fV5x7My.png-my word.....well I shouldn't disappoint them then (its not like I can tell them I am a real succubus that would just cause a commotion)

Kiryu then spots a public bathroom

nxL2oey.png-well you do that i'll be back in a second

3pp2M59.png-alright then I'll still be here when you get back

Morrigan starts posing for the group and nudges in the middle for some group photos

G7wIom0.png-sheesh she seems waay to into that

A couple of minutes later after Kiryu goes to wash his hands two men dressed in cheap suits one in black and one in grey and with very pissed off looks on their faces walk into the public bathroom Kiryu glances at them through the mirror

q8pAcd6.png-(hmm they seem like Yakuza.....but could they be? why would they be here......it seems like a shakedown they might be aiming for me geez figures knowing my luck lets see if I can get out of this without knocking their teeth out

The men glared at Kiryu one pulled out a knife and the other cracked his knuckles Kiryu judging their body language lets out a sigh

yNnxAtZ.png-well this isn't gonna end well....for them 

Yakuza #1-hehe give us all your damn money asshole

Yakuza #2-you don't look that tough huh just give us it and we'll let you leave with all your teeth

J8QGH53.png- heh so it is a shakedown and its two on one huh? COME ON THEN!!

the first man lunges at Kiryu with a knife with his left but throws a punch with his right Kiryu grabs his left arm and then grabs the kife out of his hand he then proceeds to stab him in the ribs and use his knee to drive the knife into his stomach 

http://imgur.com/aWUbKnN-gif of what happens


Yakuza #2-you bastard 

the 2nd Yakuza rushes Kiryu getting ready to throw a punch but Kiryu then  grabs him and smothers his face in the Urinal and then SMASHES HIS FACE INTO THE URINAL

http://imgur.com/JVIrO2V-what happened 

J8QGH53.png-heh that'll teach ya you wont die from those wounds....at least i dont think

Kiryu then walks out of the public bathroom but then Morrigan was nowhere to be seen 

PmNJ53f.png-jeez where did that woman go now? dammit Morrigan...well guess id better head to that place....the warriors hangout or something maybe she went ahead of me

Kiryu then walks off in search of the supposed meeting place everyone was

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Location: The Warrior's Hangout - Lobby

Agni Artwaltz, Magnum Alexandria and Seraph Artwaltz


After getting the necessary explanation, Magnum went back to Agni. He wasn't counting that Seraph was also there, though.



Magnum: Agni, I got the forms-


Magnum: GAH!! S-Sir Seraph, sir?!


Seraph: Magnum.


Magnum: *salutes* Y-Yes sir! Nothing has happened to General Agni ever since we arrived here, sir!


Seraph: Calm yourself down. I'm not questioning you anything.

Magnum: Yes, Sir Seraph! I shall do as you command!

Seraph: ... It's hopeless.


Agni: You have the fame of being really cold, brother. Maybe he's still believing that he shouldn't start being friendly around you too.


Seraph: Yeah, I know. Still, it's been such a long time, I'd wish he could speak to me as he speaks to you.


Agni: Who knows. Anyway, let's fill the forms, Magnum.

Magnum: Yes, Sir Agni, sir!


Agni: Enough with the "Sir" treatment, you know I hate that!


Magnum: M-My bad...


They both began to fill their forms.


Elizabeth Bathory and Mirfah


BGM: The Blood Countess (Fate/EXTRA CCC)


As she was filling her form (which she got quietly as the clerk was busy explaining), Elizabeth watched Riva against Tommy and Edward. The fight was a little intense, but Darkflare stopped it before it could end.



Lize: (Riva was really skilled. I'm actually impressed. Tommy and Edward on the other hand... ugh, what a horrible display of idiocy.)


Mirfah: That girl sure was strong. But what the heck those two were using to hit her.


Mirfah's comment matched her insight. However, this was a sign she couldn't just stay behind and watch. So, without further ado...



Lize: it's payback time, Mirfah! I challenge you to a battle!


Mirfah: Huh?!


Her proclamation was loud enough to call the attention of the others. She was actually getting pumped for this!


Lize: What's the matter? Scared?


Mirfah: No, that's not it It's just... are you still mad?!


Lize: If I am or if I'm not, it doesn't matter. Now, what is your answer to my challenge?!


Mirfah: ... Fine. Like I said before, I'm on it!


Lize: I hope you can provide me a good, entertaining fight.


Lize walked and handled her form to the clerk. Mirfah followed suit and gave his as well. Soon, Agni and Magnum also came with their forms filled, handing them as well. Seraph walked towards Darkflare.



Seraph: ... Darkflare, I need to speak with you. (@Darkflare)



Location: Aromatic Corner Café


BGM: Elegant Summer (Melty Blood)


The café's interior was beautiful and relaxing. It reminded her of how beautiful her dining hall was back at the Bariura Castle. Either way, she cut all ties with the royal family by betraying them, so that wasn't something important.



Melina: I'd have some black tea, please. And thank you, Sir Kimimuri. (@DuckMannnn)


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9 hours ago, Darkflare said:

Female clerk: Thank you.

The clerk typed in the info and handed the passes after a few minutes.


Female clerk: Here are your member passes. It's not only for entry, but it also stores your training information so you can keep track of progress. Make sure not to lose them! If you have no further questions then that will be all. Welcome to the hangout.


   As they got their passes, they saw Riva's fight against Tommy and it's rather abrupt conclusion.



Ryuko: Geez, Talk about pragmatism. That camera guy really shouldn't have interfered. Does he even know what a duel even means?


Etomo: For once I agree with you.


Ryuko: Speaking of duels...How about we finish what we started back at our world?


Etomo: I refuse. I'm interested in someone else now. 


    Then, Etomo heads to the arena where Lightflare is fighting Ren.



Ryuko: Abandoning me like this...I thought we were rivals...I THOUGHT WHAT WE HAD WAS SPECIAL!!!


Jude: Hehehehe...


Ryuko: Alright then...Creepy Doc, I would like to fight you!


Jude: Why me? Also, can you please stop with that nickname? People will have a bad impression about me.


Ryuko: Don't like it? FITE ME!


Jude: You're being immatu...


Jude: Actually...sure, I'll fight you.


Ryuko: Now that's more like it!


     Ryuko then, spoke to one of the Mechs.



Ryuko: I would like to reserve an arena too!



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1 hour ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Location: Aromatic Corner Café


BGM: Elegant Summer (Melty Blood)


The café's interior was beautiful and relaxing. It reminded her of how beautiful her dining hall was back at the Bariura Castle. Either way, she cut all ties with the royal family by betraying them, so that wasn't something important.



Melina: I'd have some black tea, please. And thank you, Sir Kimimuri. (@DuckMannnn)


kirimuri_close_up_by_duckmann18-dbk9kb4."No problem. There's no need to call me sir though. I'm only in my early 20's..."


Kirimuri heads to the table near the window then sits comfortably on a chair.

kirimuri_close_up_by_duckmann18-dbk9kb4."Aaaaaaaah... Feels great. Let's head to this hangout where the other is later. I need to pass by the bank first to exchange some more money though..."


He tilts his head at the young girl and asks:

portrait_edit_idk_by_duckmann18-dbjeko9."Tell me a bit about yourself... I'm curious about who you are."


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(Damnit... did I really just make an ass out of myself in so many people AND get a permanent scar? Shit...)


Tommy got a slap upside the head by Edward.



H - hey! What was that for!?


Edward: I can't believe I'm fucking saying this, but...


Edward pointed right in Tommy's face. Cue the yelling.




Edward wasn't done just yet; he turned over to Frank.



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3 hours ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:


(Here we go!) Hmmph...


LightFlare waits till he's close to Ren and rolls low toward Ren.

Ren continued her rush, grabbing Light out of his roll and proceeding to carry him to the wall in a way reminiscent of a Bernstein.


2 hours ago, Agni Blackheart said:


Seraph: ... Darkflare, I need to speak with you.


"Hopefully, it's nothing too serious. What's on your mind, Seraph?"

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30 minutes ago, Darkflare said:

Ren continued her rush, grabbing Light out of his roll and proceeding to carry him to the wall in a way reminiscent of a Bernstein.





LightFlare hits the wall and the ground but immediately tech-rolls behind Ren and fires a blast at point blank range.



Light Burst!!




Do your best to become stronger. Become stronger, so you can do your best

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27 minutes ago, LightFlare_Da_Realest said:




LightFlare hits the wall and the ground but immediately tech-rolls behind Ren and fires a blast at point blank range.



Light Burst!!



Ren braces herself to block the blast. She then proceeds to attempt to grab and slam him on the ground.

19 minutes ago, Mister Fael said:



Ryuko: Today! Right now!


"I believe an arena just recently opened up. Please follow me."

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