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Toriel by MEGA_X released (09/20/16)


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I have checked out the character btw, and here's my feedback so far:


- There's a illegal bindtime for explods in QCF_a or b attacks both on p1 and p2

- Taunt's first frame is kind of speedy (like just 2 ticks)

- There's a default mugen hyper animation in hyper attacks 

- Fire hit animations are kind of not great looking

- 9000,0 sprite is not like the default one, but that can be ignored.


Character's pretty solid in my opinion, also the sprite work is amazing as well.

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30 minutes ago, Lord M said:

You forgot to mention that she has bloated health. 2000.

Im guessing because she like a boss character so the author decided to give her that much Life points, however that can be easily adjusted.....


MARVEL VS. TOUHOU !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!   :awesome

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5 minutes ago, IDGCaptainRussia said:

It's amazing how some of the worst characters I've ever seen are undertale character, but yet they get so much prause.


Not this, or 4th's Paparus of course! hahe!

because there great outside of mugen, but once they enter mugen they enter shit.

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I know, I'm saying it's the fandom that gets them fame, characters shit or not. That's the only drive I can see for them doing them (not fourth wall of course, he puts in EFFORT)

I think this Toriel is in that good company, the sprites alone already speak for quality, even if not perfect gameplay.


It's the same story with FNAF animations, alot of them are shit, but they get alot more attention then they should.


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  • 1 month later...

Bumping because she had a V2 version released... At some point. Supposedly fixes the biggest issue you can have with a KoF character and supposedly balances her out.



...I guess. Need to get a link, though.

Everything close to me fades away. (Insert emoji here)


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