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Regarding download links from a certain Mugen warehouse


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10 hours ago, 140? said:

this is just a fair warning.

Hey! no need to threat Rice on this Man! >:-(


Its about the MFFA and the mugen community itself on this situation so we believe its the right thing to do. Considering now a days with viruses and Hackers can easily  destroy the Database with ease  and can also effect others especially does who Creates Mugen content that had work hard for years. Also these forum communities are well payed for by owners and it be devastating to them if anything happens to their foundations.


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1 hour ago, Galvatron said:

Hey! no need to threat Rice on this Man! >:-(


Its about the MFFA and the mugen community itself on this situation so we believe its the right thing to do. Considering now a days with viruses and Hackers can easily  destroy the Database with ease  and can also effect others especially does who Creates Mugen content that had work hard for years. Also these forum communities are well payed for by owners and it be devastating to them if anything happens to their foundations.

He wasnt threatening Rice at all. By fair warning, he meant a reminder.

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Ryoucchi beat me to it but yeah, his post wasn't directed at anyone in particular, nor was he threatening anyone. He was referring to the fact that several people over on MFG got banned from MA either because they asked to have their content removed or because of their affiliation with MFG (and in some cases, with MFFA as well, as both MFG and MFFA are now censored on their forums.)

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12 minutes ago, Ryoucchi said:

He wasnt threating Rice at all. By fair warning, he meant a reminder.


8 minutes ago, Ricepigeon said:

Ryoucchi beat me to it but yeah, his post wasn't directed at anyone in particular, nor was he threatening anyone. He was referring to the fact that several people over on MFG got banned from MA either because they asked to have their content removed or because of their affiliation with MFG (and in some cases, with MFFA as well)

Oh I see..... Sorry... -_-


 i just get offensive to people that goes against those who doing and making right judgement on the situation..


but I understand my bad yall.. :-)




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On 16/06/2016 at 7:17 AM, Lord Batros said:

 never got a virus

never got virus from adfly either and they're now very common on youtube or mmv

they just annoy because it makes you wait but other than that no problem ever

dunno what this is all about nor why everyone goes batshit about it



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Looks like MA has decided to take things to a new level;




"MFG owner has decided to ignore my warning about the copyright strike.


We recommend everyone to start backing up whatever content was posted on mfg through third party web hosting services such as mediafire, etc... in violation of their respective TOS. It is likely all of the links posted on MFG will die in the next weeks.


MFG owner has decided to go in an all out war. Until now we've only defended ourselves against attacks, but seeing how he is not willing to stop these attacks, it's time for him to face the consequences.  =/ "



Source: http://mugenarchive.com/forums/showthread.php?3718-General-adfly-thread&p=9939#post9939


Oh and he also posted a dox on one of the people he banned, to make matters worse.

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12 minutes ago, Ricepigeon said:

Oh and he also posted a dox on one of the people he banned, to make matters worse.

I honestly didn't think this could escalate too much further, but wow.

What the fuck

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8 hours ago, Ricepigeon said:

Looks like MA has decided to take things to a new level;



Source: http://mugenarchive.com/forums/showthread.php?3718-General-adfly-thread&p=9939#post9939


Oh and he also posted a dox on one of the people he banned, to make matters worse.



I have bad feeling about this situation.....  -_-


Lets us hope we keep things together here on MFFA before it get worst. 


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That's just messed up. Hope they read my message and re-consider this thing or the whole MUGEN community will be doomed ))):



Yeah, i doubt their plan will actually work out, lol. It's just like that time Boreweed tried to contact Mediafire to take down a file from my MF for "violation" reason.


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I still want to know their valid reason on why I was permanently IP banned on their site a few months ago. It's an unfair justification and I really think that was uncalled for.


Anyway, Dizzy/BladeArt is just talking out of its ass, and posting a dox on one of the MFG members shows much of a careless and immature piece of trash he really is. That's a felony on his part and he should be reported.


On a side note: I had to revert my name back due to a huge misunderstanding and confusion.

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@Ryoucchi @Ricepigeon It would seem that Dizzy has tried to point a finger at Rice about the whole dox thing, said he was spreading rumors about it, he also said he (Rice) was trying to drag MFFA into this conflict. He actually wanted Ryon to give him a warning. Messed up indeed. I copied his response to Ryoucchi's post on that thread in the spoiler tab below



Don't worry Ryoucchi, I will not report mfa links, only mfg ones, they need to learn their lesson or they won't stop coming at us.
We have no issue with mfa, except with that RicePigeon individual who is spreading dox rumors.
We issued no dox except regarding the individual who posted a malware attack, and we did it because we were asked to publish details.
We will also publish a copy of mfg copyright strike, and some of the IP logs of the brute-force attacks on our staff members accounts.
Because apparently there are people believing we aren't being attacked and that's just our imagination.
The only thing I will not publish is OldGamer's post in the internal forum, because it involves private issues.

I believe Ryon is a good person, so please ask him to give RicePigeon a warning, because it seems to me he's trying to drag mfa into this war


He's a direct link to the page of that thread if you want to see for yourself http://mugenarchive.com/forums/showthread.php?3718-General-adfly-thread/page4

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People getting banned,
People being threatened for no reason,
People facing the potential infection of their PC's, and all I can say is this:

I has it. I know this because I face not the issues you have with MA.


Sack Tapping is Bad News, kids.

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1 hour ago, horrorship said:

I'm posting on this thread to see how fast I'll get banned from that certain warehouse.

Also, god bless uBlock.

Don't worry you won't get Banned like that here....... :-P


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This can all be resolved with one simple solution, and they decided to act like spoiled brats and try to force everyone to let them have their way with threats and actions that will cause them...no...the MUGEN community as a whole significantly more grief than ever. I have to admit, it is going a bit far calling them names and such even if you are upset at what they're doing, but even then, NOTHING they do is justified in ANY way, and what they intend on doing is not only extremely stupid, it may cause so much trouble that they might not even have a warehouse anymore if they succeed because OOPS! Copyright issues! They really need to think LONG AND HARD about their actions before acting like incompetent brats who want their way even if it puts people's property in danger.


EDIT: After reading a bit more, I can understand how they're reacting, so perhaps the vulgarity of this post is a bit much. Allow me to state, in less harsh and much simpler words, how I feel about it: Neither side is justified in what they're doing, so a compromise needs to be reached between all parties instead of them slinging mud at each other and committing malicious acts to "get back" at one another. If they reach a compromise, then I am sure that this whole thing will blow over quickly and the entire community will remain intact.

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