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Characters you used to LIKE but DON'T anymore....


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This is gonna be a bit weird for me but I have to say Marvel and DC comic characters.


Keep in mind that these comic genre's for mugen are what brought me into mugen creating. So this is really ironic for me since now I absolutely hate Marvel/DC comics in mugen. I don't know I guess it just wore off for me or maybe it's that now it just looks like Mexican wrestler costumes (no offense to mexican wrestlers) with super powers. It's odd but I guess i grew out of it; which is weird considering I prefer more childish things like Pokemon mugen and Nintendo mugen :P


I don't like Batman or the Avengers like I used to, maybe it has to do with Hollywood messing with that? I don't know but in mugen, i don't feel it anymore and I hardly care about it...


What are some character mugen types you used to like but don't anymore?


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1 minute ago, Zio said:

homer simpson and peter griffin. i raised my standards since then

I never liked their gameplay either. It was awesome that they were the famous characters for mugen but they could have had better moves and specials. The ones they have right now are hardly memorable or even useful as specials can go.


I hope warner can remix them or someone else with alternate specials.


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One cheap KH Mickey and some other cheap Kingdom Hearts characters I still have but being so simple and broken, I tired of em, those were the only chars I knew how to play as and Mugen itself was getting a little boring, until I looked on tons of sites and found out about Nijikaku, now those chars will never get old to me.

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On 2/22/2016 at 2:49 PM, W' XI UM said:

A depressing amount of IMT and MMV characters.

We were surprisingly similar for different reasons. I can see that. I respect your honesty.


They were great for new stuff but at the same time most stuff just didn't really stick around for too long. It's a hiccup in a lot of Mugen Forums/websites. That's probably 90% of Mugen in general though. A lot of nice ideas but hardly long lasting unless it's a staple character rip conversion.


Some good stuff is typically rare and only comes once in a great while regardless if you are a fan or not. It's tough to find this stuff sometimes to. Mugen is a lot of work in general, both for the creator and the player.



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- Warner & JudgeSpear's Homer. Was kinda fun to play as for a while, but the fact that he was nothing more than just a Iori clone with a SGS & Road Roller made me not like him as much. Not helping was me seeing him being used in videos everywhere, which usually had him using the same moves over and over.


- Placemario's Spongebob (the 2nd one). Granted I had lower standards when this came out that raised overtime, but even back then there were a few bugs I noticed. It should be noted however they didn't keep me from completely disliking him, as he was one of my guilty pleasures back then that i would use every now and then. While definitely not the worst, I don't consider him very good now and wouldnt add him to any of my rosters unless I had to. (why? spammable assists, useless moves, the 0-startup 0-cooldown Super Brawl 2 kick, etc.)


- Lots of Pokemon characters, most notably Dshiznetz's Pokemon. Like spongebob above they're not the worst, but the bugs in them decreased my enjoyment of the characters.


- Some of The_None's old stuff (when he was Most_Mysterious). Kinda funny back then, not so much now. I do appreciate that he managed to sneak in a Cartoon Planet soundclip into Dooby Dummy, though

go back up!

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Beximus' characters like a decade before I actually got into MUGEN. However, ever since I have gotten into MUGEN and tried both his stuff and everyone else who uses his template (kenshiro99, ShinZankuro, etc), that's changed to an extreme 180 degree as they are some of my most hated type of MUGEN characters out there.


I'd probably also include Toma and Kuri in the sense that I'm not really into them like I was when I watched videos featured them a while back because while I've always acknowledged them to be broken, my actual reason for them falling out of my favor is that they haven't aged very well.

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On 12/3/2016 at 12:27 PM, XXXAstartesXXX said:

CVS styled characters. I used to like the gameplay then I got bored with it

Same here, especially the "POTS-style" chars. I liked them when thi started but later got oversaturated of them, and not just Capcom chars, even toon or stickman chars have POTS-style, which makes me reject this "CVS-like" gameplay for real. Not to mention my intent to jump into the bandwagon with Rose and other chars I tried to make in this style, but I couldn't manage it and later stand it, so I ditch out this template from my chars for good.


Anyway, I still enjoying some creators with this style like DivineWolf, but not much as before as said above

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