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MFFA's Ask a User Thread (Ask OxyontheWolf)


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- What's the most frustrating fighting game boss you've beat?

- What's the most fun/enjoyable fighting game boss you've beat?

- What are some of your favorite fighting game stages?


- Who's your least favorite Servant to fight in F/GO?

- What Servants are you still trying to obtain in F/GO?


- Interested in any games coming out later this year?


- There's a new Fate fighting game where you can play as any Servant, chose what class they are and pick any Master as an assist. Who would your team consist of?


That One Zio said:

a furious as fuck shoto against a dictator that's supposed to be dead but came back for no raisin

The King and the Zio said:

invisible sonic booms are the way of the future

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3 hours ago, ゴーストキラー said:

- What's the most frustrating fighting game boss you've beat?

- What's the most fun/enjoyable fighting game boss you've beat?

- What are some of your favorite fighting game stages?


- Who's your least favorite Servant to fight in F/GO?

- What Servants are you still trying to obtain in F/GO?


- Interested in any games coming out later this year?


- There's a new Fate fighting game where you can play as any Servant, chose what class they are and pick any Master as an assist. Who would your team consist of?

-Probably Saiki from KOFXIII (I suck at KOF)
-Not sure really.

-Not sure about this one either since there are so many awesome stages.


-As of the Saber Wars event, Nikola Tesla.

-Scathach (whenever they bring her back), Okita Souji/Sakura Saber (whenever they bring her back), Karna (when Chapter 5 is released), Mysterious Heroine X (If I can get her by the time this event ends), Sakata Kintoki (when they bring him back), Vlad III, Jack the Ripper, Nero Claudius (because she has a good revival skill), Saber Alter (I need more gold Sabers) are some I can think of off the top of my head.


-Probably UNIEL's Steam release


-Tamamo no Mae because she's cute and.....well I dunno about which master

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2 hours ago, sonikun said:

What's your favorite anime?


Of all the masters in the Fate series, who's your favorite?


Worst Video game you've ever played?


Do you like pizza?


As of right now, probably Phantom World

All-time favorite. Hmmm...Wish I knew.


Kiritsugu Emiya (for the obvious reasons)


I don't really play bad games often. I mostly just watch other people play bad games.


Yes, I do like pizza.


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- How long have you been spriting for?

- Do you have any inspirations when it comes to spriting?

- What's your favorite sprite style?


- What do you like most about the MUGEN community?

- Is there anyone from the MUGEN community you'd like to meet in person?


- Are there any countries or places you would like to visit at some point?


- Alter, Lily, Extra or normal?

- Just because you're correct...

- Second best Lancer?

- Kotomine Kirei versus Kiritsugu Emiya, who would win?

- People die if.... 


That One Zio said:

a furious as fuck shoto against a dictator that's supposed to be dead but came back for no raisin

The King and the Zio said:

invisible sonic booms are the way of the future

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18 minutes ago, ゴーストキラー said:

- How long have you been spriting for?

- Do you have any inspirations when it comes to spriting?

- What's your favorite sprite style?


- What do you like most about the MUGEN community?

- Is there anyone from the MUGEN community you'd like to meet in person?


- Are there any countries or places you would like to visit at some point?


- Alter, Lily, Extra or normal?

- Just because you're correct...

- Second best Lancer?

- Kotomine Kirei versus Kiritsugu Emiya, who would win?

- People die if.... 

-Since April, but my first sprites were really bad and I don't want to remember them.

-Other people's sprites and designs that I like

-As of right now the DBFC/UNIEL style


-(Some) people's creativity.

-Ryoucchi, for being one of the best friends I could have.


-Not sure actually, I mean I'd rather make sure the place is safe first before I actually want to go there.


-Why not all of them?

-Doesn't mean you're right

-Lancer Alter huehuehuehue

-I feel like it would end in a draw

-They are killed

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7 minutes ago, Niitris said:

Where do you get your ideas for stages?


3 waifus more people should know about?

-Mostly from the games I play.


-UH....Well there's Aty from Summon Night 3, Nozomi from Love Live, aaaaaaaand......I want to say Homura from Senran Kagura, but I'm not really sure for that series yet.

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10 minutes ago, Agni Blackheart said:

For now, these are my questions.


- Let's say you will became a Servant. Which class and who would you like to be your Master?

- Which is your 2nd favorite Servant class and which Servant made you like it?

-Never really thought about it. Probably Lancer? As for Master...hmmm....no idea.

-Caster probably. Tamamo no Mae/Caster Extra made me like it.

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- Fighting game characters you wish had a good conversion in mugen?

- Non fighting game characters you wish had a good conversion in mugen?

- When are we going to play Ikemen again?

- Have you ever mained a character that was not originally from a fighting game?


Edit: Oops, I guess I was 2 minutes too late :c

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29 minutes ago, BrawlTheMan said:

- Fighting game characters you wish had a good conversion in mugen?

- Non fighting game characters you wish had a good conversion in mugen?

- When are we going to play Ikemen again?

- Have you ever mained a character that was not originally from a fighting game?


Edit: Oops, I guess I was 2 minutes too late :c

nah it's cool, I bet our good old pal Jedi Saber Girl will answer those

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3 hours ago, Ricepigeon said:

Thread title updated.

For the sake of fairness, everyone who was picked prior to July 2015 is now eligible again. List on the first page has been updated to reflect this.

okay, so let the questions begin! it's Oxyon's time!

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1 hour ago, MissingLuigi said:

What is your favorite video game?




that questoin is hard...I'd go for ANY fighting games, namely the Smash Saga, and for RPGs Pokemon, I like mah nerntendoes

3 hours ago, Mister Fael said:

Is the chatroom dead?

but what if chat isn't kill? (cue Faze clan intro)

4 hours ago, Ryoucchi said:

Top 3 ultra kaiju, and why

do Seijin count?

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