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... thats all. im still hobo ryon


P.S. Seriously due to issues uncontrolable by GAWD.

Laharl is the only acting member of the staff that will be online day and almost night.

So as much as he may be a dick still or not. Please respect him as someone who not only has power to help you, but as a friend who is willing to help.


Im sure no one would respect him like they do me, but I ask please try to.


That being said, again If he turns into assface, or straight up threatens to use his powers, or talks about his powers, please PM the both of us in a "Group PM"

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I was originally gonna make this a topic but its the wrong place. I have no other place to put this


This topic may have been intended for attention, but it was treated terribly becaus eof the poster and not because of the content.
Let me list why I am utter loss of words for how terrible this thread was handled. This was straight up censorship. This was someone posting an update in his life, and instead he was met by direct ridicule for holding religious beliefs and then marginalized over real life issues because of fucking mugen creations. This was vile. The man is clearly depressed and you are making things worse not by locking because this is a clear call for help, but because he brings up his religion.
A) Laharl I like you man but your post is not only wholly ignorant, disgustingly judgmental, and clearly bearing past prejudice and bias- it is also totally irrelevant. AxSeeker talks about preaching locally, giving up parts of his lifestyle, the crossroads he is at- and you ahve the gall to completely shit all over him with some completely irrelevant crap about his MUGEN career. What does his charcatres have to do with this. Why are you making such huge assumptions?
Your evidence for your claims are not evidence. They are pure conjecture. You think his story is bogus simply because his charaters are bad, and instead of just dismissing everything as attention-seeking, you also dismiss it as being completely false. How demeaning do you think it is to a person that their life is marginalized and seen as a total lie, becaus ethey made some free content people disliked. I am ashamed of your behavior.
B) All other posters in the thread that weren't staff. "Religion thread?" what the hell?? Is there any sort of rule against this, or was this made totally to bar AxSeeker from having a voice> Why does a man's faith being cited make this a religion thread. Was he asking to discuss his religion? Was he forcing you to adhere to it. Take a few steps back and reread the thread, and think about the fact a moment someone mentions religion youre all sqwaking "RELIGION THREAD! LOCK! LOCK!" This is on a basic human level disrespectful to the idea of religious freedom. This is you asking to lock a thread because someone is who he is. Shameful.
C) This adressed to Ryon's behavior, while I accept him locking the thread was in theory correct. Locking a thread because it is a gamer forum and someone had the gall to bring up their religion in a thread in an offtopic section of your forum is the wrong way to do it. People talk about their lives everyday, is this a problem? Is this worthy of being censored? Did AxKeeper beg for anything? Did people even read this damn thread? You locked a personal update thread for no reason. This is a personal update akin with your thread about being homeless. There is no difference to me. Please have a little compassion as people did for you when you were homeless.
TL;DR: Ax's thread should never have been locked for the reasons it did. It should not have been locked because he brings up religion, but because he is clearly depressed, or trying to get attention. the only people who made the thread bad are those who expected him to do something bad. I am utterly disgusted.
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I had other reasons actually ax has done this crap multiple times on our forum ume. This was not his first offense. it might as well be a rule on religion threads. Yeah Ryon does not want that on our forum I don't either. It just starts arguments. he made the thread to grab attention to himself it was not an update trust me on that one. I really don't know how best to explain this but Ax caused some real problems and it was locked to prevent a shitstorm from happening. there was more to it than just that one post he made trust me on that it was a staff agreement to lock it for the most part.


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It was also a big fat lie. OK, so he might be religious, big whoop, but he talked about leaving MUGEN, selling his computers and all that, yet he's still actively working on his MUGEN full game. Funny that. That doesn't sound like the activity of someone who's selling his stuff to become a missionary.


Also, this isn't Facebook.

FXhJiHL.png XslF5vn.png malcsRF.png

Project LG said:

God knows you shit out characters like a friggin' gumball machine.

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If it was a mistake to post whatever I did earlier then don't worry about it. It won't happen anymore. Though I posted this for a reason so others would know that I decided to come back given the circumstances now.


The thread was made merely to answer any questions anyone might have had about me who might be wondering why I am back again.


I could have just posted my new games but then the questions would come up anyway and I would be forced to answer them in those threads. At least this way the locked topic answers everything now for me.



I'm just moving on now and only focusing on mugen, my little distraction.


Also to answer GarchompMatt, I'm using a computer that does not belong to me but that I have access to from other family. My computers are down.






Also leave that thread locked about my update. I like to just forget everything and continue doing mugen only. Now lets not discuss this anymore. It's over now.


Lets all just go back to having fun.


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Anyone curious enough, would have just PM'd you. I think that's the only point trying to be made here. It wasn't worth a full topic, because it ended up attracting "shitposting" behaviors in members.

It's better contained in one thread rather than in my releases. Pm is fine but public threads clear everything up and quick for everybody to see. Maybe I'll link that thread to my sig? That way no one will bring it up again or ask either if they missed it.


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ok so its clear ax says hes done with his past stuff. If he doesn't do it anymore there won't be anymore issues. I suppose I could of handled it a bit differently but it wasn't just me that decided this.


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Pardon me for being back on topic

Laharl is a mod again... Prepare the bunkers.


Yup. He's so bad that if he gets a pain in his neck, he doesn't go to the chiropractor, he throws himself out the window.
"Hump... be right back...." *drops 40 stories* "Feel better now."

Geese's doctor calls it "fall king Kong therapy."


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Umezono, I'm not saying I disagree with you, but I was one of the ones with whom Laharl consulted prior to the lock. The Lock was put in place not because of his religious beliefs, but because the thread was attracting the wrong kind of behavior. I don't blame Ax for that or anyone else. It's just the way things turned out. Evidence of this was apparent after the first post. No one was going to accept the thread for what it was. It was only going to lead to more derailment.

On top of that, there's a reason why there's kind of an unspoken rule in conversation: You shouldn't discuss religion. It's a controversial topic; one that historical wars have been fought over. Actions taken were a mere attempt at keeping the peace. These were my reasons for allowing him to lock the thread or I would have told him otherwise.



-[Все слова это только слова.]-

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@Ume: I already explained my reasoning on Skype but I'll post it here for convenience sake. I was kind of on the fence regarding this situation. On one hand, we have Ax posting a thread flaunting his religion and trying to garner attention, which he had done in the past both here and on MFG (Yes, I know using off-site behavior as a justification for moderator action is an iffy situation). On the other hand, I wanted to avoid exactly the kind of situation that you're describing right now, which is why I left it open. In addition to that, I was also under the impression that Laharl brought up this topic for discussion in the staff section, then I found out he didnt, so I went ahead and brought it up in a thread over there, as I would have preferred a democratic consensus with the staff to determine the fate of Ax's thread, hence why I left it open and also posted a stern warning. By the time I made the discussion thread in the staff section, I found out that Laharl had already locked Ax's thread, without any kind of prior knowledge or consensus. I would have been fine with either outcome, but I do agree that Laharl was a bit too hasty here.

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