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Jack-M (Gun Jack Clone) Released By Chuchuryu.


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What weird now is, Thomas why you name this character as Gun Jack? This is clearly not Gun Jack, this is Jack from his original appearance. Even Chucho's know that.


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Isn't gunjack bigger, because this looks like a edit off Heavy D from king of fighters.

Here the image of Gun Jack


See, Gun Jack is more robot appearance than the normal Jack. So I don't know why Thomas name it as Gun Jack while this Chucho's character is clearly a normal Jack.


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Wouldn't this be a fan edited version of him since he is call Jack-M? -_-

LOL! Nah, that just him wanted to call this as a Jack-M since this is Jack in mugen, kinda like Jack in Street Fighter x Tekken, Jack was name as Jack-X.


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I could be wrong but I think it's because his MO is to first make a gazillion unfinished characters (because he has tons of characters he'd like to see in M.U.G.E.N.) and then he will (so he says) update them all. Whether they're complete after said update(s) is another story entirely.


This signature would not have been possible without the combined efforts of RyoucchiZenesis. All credit goes to them for making this!

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Wouldn't this be a fan edited version of him since he is call Jack-M? -_-

In Tekken, Jack gets upgraded every game, thus he's named Jack- whatever Tekken number it's on(Exceptions being 3 as it was Gun Jack, the Tag games which use the last Jack that appeared[2 and 6], 4 which he didn't show up at all[but was the model that self destructed on Heihachi in T5's intro.] and Revolution [which uses TTT2 assets and thus the Jack in TR is Jack-6 again])

Capcom took notice of this and referenced it with Jack-X for the Street Fighter x Tekken version. Chuchonryu naming it Jack-M is rather clever. Too bad this is Chuchoryu though. No need to repeat why this is bad.

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I could be wrong but I think it's because his MO is to first make a gazillion unfinished characters (because he has tons of characters he'd like to see in M.U.G.E.N.) and then he will (so he says) update them all. Whether they're complete after said update(s) is another story entirely.

His whole logic on that sucks.... Why keep on doing this?.... Why so he can be the first... Why make them and dont even give them any damn moves... If he would just work on 1 at a time he could actually finish them. 


There is no point of making characters that dont even have special moves or super moves or anything..... Its just plain out dumb... And why... just so he can say he made them first?....


I think he needs motivation.... Yep that's exactly what he needs. Think I'll be taking one of his character's sprites and show him how it's supposed to be done... The RIGHT WAY.... 


Using Guile's legs was a good base I guess, but it still looks like guile's legs in general.... Like half of Guile's stance.... Like come on man....


Stop listening to those guys at multiverse, and listen to people who know what their talking about Chuchoryu


These things are barely even betas, their more like Alphas 

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Latelly the guys at Mugen Multiverse have been showing to be an Infinity Mugen 2.0.


Lately almost anything I've downloaded from there is almost on Infinity Mugen levels of awful. I've simply stoped visiting Infinity Mugen because of it, maybe MMV should get on my blacklist too.


And don't even get me started on their forums. They have such a "Yes Man" attitude that it makes having constructive criticism impossible. Everyone praise Chucho for any new char, defending him for "being the first to convert this char". I've tryied to explain that Mugen isn't a f*ing race, ya'know, and if its just to get them first you shouldn't be doing it in the first place, but for every time I pointed that out, 20 more responded with: "Stop whining, he is doing us a favor by converting characters that we wouldn't have otherwise."


Good, now we have 30 characters completely unusable, and some completely stealing the spotlight of the good ones made by other creators.


You don't know it was hard to find out that there was actually other versions of Kazuya and Jin that where not made by Chucho, because he releases so much characters, and clog so much topics (seriously, his Kazuya have atleast a google page if you simply search Kazuya Mugen) that it actually prevent people from getting to know of the good ones, and they just get stuck there, waiting for Chucho to finally finish something.


It's really awful, I'm starting to get really angry at Chucho at this point.

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I've never had problems the people of IM by themselves, they really are nice.


But they still are unable to understand that mugen is not a race. I believe Kong is not an active member of the forums anymore, but he was exactly like Chucho, but while Chucho is the guy of the Edited Sprites, Kong if from the Unpopular Sprites.


Infinity Mugen even used to have an entire section on TVTropes dedicated to explaining why Infinity Mugen was the blackhole of quality, atleast 80% of the examples had atleast one example from Kong's chars.


Maybe MMV need to stop being taken seriously to start understanding that.

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